# IOI Steering Committee meetings Last updated: October 4, 2024 URL for this page: https://hackmd.io/@investinopen/steering-meetings URL for this site: https://hackmd.io/@investinopen/how-we-work ## 2024-06-28 **Date:** June 28, 2024 / 16.00 - 17.30 UTC **Location:** Online **Agenda:** * 16.00 - 16.05 Check-ins & welcome * 16.05 - 16.10 Approval of last meeting's minutes * 16.10 - 16.30 FY25 Budget Review * Operating Fund * Non-Operating Fund * 16.30 - 17.15 Transition planning * Where we are * What’s next * Timeline review & next steps * 17.15 - 17.25 Strategic Plan next steps * 17.25 - 17.30 Wrap up **Notes:** * Minutes approved * FY25 Budget approved * Officers for filing: * Cochairs - Eunice Mercado-Lara & Amy Buckland * Vice chair - Joe Deville * Treasurer - Louise Marston * Secretary - Omo Oaiya * Action: Confirm the board officers for filing **Participants:** Robert Karanja (Co-Develop); Amy Sample Ward (NTEN); Amy Buckland (Concordia University); Jeff Ubois (Lever for Change); Joe Deville (Open Book Collective); Omo Oaiya (WACREN); Berhan Taye (Internews); Eunice Mercado-Lara (Open Research Funders Group); Louise Marston (Resolution Foundation); Lorrayne Porciuncula (Datasphere Initiative); Danil Mikhailov (data.org) **Regrets:** Kaitlin Thaney (IOI) ## 2024-03-22 **Date:** March 22, 2024 / 16.00 - 17.30 UTC **Agenda:** * 16.00 - 16.05 Check-ins & welcome * 16.05 - 16.10 Approval of last meeting's minutes * 16.10 - 17.10 Transition planning for IOI’s Future * Organizational structure: Priorities and considerations * Benefits / limitations of select models * Financial considerations / decision points for spin-out * Timeline & sequencing * 17.10 - 17.30 Wrap up * Next meeting - June 28 **Notes:** * Org structure decision - based on sustainability of projects * Financial Oversight * Projecting * Cost * Action items: * Work with G&N to spin up a temporary Transition subcommittee * Schedule off-cycle Financial Oversight meeting on financial modeling for transition * Solicit recommendations for bookkeepers and other core services * Begin discussions with nonprofit attorneys; synthesize notes for review by Transition subcommittee * Ask CS&S about Model C agreements **Location:** Online **Attendees:** Kaitlin Thaney (IOI), Amy Sample Ward (NTEN), Berhan Taye (Internews), Louise Marston (Resolution Foundation), Joe Deville (Open Book Collective), Eunice Mercado-Lara (Open Research Funders Group) **Regrets:** Amy Buckland (Concordia University), Jeff Ubois (Lever for Change), Robert Karanja (Co-Develop), Lorrayne Porciuncula (Internet & Jurisdiction Policy Network), Danil Mikhailov (data.org) ## 2023-12-15 meeting **Date:** December 15, 2023 / [16.00 - 17.30 UTC](https://www.inyourowntime.zone/2023-12-15_17.00_UTC) **Agenda:** * 16.00 - 16.05 Check-ins & welcome * 16.05 - 16.10 Approval of last meeting's minutes * 16.10 - 16.20 Special thanks & recognition * Steering members concluding their term * 16.20 - 16.30 Operational & Committee updates Q&A (updates provided in advance) * 16.30 - 17.10 Planning for IOI’s Future * What we’re building towards * Scenarios for consideration * Discussion * 17.10 - 17.25 Executive Session * 17.25 - 17.30 Wrap up * Next meeting - Feb 7-8 in Amsterdam **Summary:** * Approval of minutes * Operational & Committee updates * Federal funding overhead * Founding Circle developments * Update on organizational structure * CS&S statement review * Questions * Digital security and safety * Service process to fsps and decision making * Next steps * Further exploration during retreat * Timeline and expectations * Vote by Steering to begin transition of IOI to an independent org **Location:** Online **Attendees:** Kaitlin Thaney (IOI), Amy Sample Ward (NTEN), Berhan Taye (Internews), Amy Buckland (Concordia University), Louise Marston (Resolution Foundation), Evviva Weinraub (University at Buffalo), Leslie Chan (UToronto - Scarborough), Joe Deville (Open Book Collective), Jeff Ubois (Lever for Change), Robert Karanja (Co-Develop), Lorrayne Porciuncula (Internet & Jurisdiction Policy Network) **Absent:** Omo Oaiya (WACREN), Danil Mikhailov (data.org), Eunice Mercado-Lara (Open Research Funders Group) ## 2023-09-22 meeting **Date:** 2023-09-22 / [16.00-17.30UTC](https://www.inyourowntime.zone/2023-09-22_16.00_UTC) **Agenda:** * 16.00-16.05 Check-ins & welcome * 16.05-16.20 Welcome new Steering members * Introductions * 16.20-16.25 Approval of last meeting's minutes * 16.25-16.45 Operational & Committee updates Q&A * 16.45-17.25 Fund update and next steps * Steering in Fund oversight * 17.25-17.30 Wrap up **Summary:** * Minutes for Q4 approved * Operational & Committee updates * Discussion * Fund governance: * Action items * Prospects * Network due diligence * Send updated due diligence & process documentation **Location:** Online **Attendees:** Kaitlin Thaney (IOI), Sarah Lang (IOI), Amy Buckland (Concordia University), Joe Deville (OBC/Lancaster University), Jeff Ubois (Lever for Change), Robert Karanja (Co-Develop), Louise Marston (Resolution Foundation), Leslie Chan, Omo Oaiya (WACREN), Evviva Weinraub (University at Buffalo) **Absent:** Lorrayne Porciuncula (Datasphere), Danil Mikhailov (data.org), Eunice Mercado-Lara (ORFG), Berhan Taye (Internews), Mmaki Jantijies (Telkom SA) ## 2023-06-23 meeting Date: 2023-06-23 / [16.00-17.30UTC](https://www.inyourowntime.zone/2023-06-23_16.00_UTC) **Agenda:** * 16.00-16.05 Check-ins & welcome * 16.05-16.10 Approval of last meeting's minutes * 16.10-16.20 Operational & Committee updates Q&A * IOI updates * Financial Oversight Group * Governance & Nominating * 16.20-17.20 2024 Fund - Scoping, Feedback, & Next Steps * Fund scoping * Stakeholder feedback * How to approach Network Partner Selection * 17.20 - 17.25 Fund next steps * 17.25-17.30 Wrap up **Summary:** * Q3 Minutes approved * Update to the current funding slide * Recap on 2024 Fund * Stakeholder conversations * General interest * Support * Additional clarity * Network partner selection * Feedback **Location:** Online **Attendees:** Kaitlin Thaney (IOI), Sarah Lang (IOI), Amy Buckland (Library & Archives Canada), Evviva Weinraub Lajoie (University at Buffalo), Amy Sample Ward (NTEN), Lorrayne Porciuncula (Internet & Jurisdiction Policy Network), Danil Mikhailov (data.org) **Absent:** Leslie Chan (UToronto - Scarborough), Mmaki Jantjies (Telkom SA), Berhan Taye (Internews), Omo Oaiya (WACREN) ## 2023-03-24 meeting Date: March 24, 2023 / [17.00-18.00UTC](https://www.inyourowntime.zone/2023-02-17_17.00_UTC) **Agenda:** * 16.00-16.10 UTC: Welcome & check-ins (All) * 16.10-16.15: Minutes Review & Approval * 16.15-16:20 Operational & Committee Updates Discussion - IOI Updates - Financial Oversight - Governance & Nominating * 16.20-17:15: Fund Design - Parameters & Discussion * 17.15-17.25: Next steps * 17.30: Call adjourned **Minutes:** * **Unanimous approval of Q2 minutes** * **Check-ins & welcome** IOI team members * **Approval of last meeting's minutes** * **Operational & Committee updates Q&A** - IOI updates -- Funding update -- Personnel update & what’s next - Financial Oversight Group -- Financial reporting - Governance & Nominating -- Upcoming recruitment * **Fund Design - Kickoff & Brainstorm** -- Goals & Aims: What we’re building towards -- Assets: What we’re building on / informed by -- Setting parameters -- Examples & facilitated exercise * Next steps (5 min): -- Next call - June 23, 2023 **Location:** Online **Attendees:** Kaitlin Thaney (IOI); Emmy Tsang (IOI); Sarah Lang (incoming Business Development & Partnerships Lead, IOI); Katherine Skinner (incoming Research Lead, IOI); Amy Buckland; Amy Sample Ward; Berhan Taye; Leslie Chan; MMaki Jantjies; Lorrayne Porciuncula; Danil Mikhailov **Absent:** Evviva Lajoie; Danil Mikhailov; Omo Oaiya **Summary of Action items:** * Meeting minutes approval: no comments or revisions - approved unanimously. * Kaitlin offering overview over operational updates, staffing updates, including update re: research team staffing, upcoming recruitment * Kaitlin to send Steering Committee recruitment needs and solicitation form to members following the meeting * Presentation of initial Fund considerations and examples from IOI Leadership team * Team will follow up with Committee members on process and scoping of the Fund, aim to synthesize for Q4 meeting ## 2022-12-16 meeting Date: December 16, 2022 / [17.00-18.00UTC](https://www.inyourowntime.zone/2023-02-17_17.00_UTC) ### Agenda Agenda: 17.00-17.09 UTC: Welcome & check-ins (All) 17.09-17.12: A Look Back at 2022 Operational Updates 17.09-17:10 Q2 Committee Updates Financial Oversight Governance & NominatingGoals for Today 17.10-17.11: Operational Updates 17.12-17.19: Staffing Update 17.19-17.32: Executive Session Meeting (KT not present - Held Privately) 17.32-17.50: Funders Summit Recap 17.51-17.563: Planning for 2023 Fund Strategy 17.54-17.56: What We are Starting With 17.56-18.12: DiscussionQuestions for Today 18.13: Call adjourned Minutes: * Unanimous approval of Q1 minutes * Personnel / staffing changes: -- Transitioning Director of Research Strategy to Research Lead -- Richard Dunks’ last day is January 27, 2023. -- Moving all leads to Level 4 in line with compensation philosophy responsibility levels -- Update on upcoming hires (funding pending) & distribution of labor * Governance & Nominating Committee -- Recap of Executive Director Review & Compensation Philosophy design + future work Invitation for Steering Committee to comment / add questions. -- KT will share Compensation Philosophy with IOI staff in Q3 for their feedback -- Note that Performance reviews for this fiscal year will be in Q3 (not Q4 / Q1) to deconflict with end of fiscal / budget planning * Term renewals / Board recruitment -- Evviva and Leslie - extending terms to Jan 2024 -- Aiming to bring on 2-4 new Steering members in 2023. * Executive Session --Executive Director Compensation recommendation and vote * Fund development -- KT to explore bringing in external support to guide design process --March Steering Committee meeting to be a facilitated brainstorm session re: the fund. Location: Online Attendees: Kaitlin Thaney (IOI); Danielle Robinson (CS&S); Leslie Chan (University of Toronto- Scarborough); Amy Buckland (Library & Archives Canada); Berhan Taye (Internews); Amy Sample Ward (NTEN); Danil Mikhailov (data.org) Absent: Evviva Weinraub Lajoie (University at Buffalo); Mmaki Jantjies (Telkom SA); Omo Oaiya (WACREN) Summary of Action items: * Dedicate the March 18 Steering meeting to fund planning / design. Bring in a facilitator / strategist. * KT to look into groups we can contract with to support the fund design process. * KT to work with Amy Buckland at the next meeting to outline cadence for design/strategy meetings for 2023; share a timeline with the Steering Committee in Q3. * More updates on the Steering Committee recruitment next steps and organization needs to come in Q3. ## 2022-09-23 meeting Date: September 23, 2022 / [17.00-18.00UTC](https://www.inyourowntime.zone/2022-09-23_17.00_UTC) ### Agenda 16.00-16.10 UTC: Welcome & check-ins (All) 16.10-16.20: Operational updates Q&A 16.20-15:25 Business Development & paths towards sustainability Current support and operational runway Key drivers of business 17.25-17.30: Next steps 17.30 Call adjourned Minutes: Location: Online Attendees: Kaitlin Thaney (IOI); Danielle Robinson (CS&S); Danil Mikahilov (data.org); Evviva Weinraub Lajoie (University at Buffalo); Leslie Chan (University of Toronto); Amy Buckland (Library & Archives Canada); Amy Sample Ward (NTEN); Lorrayne Porciuncula (Datasphere Initiative) Absent: Berhan Taye (Internews); Mmaki Jantjies (Telkom SA); Omo Oaiya (WACREN) Summary of Action items: Operations: * For sharing at Q2 meeting: -- Compensation Philosophy -- Updated quarterly financial reporting * Business Development -- Decision to announce intention to launch a fund in 2024 at Funders Summit -- Dedicate next meeting to outlining plan for 2023 * Confirm next meeting: December 16 - 17.00UTC (12pm Eastern) ## 2022-04-14 meeting ### Agenda [14.00](https://www.inyourowntime.zone/2022-04-14_14.00_UTC)-14.10 UTC: Welcome & check-ins (All) 14.10-14.20: Operational updates (Kaitlin Thaney) 14.20-14.30: Governance Updates (Kaitlin Thaney; all) - Charters for review - Steering Committee - Financial Oversight Group - Governance & Nominating Committee - Updating IOI signatories for CS&S fiscal sponsorship agreement) 14.30-14.50: Strategic Roadmap review & next steps (Kaitlin Thaney; all) 14.50-14.55: Next steps (Kaitlin Thaney; all) - Confirm next meeting: May 12, 2022 - 17.00UTC - Conflict of Interest Declaration & Policy  - Scheduling Governance & Nominating Committee meeting ### Minutes Location: Online Attendees:  - Amy Buckland (LIbrary & Archives Canada), Danielle Robinson (Code for Science & Society), Jochai Ben-Avie (Connect Humanity), Mmaki Jantjies (University of Western Cape; Telkom SA), Berhan Taye (Internews), Leslie Chan (University of Toronto - Scarborough), Lorrayne Porciuncula (Datasphere), Omo Oaiya (WACREN), Danil Mikhailov (Data.org) - Kaitlin Thaney (IOI)  Absent:  - Amy Sample Ward (NTEN), Evviva Weinraub Lajoie (University at Buffalo) Summary of Action items: - Staffing update - Thanks to Asura Enkhbayar for his time at IOI (contract ended April 2022) - Research staffing strategy update - short term contractors / contract to hire; recruitment process for staff positions to open in June - Budget planning - Budget planning for FY2022-2023 has begun - Meeting with CS&S CFO / Finance Chair to begin planning April 22 - Update on Mellon & Arcadia timelines  - No cost extensions approved. - Charter review: - Presentation & discussion of draft Steering and Financial Oversight Group charters - Decision: KT will follow up with Steering to circulate Steering Committee and Financial Oversight Committee charters for review and incorporate feedback - Aim to approve both charters at May 2022 meeting - Discussion about whether we instate Chair, Vice Chair roles to add as signatories, or instate IOI Steering Group as the signatory body as a whole.  - Decision: KT & CS&S to issue Conflict of Interest Declaration & Policy; assess whether there are any blockers to having IOI Steering as signatories for fiscal sponsorship agreement - Discussion about Financial Oversight Group aims, composition, next steps - Decision: KT to schedule next Governance & Nominating Committee meeting to discuss Financial Oversight Group Composition - Discussion about Governance & Nominating Committee composition; need to add (2) members - Decision: KT to schedule next Governance & Nominating Committee meeting to discuss Financial Oversight, review & ratify G&N charter, discuss committee make-up - Strategic Roadmap - KT shared the 3-month and 9-month draft strategic roadmap and process; aim to make public in next (3) months - Decision: KT and IOI will follow up with the Committee with guiding questions and a copy of the roadmap for their review & feedback   - Confirm next meeting: May 12, 2022 - [17.00UTC (1pm Eastern)](https://www.inyourowntime.zone/2022-05-12_17.00_UTC) ## 2022-05-12 meeting ### Agenda 17.10-17.15: Approval of last month’s minutes (Kaitlin Thaney) 17.15-17.25: Governance & Nominating Committee recap (Leslie Chan) - Chair & Vice Chair roles - Financial Oversight Committee composition - Governance & Nominating Committee composition 17.25-17.35: Strategic Roadmap update & operational updates (Kaitlin Thaney) - Recap of planning efforts to date - Upcoming staff Strategic Retreat - June 1-3 - Resources to be shared in advance of June Steering Call - Donation update 17.35-17.55: Discussion: Approaches for stakeholder events (All) 17.55-18.00 Next steps (Kaitlin Thaney) 18.00 Meeting adjourned ### Minutes Location: Online Attendees:  - Amy Buckland (LIbrary & Archives Canada), Amy Sample Ward (NTEN), Leslie Chan (University of Toronto - Scarborough), Danil Mikhailov (Data.org) - Kaitlin Thaney (IOI)  Absent:  - Danielle Robinson (Code for Science & Society), Jochai Ben-Avie (Connect Humanity), Mmaki Jantjies (University of Western Cape; Telkom SA), Berhan Taye (Internews), Evviva Weinraub Lajoie (University at Buffalo), Lorrayne Porciuncula (Datasphere), Omo Oaiya (WACREN) Summary of Action items: - Meeting minutes & documentation: - Move April meeting minutes forward for final review; posting on IOI Documentation Hub (HackMD) - KT to circulate plan for disclosing Conflict of Interest data - Governance & Nominating Committee recap: - Decision to move forward with Chair & Vice Chair roles; conversations underway with proposed candidates - Emails out to Steering members + advisors with asks to join Financial Oversight Committee + Governance & Nominating Committee - Aim to confirm by May 20, 2022. - Strategic Roadmap update & operational updates: - KT to share Strategic Roadmap & Research agenda Trello Boards  - KT to circulate vision & business model exploration in advance of next month’s meeting - Upcoming staff Strategic Retreat - June 1-3; resources to be shared in advance of June Steering Call - $10K Donation from NCSU, following 2020 donation  - Next steps:  - Confirm next meeting: June 9, 2022 - [14.00UTC (10am Eastern)](https://www.inyourowntime.zone/2022-06-09_14.00_UTC) --- ## See also * [IOI Steering Committee Charter](https://hackmd.io/@investinopen/steering-charter) * [IOI Steering Committee recruitment + onboarding process](https://hackmd.io/@investinopen/steering-committee-recruitment) * Archived copy of this page (via the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine): https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://hackmd.io/@investinopen/steering-meetings --- This page first published: 2022-05-24 ###### tags: `about-us` `governance` --- <a rel="license" href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/"><img alt="Creative Commons License" style="border-width:0" src="https://i.creativecommons.org/l/by/4.0/88x31.png" /></a><br />This work is made available under a <a rel="license" href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/">Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License</a>. Users are free to share, remix, and adapt this work. (Please attribute [Invest in Open Infrastructure](https://investinopen.org/) in any derivative work).