# Public session organising process
Last updated: 2023-07-27
URL for this page: https://hackmd.io/@investinopen/public-session-organizing
URL for this site: https://hackmd.io/@investinopen/how-we-work
## What is this?
An internal process for IOI staff who would like to organise an online public session, e.g. a community listening session.
*Status: This process has now been revised thanks to team's input - we can put this into action.*
## Who should use this?
- IOI staff member who is organising a call
## Timeline
### 6-8 weeks ahead
- Work with Engagement Lead to draft a communications plan to identify the aims, audience, and key messages of the session
- IOI's communication plan template be be viewed and used from CS&S's Google doc template gallery.
- **Identify any external speakers/facilitators** that we would like to involve in this call, and send invitations. Aim to confirm all external contributors at least 4 weeks before the call.
- Identify whether an honorarium would be offered to speakers - see our [honoraria policy](https://hackmd.io/@investinopen/honoraria) and consult our Executive Director
- **Identify date(s) and time(s) for the call(s)**
- If the target audience spread across the world, we advise to organise at least 2 calls to cover all time zones.
- Pay attention to major holidays, academic calendars and event clashes, both for the comms period (within the month before the event) and for the event itself.
- If external contributors need to be involved, then schedule the calls taking into account their availabilities info.
### 4-5 weeks ahead
- **Confirm with all external contributors**
- If needed, ask for a headshot and bio that we can use the communcation copies
- If it is important that they co-create the event, schedule a preparation call.
- **Set up the call links and registration**
- Alternate hosts should be identified in the case the designated host isn't available.
- Recording and dissemination of artifacts policies should be set and socialized with participants.
- For most public calls, require registration to participate. This allows registrants to get email invitations that they can easily add to their calendars.
- This is now done via CiviCRM. Please ask Emmy/the Engagement Team for additional guidance.
- Enable waiting room
- Add additional optional demographics questions to registration page, e.g. Job title, Organization; you can also add custom questions, e.g. How did you learn about this event?
- Consider enabling Otter.ai-powered live automatic transcription for accessibility
- Log into your Otter.ai account. On the homepage, click the arrow next to "Record", select "Schedule Zoom Webinar" on the dropdown menu
- Fill in your event details, you will then get a set of streaming details (Streaming live URL, stream key, etc)
- In your Zoom event settings, in the "Live Streaming" panel, select "Configure Custom Streaming Service".
- Copy the streaming details from Otter.ai into the corresponding fields in Zoom.
- **Set up the post-session poll** with the following questions. Respondents can choose between "Strongly agree", "Agree", "Neither agree nor disagree", "Disagree", or "Strongly disagree" for each.
- 1.The material presented was useful and aligned with my interests.
- 2.The technology tools we used in this session allowed me to meaningfully engage in the experience.
- 3.I was engaged and involved in this session.
- 4.I was able to adequately engage with the speakers and my fellow participants in this session.
- 5.I’m interested in attending a future Community Discussion.
- **Review the communications plan**
- **Start writing a facilitators' document**
- This is a run of show, and should at a minimum lay out the agenda for the session, the roles of hosts, facilitators, and presenters, and the general flow of the session.
### 2-3 weeks ahead
- Send external speakers a list of important logistic information
- Emmy will execute the Communication plan
- If using a collaborative gDoc during the call to collect questions and attendees info, prepare the gDoc;
- If there are slides used in the call- it's advisable to share links to them on the gDoc.
### 1-2 Days before
- **Send reminder emails to external contributors**: you should include the time, date and zoom link of the event, and a link to any facilitators' notes, so that they can check it beforehand.
- Please remember to put them in bcc.
### 1 Hour before
- Download all the registrants data from Zoom
- Send all registrants a reminder email; put all registrants in bcc.
### During the session
- All hosts, co-hosts, contributors should join 10mins ahead of the session for the tech check; ask them to unmute and test sound. Address any questions that they haven't responded to via email (e.g. recording permissions); or their names' pronunciations. It's also good to ensure that all hosts and contributors can see the Facilitators' docs and shared gDoc.
- When ready, admit attendees in the waiting room. As attendees join, paste the link to the shared gDoc in the Zoom chat multiple times.
- Start the call: remind everyone to turn off their cameras if they'd like to not appear with their faces on the recording BEFORE you start recording.
- Follow the Facilitators' notes: read the housekeeping rules, introduce external contributors, etc.
### After the session
- Ensure that Otter.ai finishes processing transcription file prior to disconnecting from Internet
- In shared notes doc change permissions to View only add recording materials and transcription file to shared Google drive
- Store transcript and recording in appropriate folder in shared gDrive
- Thank external contributors individually through email/on the call!
- **Recording**: Download the recording from Zoom, and upload it to the IOI YouTube account
- Please see [this page](https://hackmd.io/@investinopen/video) for additional guidance on sharing recordings to IOI's YouTube account
- Publish with CC BY 4.0 license
- Write a short summary of the event
- Post it on the IOI blog with the recording embedded
- Share a link to the blog with all registrants of the call.
## Acknowledgement
This workflow is inspired by Open Science Community Delft's [open science coffees organising workflow](https://github.com/osc-delft/ideas-and-plans/tree/main/open-science-coffees) (CC BY 4.0) and eLife's [communication plan template](https://docs.google.com/document/d/12Q33iR1QkNGo1tD7UbYU3VobNQjLPIzC0uxs71rtLX0/edit).
## See also
* Archived copy of this page (via the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine): https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://hackmd.io/@investinopen/public-session-organizing
This page first published: 2022-03
###### tags: `process`
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