--- tags: post-mortem state: open project: infrastructure --- <!-- markdownlint-disable MD013 --> # YYYY-MM-DD - [Incident Title] **! This document is open to feedback until the [post-mortem publication + 7 days] then this document will be archived on [jenkins-infra/documentation](https://github.com/jenkins-infra/documentation) !** ## Chronology * YYYY-MM-DD - HH:MM UTC: [Something] ## Impacts * [Something was broken from YYYY-MM-DD - HH:MM UTC until YYYY-MM-DD - HH:MM UTC] ## Technical Elements * [Link to any build, commit, PR, document] ## What Went Wrong? * [We broke something] ## Proposal Improvements ### Short term * [Low Risk change to be made immediately or in the upcoming week] ### Medium-term * [Medium Risk change to be made in the upcoming 3 weeks] ### Long-term * [Change to be made in the upcoming months or require a big bang brainstorm]