# Likecoin Validator ###### tags: `likecoin` ## Basic Information chaind id: likecoin-mainnet-2 doc: https://docs.like.co/validator/likecoin-chain-node/setup-a-node other doc: https://github.com/mediumwe11/LikeCoinGuides/ using custom directory: https://discord.com/channels/763001015712350231/862963137417838603/957256182601482260 1 likecoin = 1,000,000,000 nanolike ## Explorer * Big Dipper: https://likecoin.bigdipper.live * Lunie 3: https://stake.like.co/welcome * Ping.Pub: https://ping.pub/likecoin * OMMIFLIX, https://likecoin.omniflix.co/ * BitSong, https://wallet.bitsong.io/ * ATOMScan, https://atomscan.com/likecoin ## Commands ### Check the likecoin chain container name ```bash= docker ps -a ``` ### Help ```bash= # ?? docker-compose run --rm liked-command --help ``` ### get the validator address ```bash= docker-compose run --rm liked-command keys list ``` ### Check the available amount of validator ```bash= docker-compose run --rm liked-command \ query bank balances [validator address] \ --chain-id likecoin-mainnet-2 \ --node tcp://liked-service:26657 ``` ### Check the reward of vlidator ```bash= docker-compose run --rm liked-command \ query distribution rewards [validator address] \ --chain-id likecoin-mainnet-2 \ --node tcp://liked-service:26657 ``` ### Check the sync status The service is restricted to localhost by defalut, cannot directly access outside the server. ```bash= curl localhost:26657/status ``` ### Query validator commission and reward ```bash= #liked command, tbc ``` . ```html https://mainnet-node.like.co/distribution/validators/[validator address] ``` https://mainnet-node.like.co/distribution/validators/cosmosvaloper1j4k7ya6fa8eyg5vtpdmhf30fz5cn00330uj00f ### Withdraw commission and reward ```bash= docker-compose run --rm liked-command \ tx distribution withdraw-rewards [validator address] \ --commission \ --from validator \ --chain-id likecoin-mainnet-2 \ --node tcp://liked-service:26657 ``` ### Sendout likecoin from validator ```bash= docker-compose run --rm liked-command \ tx bank send validator [to address] [likecoin amount]nanolike \ --from validator \ --chain-id likecoin-mainnet-2 \ --node tcp://liked-service:26657 ``` ### Unjail validator 0.01% of the delegated LikeCoin will be slashed if you are jailed. Reference: https://docs.like.co/user-guide/background#9e68 ```bash= docker-compose run --rm liked-command \ tx staking unjail \ --from validator \ --chain-id likecoin-mainnet-2 \ --node tcp://liked-service:26657 ``` ### Edit validator moniker and details ```bash= docker-compose run --rm liked-command \ tx staking edit-validator \ --from validator \ --moniker="<your_moniker>" \ --details="<your_details>" \ --website="<your_website>" \ --chain-id likecoin-mainnet-2 \ --node tcp://liked-service:26657 ``` for the avatar, you need to register https://keybase.io/ --> upload avatar --> add PGP key (only on desktop program) --> find the 16 characters --> edit validator by using above command with ```--identity [16 chars from keybase]``` ### Deposit proposal ```bash= docker-compose run --rm liked-command \ tx gov deposit [proposal id] [likecoin amount]000000000nanolike \ --from validator \ --chain-id likecoin-mainnet-2 \ --node tcp://liked-service:26657 ``` check record: https://stake.like.co/welcome -> Explore with any address -> enter self delegate address -> Explore -> Transactions ### Vote proposal ```bash= # query proposal docker-compose run --rm liked-command \ query gov proposals \ --chain-id likecoin-mainnet-2 \ --node tcp://liked-service:26657 # vote proposal docker-compose run --rm vote [proposal id] yes ``` check record: https://stake.like.co/welcome -> Explore with any address -> enter self delegate address -> Explore -> Transactions Check the vote record: goto bigdipper -> validator -> Self-Delegate Address -> ~~governance record~~ ### Import old validator to new node use the mnemonic words ```bash= docker-compose run --rm liked-command \ keys add validator --recover ``` ## Backup & Restore should backup mnemonic words, private key, operator key and consensus key. otherwise, you may not able to recover the valiator. files inside `.liked/config` ### Backup N/A ### Restore N/A ## Transaction fee transaction fee = gasWanted x gasPrice, [[source]](https://matters.news/@edmond/%E8%AB%87%E8%AB%87%E8%BD%89%E5%B8%B3-like-coin-%E7%9A%84-gas-%E8%B2%BB%E7%94%A8-bafyreiaj5bbeu72rlt3bh5ukvaghzij6xhchswtckeza7kbzcqwbsuqqze) gasWanted = 200,000 nanolike Liker Land team settings [[ref]](https://discord.com/channels/763001015712350231/786614171239448576/899005080362172488): * 0.01 (for user, which don't hold LIKE, login keplr, the low gas price) * 1 (likecoin normal gas price at Keplr) * 10 (the civic tx gas price of liker classic and ibc relayer) * 1000 (default gas price of like.co and liker.land; keplr high gas price) suggest 1 or 1000 ### Edit minimum gas price ```bash= # edit minimum price nano .liked/config/app.toml ## then edit ## minimum-gas-prices = "1nanolike" # restart docker docker-compose stop docker-compose up -d ``` you need to add the paramenter `--fees` to tx commmand otherwise the tx will be rejected. i.e. `--fees 2000000nanolike` ### Query the self peer address ```bash= # query node id docker-compose run --rm liked-command tendermint show-node-id # query ip curl -4 ifconfig.co ``` your peer address will be [node id]@[ip] ## Resign Validator Since you don't who delegate coins to you, you should try to make announcement ```bash= # only undelegate the self delegation docker-compose run --rm liked-command \ tx staking unbond [validator-address] \ --from validator \ --chain-id likecoin-mainnet-2 \ --node tcp://liked-service:26657 ``` ## Node Monitoring ### AWS create an alarm to monitor the network traffic of EC2, i.e. 5min AVG < 5M ### Discord Bot LikeCoin Discord Channel #mainnet-node-status, use `!bind [validator address]` to bind your Discord account with the validator ## Troubleshooting Transaction error * check the transaction message on bigdipper Block signing * Disk issue will cause failure of block signing. * SSD is much better than HDD. * If the resource is not enough, i.e. CPU, RAM, Disk, network, the program can run, but many missing block. The monitor&dashboard of resource may always display normally number. ### known issue #### docker, unsupported config option error message ``` Unsupported config option for services.crete-validator: 'profiles' Unsupported config option for services.init: 'profiles' Unsupported config option for services.liked-command: 'profiles' Unsupported config option for services.vote: 'profiles' ``` Please check the version of docker compose, it should >= 1.29 #### permission deined error message ``` mkdir: cannot create directory '/host/.liked': Permission denied mkdir: cannot create directory '/host/.likecli': Permission denied ``` change the uid to 0 in the .env file, then execute the command with sudo #### port in use error message ``` for liked-service Cannot start service liked-service: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint likecoin-chain_liked-service_1 (xxxxxxxxx): Error starting userland proxy: listen tcp4 bind: address already in use ``` please first check that is any docker instance using the port 26656, if yes delete that instance and try again. If no, please use ```lsof -i :26656``` to check other porgram, if a proram is using the port 26556, try to reconfig that program. #### post failed ``` post failed: Post "http://liked-service:26657": dial tcp: lookup liked-service on 127.0.0.xx:yy: no such host ``` should confirm the docker instance is running normally. #### cannot find keyring message ``` Error: The specified item could not be found in the keyring ``` check the keys ```bash= docker-compose run --rm liked-command keys list ``` if it reuturns ``` [] ``` it means not keys, you need to * import the old key, or * migrate the old key, or * create new key #### disk full should resize the disk before full, otherwise data will corrupt, need to restore from snapshot and resync #### some issue ```.likecli```, ```.liked``` should not use sym links ## License [CC0](https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/)