給自己的Git Commit Message規範 (英文版) === M鼠給自己的Commit Message規範 [(中文版)](https://hackmd.io/@DzlVQLnDRsGNOvU4HlJuuA/S1tMNViBv) 使用項目 --- #### Header Types: - **Feat** *(New feature of the program)* - **Fix** *(Fix bugs)* - **Modify** *(Modify the feature already exist)* - **Disable** *(Remove a feature)* - **Test** *(Add tests)* - **Refactor** *(Refactor the codes)* - **Perf** *(Improve the performance of program)* - **Chore** *(Add, remove, change the tools rely on)* - **Style** *(Code style changes)* - **Docs** *(Adds, removes, changes documents)* - **Update** *(Update to a new version)* #### Body Section: - **Add** *(The code sections have been added)* - **Remove** *(The code sections have been removed)* - **Change** *(The code sections have been changed)* - **Reason** *(The reason of why to make this change)* - **Cause** *(The reason of why bug exist)* - **Solution** *(What solution is used in this commit)* - **Changelog** *(The Changelog between versions)* #### Footer Section - **BREAKING CHANGE** *(The incompatible with older version, must add exclamation mark on header)* - **Before** *(The old part)* - **After** *(The new part)* - **Note** *(Something need to be mentioned)* - **Close** *(Close issues)* - **Revert** *(Revert previous commit)* 一些範例 --- ### Feat > Feat: Add scale ability to tiny man's body > > Change: >   Tiny man's body's collision box & sprite will scale according to const value. > ### Fix > Fix: MatterJS's ENGINE will stop even when it does not exist > > Solution: >   Check ENGINE exist or not before turn it down. >    > Close: [#3]() ### Modify > !Modify: Change onBlockActivate return type from boolean to ActionResult > > Reason: >   A new design ActionResult object can hold more information than boolean. > Add: >   Add minecraft.util.ActionResultType class to store a result of action. > Change: >   minecraft.block.Block.onBlockActivate method now return a >   minecraft.util.ActionResultType instead of boolean value >    > BREAKING CHANGE: >   Before: >      public boolean onBlockActivate(BlockState, World, PlayerEntity) >   After: >      public ActionResult onBlockActivate(BlockState, World, PlayerEntity) ### Refactor > Refactor: Using event to handle click on #entry button instead > > Reason: >   onclick tag in html is not recommend due to some reason. > Change: >  The action after click on #entry button is now controlled by javascript >  instead of using onclick tag on html. ### Perf > Perf: Increase RWD ability > > Change: >  Rewrite the css file using percentage instead of const px value. >  Set display property in game.css to center window on vertical axis. >  Using \<br> to break line instead of two \<p> elements. >  Reset body & html elements's margin to 0. >  Set height value to 100vh on #container in index & game page. >  Decrese the height of canvas, because it will cause scrollbar appear. > Remove: >  The unnessary css codes. ### Style > Style: Rearrange and group definition of const values > > Reason: >   New version will be more clean to view and easy to search values. ### Update > !Update: 3.2.15 > > Changelog: > &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Feat: >     [459babd](): Add potion bewing system (Issue: [\#0]()) >     [38d5699](): Player can get exp when finish eating food (Issue: [\#5]()) >     [bfe929b](): Ingredient butter has special ability > &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Fix: >     [334fa4c](): Block not drop on destroy (Issue: [\#3]()) >     [ed421b9](): Meal model error when holding on left hand (Issue: [\#8]()) >     [e6000e0](): Recipe not function correctly >     [7f1c307](): Block shape value error > &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Modify: >     [78035bb](): Meal's tooltip show exp levels instead of exp points > &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Disable: >     [a016901](): Remove vanilla ingredients >     [e0d8559](): Disable exp reset command > &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; BREAKING CHANGE: >     [dcb121a](): modtutorialim.potion.PuddingEffect >     [d3c282a](): modtutorialim.bus.ModEventHandlers.registEvents.registAll > > Commits since 3.2.14 ([78035bb]()) >   Feat: [459babd](), [38d5699](), [bfe929b]() ; >   Fix: [334fa4c](), [ed421b9](), [e6000e0](), [7f1c307]() ; >   Modify: [78035bb]() ; >   Disable: [a016901](), [e0d8559]() ; >   Refactor: [05f64ed](), [908b2f9]() ; >   Perf: [865f569]() ; >   Style: [63eed75]() ; >   Docs: [d3c282a](), [dcb121a](), [d3c282a]() ; >   BREAKING CHANGE: [dcb121a](), [d3c282a]() ;