# Iperf2 與 Iperf3 哪裡大不同 ## :memo: 介紹 iperf 是用來測試 Server 與 Client 之間的連線速度工具 :::info :bulb: **差別 I** iperf2 能夠測試 TCP 及 UDP iperf3 只能夠測試 TCP :bulb: **差別 II** iperf2 能控制 multiple client requests iperf3 只能一次建立一條 iperf connection :bulb: **差別 III** `iperf3不相容iperf2` Some iperf2 Features Not Supported by iPerf3: (Bidirectional testing (-d / -r) & Data transmitted from stdin (-I)) ::: ## :rocket: iperf2 介紹用法 ```javascript iperf [-u] [-s|-c host] [options] ``` ### ==Server== #### Opts: ``` -s # server mode -D, --daemon -p N # listen 那個 port ( Default: 5001 ) -B IP # listen 那個 interface -u # 用 UDP 去 test speed ( Default: TCP ) -w, --window n[KM] # 更改 TCP window size ( socket buffer size ) ``` #### i.e. 所有都用 Default Setting 來執行 Server ``` iperf -s ``` 改用 UDP 及 Port 8888 並 bind 其中一個 Interface ``` iperf -s -u -P 5001 -B ``` ### ==Client== #### Opts ``` -c # client mode -t t # 測試幾秒 ( Default 10 secs ) -f [kmKM] # 顯示的單位 ( Kbits, Mbits, KBytes, MBytes ) -i s # 多久一次 report -p p # server port, default port 5001 -P, --parallel n # number of parallel client threads to run -w N # 是用來加大 TCP Window Size ( defealt 8 KByte ) ``` Default Upload Test Only !! ( C -> S ) #### i.e. 測試 20 秒, Unit: Mbit, 每5秒report一次 ``` iperf -c -t 20 -f M -i 5 ``` ### UDP 測試 iperf uses a **default** of **1Mb/sec** for UDP tests. #### opts ``` -u # 使用 udp 測試 (Default 是用 tcp) -b # 限制 bandwidth. --bandwidth n[k/m](bit/sec) requires UDP (-u) Use the -b flag on the iperf client to specify the UDP bandwidth ``` #### i.e. ``` iperf -c -t 20 -i 5 -u -b 100m ``` #### i.e. 來回測試 (-r / -d) ``` iperf -c -f K -r ``` ``` -L N # 是指要 Server 送 data 到 client 的指定 port (client local port) -r # --tradeoff, 是指先 client upload 完後, server 才再送 data 回 Client -d # --dualtest, 同時互相傳遞資料 ( duplex ) ``` --- ## :memo: iperf3 介紹用法 New Features in iperf 3.1 ``` -I, --pidfile file write a file with the process ID, most useful when running as a daemon. --cport : Specify the client-side port. --sctp use SCTP rather than TCP (Linux, FreeBSD and Solaris). --udp-counters-64bit : Support very long-running UDP tests, which could cause a counter to overflow --logfile file : send output to a log file. ``` New Features in iPerf 3.0 : ``` Dynamic server (client/server parameter exchange) (Most server options from iPerf2 can now be dynamically set by the client) Client/server results exchange iPerf API (libiperf) – Provides an easy way to use, customize and extend iPerf functionality -R, Reverse test mode – Server sends, client receives -O, --omit N : omit the first n seconds (to ignore TCP slowstart) -b, --bandwidth n[KM] for TCP (only UDP for IPERF 2): Set target bandwidth to n bits/sec (default 1 Mbit/sec for UDP, unlimited for TCP). -V, --verbose : more detailed output than before -J, --json : output in JSON format -Z, --zerocopy : use a 'zero copy' sendfile() method of sending data. This uses much less CPU. ( Client Opts) -T, --title str : prefix every output line with this string -F, --file name : xmit/recv the specified file -A, --affinity n/n,m : set CPU affinity (cores are numbered from 0 - Linux and FreeBSD only) -k, --blockcount #[KMG] : number of blocks (packets) to transmit (instead of -t or -n) -C, --linux-congestion : set congestion control algorithm (Linux and FreeBSD only) (-Z in iPerf2) ``` ### ==Server== ``` iperf3 -s -D -i 5 -f M -p 5201 --logfile iperf.log -I iperf.pid ``` ``` -f, --format [kmKM] # 'k' = Kbits/sec, 'K' = KBytes/sec -F, --file name # client-side: read from the file and write to the network, instead of using random data; # server-side: read from the network and write to the file, instead of throwing the data away. -i, --interval n # If zero, no periodic reports are printed. Default is zero. ``` ### ==Client== ``` -O, --omit n # Omit the first n seconds of the test, to skip past the TCP TCP slowstart period. -P, --parallel n # The number of simultaneous connections to make to the server. Default is 1. -R, --reverse # Run in reverse mode (server sends, client receives). ``` --- 參考來源: https://datahunter.org/iperf