# Zenodo guide
Last updated: 2023-01-16
URL for this page: https://hackmd.io/@investinopen/zenodo
URL for this site: https://hackmd.io/@investinopen/how-we-work
## Deposit checklist
Here is how to deposit content into [IOI's Zenodo community collection](https://zenodo.org/communities/investinopen). See also Zenodo's [instructional documentation](https://help.zenodo.org/).
1. Log in to IOI's community account (details stored in 1Password shared vault).
1. From IOI's community home page (https://zenodo.org/communities/investinopen/), click on "New upload."
1. Upload your content file.
* Each Zenodo deposit can only be updated with revised files in file formats originally uploaded. For this reason, consider including multiple file formats of the work in your original deposit.
* For example, in order to ensure maximal dissemination of an IOI report, consider uploading to Zenodo (under a single DOI):
- [odt](https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q184473) version of the report (preferred)
- [pdf](https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q42332) version of the report
- [docx](https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q279979) version of the report (best for documents with comments)
- any images or charts (each separate file)
- any other data (eg spreadsheet, txt file, etc)
[![multiple file formats illustration](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/SkN3QpVJo.png)](https://zenodo.org/record/7017427)
3. Choose an "Upload type." Types of content accepted by Zenodo:
- Annotation collection
- Book section
- Book
- Conference paper
- Data management plan
- Dataset
- Diagram
- Drawing
- Figure
- Journal article
- Lesson
- Other
- Patent
- Photo
- Physical object
- Plot
- Poster
- Preprint
- Presentation
- Project deliverable
- Project milestone
- Proposal
- Report
- Software documentation
- Software
- Taxonomic treatment
- Technical note
- Thesis
- Video/Audio
- Working paper
4. Choose a date of first publication.
5. Add title.
6. Add author(s), their affiliation, and ORCID ID. Input author names as "[family name], [given name]."
7. Add a sentence or two describing the content.
- For in-progress research and other content, please add the following boilerplate text:
> "This is a working draft. We aim to invite reviews and revise this work in the near future. Please contact research [at] investinopen [dot] org if you have any questions about this work."
9. Add language of the work (eg English).
11. Add keywords that will help people to find this content in the future. Add a new line for each separate keyword or keyword phrase.
![keyword input illustration](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/SyOkaaAj9.png)
Content added by IOI to Zenodo prior to 2022 included the following keywords:
- business models
- e-books
- finance models
- financial models
- financial sustainability
- funding
- infrastructure
- Latin America
- monograph
- open access
- open data
- open education
- open infrastructure
- open scholarship
- open science
- open source
- preprints
- publishing
- research data
- scholarly communication
- scholarly publishing
- service
- sustainability
- university presses
10. In the "Additional notes" field, add information about how the work was funded. Please also include text: *"Additional information about how our work is funded can be found here: https://investinopen.org/about/how-were-funded/."*
11. Choose type of access right. See also [IOI's privacy policy](https://investinopen.org/ioi-privacy-policy/).
12. Choose license. See also [IOI's license recommendations](https://hackmd.io/@investinopen/standards#Licenses).
13. After you have successfully published your submission to Zenodo, please create a bibliographic citation in IOI's Zotero library. See [IOI's instructional documentation about editing Zotero](https://hackmd.io/@investinopen/tools-we-use#Zotero).
14. Finally, if your source document is stored in IOI's private Google Drive, please add metadata to your source document by means of a "Zenodo" label. See [IOI's instructional documentation about labels in Google Drive](https://hackmd.io/@investinopen/info-management?type=view#Google-Drive1).
![Zenodo label in Google Drive](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/ry2KfV3Qs.png)
## Reserving a DOI for Supplemental Files
Sometimes you want to have a DOI ready before you publish an item. This is most often the case with supplemental files - you want to be able to use the DOI in your report to link to the supplemental file. In this case, you can "reserve" a DOI through Zenodo to get the link before it is live.
1. Start a New Upload.
2. Make sure to select the community you wish to upload to (in most cases, select Invest in Open Infrastructure).
3. If the file is ready, upload it. If the file is not ready, upload a blank file of some sort so that you can save the draft of the entry.
4. Fill in the required basic information as though you were making the entry according to the guidelines above: Resource Type, Title, Publication date, Creators. (Note: these can all be edited later!)
5. For the Digital Object Identifier selection, select "no" for "Do you already have a DOI for this upload?"
6. Select "Get a DOI now!" and copy the DOI that is generated below.
7. Select "Save Draft" at the bottom of the page.
8. Use the reserved DOI to link to your supplemental files in your documents. When you are ready to publish, return to your Dashboard in Zenodo to edit the drafts and polish them up for publication.
[See also: Zenodo's documentation](https://help.zenodo.org/docs/deposit/describe-records/reserve-doi/)
## See also
- [Description of IOI's research output genres](https://hackmd.io/@investinopen/research-products)
- IOI's [Research reporting guide](https://hackmd.io/@investinopen/research-reporting)
- [IOI publications catalog](https://hackmd.io/@investinopen/publications), 2019-current
- IOI's [Records + information management guide](https://hackmd.io/@investinopen/info-management)
- Examples of other Zenodo communities
\-\- [ceric-eric](https://zenodo.org/communities/ceric-eric)
\-\- [COPIM](https://zenodo.org/communities/copim/)
\-\- [DARIAH](https://zenodo.org/communities/dariah)
\-\- [EOSC-Synergy](https://zenodo.org/communities/eosc_synergy)
\-\- [FOSTER](https://zenodo.org/communities/foster)
\-\- [Open Science Community Saudi Arabia](https://zenodo.org/communities/1231231664/)
\-\- [SPARC Europe](https://zenodo.org/communities/sparceurope)
- [Zenodo contact form](https://zenodo.org/support)
- Archived copy of this page (via the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine): https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://hackmd.io/@investinopen/zenodo
This page first published: 2022-07-13
###### tags: `about-us` `tools` `process`
<a rel="license" href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/"><img alt="Creative Commons License" style="border-width:0" src="https://i.creativecommons.org/l/by/4.0/88x31.png" /></a><br />This work is made available under a <a rel="license" href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/">Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License</a>. Users are free to share, remix, and adapt this work. (Please attribute [Invest in Open Infrastructure](https://investinopen.org/) in any derivative work).