# What Do You Need to Know About the Spain Golden Visa In a time of increased international travel and interest in foreign residence options, the Spain Golden Visa has become a popular option for people looking to become residents of Spain through investment. By significantly boosting the economy of Spain, non-EU nationals can now apply for resident permits through this program. In this article, we will explore the key aspects of the Spain Golden Visa Program. ![What Do You Need to Know About the Spain Golden Visa](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/ryhBZbonp.jpg) The Spanish government launched the residence-by-investment program in 2013 known as the Spain Golden Visa, also known as the Residence Visa for Investors and Entrepreneurs. Its main goal is to bring in foreign capital and boost economic expansion by offering resident permits to non-EU nationals who contribute significantly to Spain's economy. **Requirements** Applicants must meet strict eligibility standards and fulfill particular investment requirements to be eligible for the Spain Golden Visa. If you are having any doubts regarding the Spain Golden Visa or about **[residir en EspaƱa por inversion](https://bvspain.com/golden-visa-espana/)**, BVSpain provides detailed help. They are experts in taking care of the processing of your golden visa and also give detailed support on everything related to the investments that will enable the golden visa. **1.Financial Investment:** Investing in Spanish assets is one of the main requirements for the Spain Golden Visa program. This can be achieved in a number of ways, such as by investing in certain businesses or buying real estate, stocks, or government bonds. Depending on the kind of investment chosen, there are different minimum investment requirements. **2.Clean Criminal Record:** Applicants must provide proof of a clean criminal history in both their home country and any other nations they have lived in during the last five years. **3.Health Insurance:** In Spain, private health insurance coverage is a must-have requirement for applicants. **4.Proof of Funds:** Applicants must provide evidence of sufficient financial records in order to support themselves and their dependents during their stay in Spain. **5.Residency Requirement:** Although there is no minimum residency requirement for the Spain Golden Visa, applicants must visit Spain at least once while the visa is in effect in order to keep their residency status. **Application Process** **1.Preparation of Documentation:** Applicants must obtain and complete the necessary paperwork, which includes investment proof, criminal record clearance certificates, proof of finances, and health insurance coverage. **2.Application Submission:** The filled-out application is submitted to the Spanish consulate or embassy in the applicant's home nation, along with the necessary supporting documentation. **3.Review and Approval:** To confirm the applicant's eligibility, Spanish officials examine the application and run background checks. After being accepted, the applicant receives a visa that enables them to go to Spain and finish the residency requirements. **4.Residency Registration:** Visa holders are required to register their residency with the local authorities within the specified time upon arriving in Spain. **5.Renewal and Permanent Residency:** The initial Spain Golden Visa is valid for one year and it can be extended for a further two years as long as the investment is maintained. After five years of continuous residency, investors can apply for permanent residency or Spanish citizenship, subject to meeting additional requirements. **Conclusion** For those looking to become residents of Spain through investment, the Spain Golden Visa program is an attractive opportunity. From the above, you can get a detailed knowledge about the requirements and the application process for the Spain Golden Visa.