# Offboarding checklist
Last updated: 2023-06-01
URL for this page: https://hackmd.io/@investinopen/offboarding
URL for this site: https://hackmd.io/@investinopen/how-we-work
This page is under construction. :hammer_and_wrench:
1. Send resignation letter / email to CS&S confirming the end date.
If contractor, CS&S will send contract amendment.
1. Schedule an exit interview.
- Agenda
- Invoice/payment
- Contact information
- Accounts/access to close:
- Asana
- Google Drive
- Slack
- Zotero
- Other accounts
- Questions:
- How did the job match your expectations?
- Did you feel that the work you were doing aligned with your personal goals and interests?
- Did you have the tools and resources you needed to effectively do your job?
- Future availability
1. Back up data.
- Document all of the logins, files, online storage, etc. that the staff member manages or owns.
1. Close accounts:
- Email / google workspace
- Ensure email redirect (ie in google domains make sure a wildcard email alias is set)
- \[password manager\]
- \[zoom/video conferencing\]
- \[cloud storage / servers / etc.\]
1. Remove access to services (ie if a non-work email was used to share gdrive files).
1. Determine what will happen to employee’s equipment and hardware, if it is not employee-owned.
1. For employees outside the US, review unused personal time off (PTO) balance and discuss options (waiver or payout).
1. Inform the team and any partners about employee’s departure.
## See also
* [Onboarding checklist for staff](https://hackmd.io/@investinopen/welcome)
* [Onboarding checklist for communications contractors](https://hackmd.io/@investinopen/communications-contractor-welcome)
* [Onboarding checklist for research contractors](https://hackmd.io/@investinopen/research-contractor-welcome)
* [Contractor payment + invoicing](https://hackmd.io/@investinopen/contractor-payment)
* Archived copy of this page (via the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine): https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://hackmd.io/@investinopen/offboarding
## Further reading
* https://hbr.org/2016/04/making-exit-interviews-count
This page first published: 2022-07-08
###### tags: `about-us` `process`
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