# Practical Steps to Effectively Dismiss QuickBooks Error H202 ![Practical Steps to Effectively Dismiss QuickBooks Error H202](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/SyO8mUWca.png) <p>Difficulty while running QuickBooks in a multi-hosting environment is the main culprit for the H series error codes, including <b>QuickBooks error H202</b>. This error message can prevent users from accessing the company files on the server and workstations and can occur due to some common causes, like a weak connection or damaged company data files. If you encounter <b><a href="https://blog.accountinghelpline.com/quickbooks-desktop-issues/quickbooks-error-h202/">QuickBooks error code H202</a></b>, you can perform the troubleshooting steps below to tackle the issue once and for all.</p><p></p><blockquote>You can reach out to our QB support team at +1-855-738-2784 to get direct assistance with the hosting problems in the app in case these solutions seem too technical or these steps take a long time to undertake.</blockquote><p></p><h2 style="text-align: left;">QuickBooks Error Message H202: Common Reasons and Possible Factors</h2><div>The following main causes and primary scenarios might be responsible for QuickBooks Desktop error H202 -</div><div><ol style="text-align: left;"><li>The QBW company data files might be Damaged, Improper, or Corrupted, and these files might be stored in an incorrect folder.</li><li>Essential services, like the database server manager, might not be running correctly, and these services might be inactive, unresponsive, outdated, or missing from the server PC.</li><li>The Windows firewall or an anti-virus app might cause blockages while running QuickBooks in a multi-user mode, which can lead to obstructions.</li><li>The hosting setup on the server PC might be incorrect or misconfigured, and the settings might prevent users from accessing the company files on the workstations.</li><li>The DNS settings on the host computer might be incorrectly configured, and the inappropriate security setup might cause interferences in the process.</li></ol><div style="text-align: center;"><b><i>Read Also:&nbsp;<a href="https://blog.accountinghelpline.com/quickbooks-payroll-error/quickbooks-payroll-error-ps032/">How do I fix PS032 error in QuickBooks?</a></i></b></div><h2 style="text-align: left;">Detailed Methods to Reliably Remove QuickBooks Multi-User Error H202</h2></div><div>QuickBooks company file error H202 can be easily rectified by following the detailed solutions mentioned below -</div><h3 style="text-align: left;">Solution 1 - Edit the Data Service Permissions from the Properties Tab of the File Folder</h3><div>You can resolve QB error code H202 by modifying the service user settings from the properties tab.</div><div><ol style="text-align: left;"><li>Open the Company File Folder and right-click the folder name to choose Properties, then go to the Security section.</li><li>Now, choose the Advancedoption and select the QBDataServiceUserXX version, then hit Edit and go to the Permissions section.</li><li>Select Allowed to allow the read and write permissions to the user, followed by hitting OK and rerunning the app in a multi-user mode.</li></ol><h3 style="text-align: left;">Solution 2 - Mend the Network Settings from the Tool Hub by Utilizing the Database Service</h3></div><div>Issues while running the files in a hosting setup can be fixed by troubleshooting the network issues from the tool hub.</div><div><ol style="text-align: left;"><li>Open the QuickBooks Tool Hub to choose the QuickBooks Database Server Manager from the Network Issues section, then initiate the scan process.</li><li>Select Start Scan and browse the company file, then hit Close once the tool stops running, followed by rerunning QuickBooks to access the data files in a hosting mode.</li></ol><h2 style="text-align: left;">Conclusion</h2></div><div><b>QuickBooks error H202</b> can be successfully rectified by using the troubleshooting steps above. If the hosting problems persist even after performing these solutions, you can call our QB assistants at <b>+1-855-738-2784</b> to get the best guidance with the error.</div><div style="text-align: center;"><b><i>You May Read More: <a href="https://hackmd.io/@j8FBY6gqSte0_3fzMUdK6Q/Sk9N3Igc6">How To Resolve&nbsp;QuickBooks Mainframe Must Be Already Created By Now As This DLL Is Demand Loaded</a></i></b></div>