# Key milestones in IOI’s history Last updated: 2023-07-05 URL to this page: https://hackmd.io/@investinopen/timeline URL for this site: https://hackmd.io/@investinopen/how-we-work ## 2018 **August** -- [Joint Roadmap for Open Science Tools (JROST)](https://jrost.org/meetings) conference held (IOI begins as a coalition). ## 2019 **May** -- investinopen.org website launched. **June** -- [Mapping the Scholarly Communication Landscape – 2019 Census](https://investinopen.org/blog/educopia-releases-mapping-the-scholarly-communication-landscape-2019-census-report-and-data-visualizations/) research report published by Educopia. **October** -- Code for Science and Society announces fiscal sponsorship of IOI. -- Schmidt Futures awards $150,000 USD one-year grant. **November** -- Sloan Foundation awards $50,000 USD one-year grant. ## 2020 **March** -- Kaitlin Thaney joins IOI as Executive Director. **June** -- IOI issues an open [call for participation](https://investinopen.org/blog/reopening-plans-and-the-future-of-open-scholarship-a-call-for-participation/) for their [Future of Open Scholarship project](https://investinopen.org/research/future-of-open-scholarship/). -- Center for Research Libraries awards $5,000 USD one-year grant to support the Future of Open Scholarship work. -- Stanford Libraries awards $5,000 USD one-year grant to support the Future of Open Scholarship work. -- Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition (SPARC) awards $20,000 USD one-year grant to support the Future of Open Scholarship work and grow IOI’s research capacity. -- State University of New York (SUNY) at Buffalo awards $20,000 USD one-year grant to support the Future of Open Scholarship work and grow IOI’s research capacity. -- North Carolina State University awards $10,000 USD one-year grant to support the Future of Open Scholarship work. **July** -- Chan Zuckerberg Initiative (CZI) awards $50,000 USD one-year grant to support the second JROST conference. -- Indiana University-Bloomington awards $10,000 USD one-year grant to support the Future of Open Scholarship work. -- Iowa State University awards $5,000 USD one-year grant to support the Future of Open Scholarship work. **August** -- [Educopia](https://educopia.org/) awards $20,000 seven-month subgrant to IOI to administer an assessment pilot and the [Next Generation Library Publishing project](https://educopia.org/next-generation-library-publishing/). **September** -- SPARC Europe and IOI publish [Ten Key Interviews](https://investinopen.org/research-resources/sustainability-interviews/). **October** -- CZI awards $80,000 USD one-year grant to provide operational support and grow IOI’s research capacity. -- Wellcome Trust awards $40,000 USD one-year grant to support the Future of Open Scholarship work and analysis of the open monograph ecosystem. -- Libraries of the Big Ten Academic Alliance award $20,000 USD one-year grant to provide operational support and grow IOI’s research capacity. -- [Scoping the Open Science Infrastructure Landscape in Europe](https://investinopen.org/research-resources/scoping-the-open-science-infrastructure-landscape-in-europe/) research report published by SPARC Europe in collaboration with IOI. **November** -- Schmidt Futures grants IOI an additional $150,000 USD (matching gift of their initial 2019 grant). **December** -- [Joint Roadmap for Open Science Tools (JROST)](https://investinopen.org/jrost2020-agenda/) event takes place online. Videos of the over 50 sessions can be accessed [here](https://investinopen.org/blog/jrost-videos-are-now-online/).  -- IOI administers its first funding pilot via a [Rapid Response Fund](https://investinopen.org/blog/jrost-rapid-response-fund/), supported by Hypothesis, Crossref, CZI and ITHAKA. In total, [$50,000 USD was awarded to 8 projects](https://investinopen.org/blog/jrost-rapid-response-fund-awardees/). ## 2021 **January** -- Sloan Foundation awards $36,850 USD one-year grant for a Research Fellowship pilot program. **February** -- [Mellon Foundation awards $135,125 USD](https://investinopen.org/blog/mellon-grant-hidden-costs-open-infrastructure/) 15-month grant to investigate hidden costs of open infrastructure. **April** -- Stanford Libraries renews its support with a $5,000 USD commitment. **May** -- IOI administers a community consultation to gather feedback and comment on their [draft three-year strategic plan](https://investinopen.org/blog/the-work-ahead-iois-strategic-plan/). -- [IOI issues action statement following announcement of ProQuest acquisition by Clarivate Analytics for $5.3B USD](https://investinopen.org/blog/take-action-to-stop-the-lock-up-of-research-and-learning/) -- Public event ["Building Technical Resilience in Open Infrastructure"](https://investinopen.org/blog/building-technical-resilience-video-now-live/) held online. **June** -- Public event ["Maintenance & Labor of Open Infrastructure"](https://investinopen.org/blog/maintenance-and-labor-of-open-infrastructure-recap-recording-and-reading-list/) held online. -- [Arcadia awards $3,470,000 USD three-year grant to IOI](https://investinopen.org/blog/ioi-arcadia-funding/) to increase investment in open infrastructure for research. -- EBSCO makes a $35,000 USD contribution to IOI. -- Public event ["Ensuring Accountability & Oversight in Open Infrastructure"](https://investinopen.org/blog/accountability-in-open-infrastructure-recap-recording-and-how-to-join-us/) held online. -- [Strategic Plan for 2021-2024](https://investinopen.org/about/strategic-plan-2021-2024/) unanimously approved by the IOI Steering Committee; launched to the public. **July** -- Asura Enkhbayar and Richard Dunks hired as Research Data Analysts. **August** -- Public [Community session on IOI's governance plans and launch of the Community Oversight Council](https://investinopen.org/blog/governance-community-oversight/) held online. -- [Designing a Preparedness Model for the Future of Open Scholarship](https://zenodo.org/record/5218968#.YfHBYPXMI-Q) research report published. **September** -- [Costs of Open Infrastructure](https://investinopen.org/blog/mapping-the-costs-of-open-infrastructure/) research investigation begins. -- Teri Wanderi and Anne Britton hired as [inaugural Research Fellows](https://investinopen.org/blog/introducing-iois-research-fellows/), funded by the Sloan Foundation. -- [Community Oversight Council](https://investinopen.org/about/who-we-are/) formed. **September-October** -- [Interviews](https://investinopen.org/blog/the-costs-of-open-infrastructure-conversations-with-providers-funders-and-institutions/), focus groups held as part of [Costs of Open Infrastructure research](https://investinopen.org/research/costs-of-open-infrastructure/). **November** -- Costs of Open Infrastructure research [subjects](https://investinopen.org/blog/costs-characteristics-oi-providers/) announced. -- Survey of funding data [sources](https://investinopen.org/blog/funding-open-infrastructure-a-survey-of-available-data-sources/) for Costs of Open Infrastructure project published. **December** -- [IOI Community Oversight Council issue statement](https://investinopen.org/blog/the-conquest-of-proquest-and-knowledge-unlatched-how-recent-mergers-are-bad-for-research-and-the-public/) in reaction to Clarivate/ProQuest acquisition and Knowledge Unlatched acquisition by Wiley. ## 2022 **January** -- Richard Dunks promoted to Director of Research and Strategy. -- Anne Britton hired as Project Coordinator. -- [Catalog of Open Infrastructure Services (COIs)](https://investinopen.org/research/catalog/) launched. -- Public "[Catalog of Open Infrastructure Services (COIs) Informational Sessions](https://investinopen.org/blog/cois-info-sessions-recap)" held online. **February** -- Emmy Tsang hired as Engagement Lead. -- Biweekly blogpost series "What We Are Working On" begins publication. **February-March** -- [Strategy retreat](https://investinopen.org/blog/strategy-retreat-recap-key-learnings-and-resources/) held. **March** -- Saman Goudarzi begins work as research affiliate. -- Research Organisation Registry (ROR) unique identifier assigned for IOI: [0588n4k65](https://ror.org/0588n4k65). **April** -- First quarterly Collaborator Call held. -- "Defining Open Scholarly Infrastructure: Preliminary Investigation" literature review published. **May** -- Samuel Moore and Ravin Cline begin work as research affiliates. -- Community Discussion held with Afua Bruce and Amy Sample Ward. -- Public "[Catalog of Open Infrastructure Services (COIs) survey Q+A sessions](https://investinopen.org/blog/next-steps-for-the-catalog-of-open-infrastructure-services-cois/)" held online. **June** -- Internal team strategy retreat held. -- Public "Response Workshop for the UNESCO global call for best practices in open science" held. -- Tania Hernandez begins work as Research Data Analyst. -- Second quarterly Collaborator Call held. **July** -- Carmela Key-Mays joins staff as [Administrative Assistant](https://hackmd.io/@investinopen/job-descriptions#Administrative-Assistant); Matt Canute begins work as data engineer; and Naomi Penfold, Taimour Azizuddin, and Samala begin work as research affiliates. -- IOI participates in first session of the UNESCO Working Group on Open Science Infrastructures. -- First upload to IOI's [Zotero community collection](https://zenodo.org/communities/investinopen). **August** -- Community discussion held on financial health. **September** -- Kaitlin and Emmy attend Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Annual Open Science Meeting. -- Staff meet in New York for in-person team retreat. **October** -- Naomi Penfold joins staff as Research Data Analyst; Tim Elfenbein begins work as research affiliate; Jerry Sellanga joins staff as Communications Associate. -- First [dataset published](https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7259472). -- Emmy presents on open infrastructure definitions at a virtual [event](https://investinopen.org/community/why-and-how-to-invest-in-open-research-infrastructure-vivo-talks/) hosted by the Berlin University Alliance. **October-November** -- Week-long virtual [Funders Summit](https://investinopen.org/ioi-funders-summit-2022/) held. **November** -- [Fund launched](https://investinopen.org/blog/ioi-launches-fund-to-deepen-investment-in-open-infrastructure/) to further investment in open infrastructure globally. -- Mastodon feeds launched for both [IOI](https://indieweb.social/@investinopen) and [OITP](https://indieweb.social/@oitp_ioi). -- [Business Development & Partnerships Lead](https://hackmd.io/@investinopen/job-descriptions#Business-Development--Partnerships-Lead) position recruitment begins. **December** -- Naomi presents at the '[Recognizing Preprint Peer Review](https://investinopen.org/blog/next-steps-for-preprint-review-infrastructure/)' event in Virginia, US. -- [Research Lead](https://hackmd.io/@investinopen/job-descriptions#Research-Lead) position recruitment begins. ## 2023 **January** -- Quarterly Collaborator Call held. **February** -- Emmy participates in the [EU Open Source Policy Summit 2023](https://investinopen.org/eu-open-source-policy-summit-2023/) in Brussels, Belgium. -- Kaitlin participates in the [3rd Open Science Conference](https://www.un.org/en/library/OS23) at the United Nations Headquarters in New York, US. -- [Regional research](https://investinopen.org/research/regional-research/) project begins. **March** -- [IOI Dataverse hub](https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataverse/IOI) launched. -- Logo and branding redesigned. -- With the West and Central African Research and Education Network (WACREN), IOI co-hosts '[Charting common pathways for collective action in advancing open infrastructure in Africa](https://investinopen.org/community/wacren-ioi-workshop/)' workshop in Accra, Ghana. -- Mellon Foundation awards $1 million USD to IOI for COIs productization and revenue reinvestment testing. **April** -- Katherine Skinner joins staff as [Research Lead](https://hackmd.io/@investinopen/job-descriptions#Research-Lead); Jennifer Kemp and Sarah Lippincott begin work as research affiliates. -- Quarterly Collaborator Call held. **May** -- Sarah Lang joins staff as [Business Development + Partnerships Lead](https://hackmd.io/@investinopen/job-descriptions#Business-Development--Partnerships-Lead); Madelyn Waterbury begins as [Administrative Assistant](https://hackmd.io/@investinopen/job-descriptions#Administrative-Assistant); Jerry Sellanga becomes Engagement Coordinator, Networks. -- [Open Infrastructure Fund pilot](https://investinopen.org/blog/open-infrastructure-fund-pilot-cfp/) ($5-25k USD) announced. -- Kaitlin attends COAR annual meeting in Costa Rica. **June** -- IOI facilitates workshop on public-private partnerships in Cape Town,South Africa adjacent to the Open Repositories 2023 conference. -- Bilingual [office hours](https://investinopen.org/community/oi-fund-office-hours/) for the Open Infrastructure Fund begin. -- IOI Leadership team attends in-person, internal, strategic retreat in New York. **July** -- [Forthcoming]: Research Data Analyst joins staff. --- ## See also - IOI's bi-weekly [Friday update](https://investinopen.org/tag/friday-updates/) (“What We Are Working On”) blogpost series - [IOI publications catalog](https://hackmd.io/@investinopen/publications) - [IOI in the news](https://investinopen.org/about/in-the-news/) - Archived copy of this page (via the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine): https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://hackmd.io/@investinopen/timeline --- This page first published: 2022-02-07 ###### tags: `about-us` --- <a rel="license" href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/"><img alt="Creative Commons License" style="border-width:0" src="https://i.creativecommons.org/l/by/4.0/88x31.png" /></a><br />This work is made available under a <a rel="license" href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/">Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License</a>. Users are free to share, remix, and adapt this work. (Please attribute [Invest in Open Infrastructure](https://investinopen.org/) in any derivative work).