# Reviewer guide
Last updated: 2023-01-16
URL for this page: https://hackmd.io/@investinopen/reviewer-guide
URL for this site: https://hackmd.io/@investinopen/how-we-work
This guide aims to provide more information and guidance for reviewers invited to comment on work produced by the IOI Research team.
> *We would love your help in improving this process and guide! Please feel free to comment on this guide or email research [at] investinopen [dot] org if anything is unclear, or if you have any feedback or questions about this process.*
## Why are we asking for your comments, questions and feedback on our work?
As an evidence based organization focused on meaningful change in the open science space, we rely on quality research performed to high standards of accuracy, reliability, and transparency. This is part of our process to improve the accuracy and reliability of our research.
## Time commitment
We communicate deadlines for reviewers' comments in our invitation emails. We expect reviewers to spend **less than an hour** on reviewing a draft research report.
There may be additional clarifying questions from the report's author and/or the IOI research team after receiving your comments, in the two weeks following the review period. We'd be grateful if you can spend a maximum of 30 mins replying to these questions to support the team in acting on your comments.
## How to review
We ask all reviewers to:
- Review the work: its scope, sources cited, logical flow and readability, methodologies, conclusions, etc.
- Make comments on the Google Document. These comments could take the form of suggested edits (e.g. in the case of spelling or formatting errors), and/or comments (e.g. clarifying or probing questions to parts of the text). Recommendations for authors (e.g. to include other pieces of literature, or to pursue another method of analysis), are also welcomed.
- (optional) Share overall impressions and general comments- you can leave them as comments on the google doc, or reply to the invitation email with them.
### Contributing guidelines
We are committed to providing an inclusive and harassment-free environment for everyone to participate in and contribute to our collective work.
By commenting on the draft report, you’ve agreed to abide by the [IOI Code of Conduct](https://investinopen.org/code-of-conduct/).
We ask that you:
- Be respectful to the authors of the report and to each other.
- Be curious: expand, build on and critique ideas. Whenever possible, provide links or citations to reputable resources to back up key assertions and/or points of fact not included in the document.
- Be helpful: stay on topic.
### Collaborative review process
All invited reviewers will comment on the same Google Document, so you will see other reviewers' comments and vice versa. You can also reply to and build on others reviewers' comments.
### Public review reports
In line with IOI's core value of openness, we will publish a version of the report with all reviewers comments, on our public [Zenodo community collection](https://zenodo.org/communities/investinopen?page=1&size=20). Your name may be recorded in this version if you choose to comment while signed in your Google account.
### Reviewers' identity and anonymity
We would like to acknowledge reviewers' contributions - there is a section in our report where we ask all reviewers who would like to be publicly acknowledged to leave their names.
Invited reviewers' names are known to the authors of the report and IOI team, as well as other reviewers and the public, if you choose to comment on the report while siged in to your Google account.
If you would like to remain anonymous to other reviewers and the public, please make sure you sign out of your Google account when commenting on the draft report.
## See also
* [IOI's guideline on saving Google Documents with comments](https://hackmd.io/@investinopen/info-management#Google-docs)
* [IOI's contributing guide](https://hackmd.io/@investinopen/contributing-guide)
* Archived copy of this page (via the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine): https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://hackmd.io/@investinopen/reviewer-guide
This page first published: 2022-08-02
###### tags: `about-us` `process`
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