Installation Guide === ###### tags: `III` # Prerequisite * Ubuntu 18.04 * Two NICs --- # Knowledge of III Trial5GC In order to facilitate the trial, we will install 5gc in the docker environment through docker-compose. At the beginning, OAM will be brought up on the host, and then 5gc will be pulled up via the settings of OAM and GUI. Then, the software NAT allows users to access the external network simply but with limited access. Considering the convenience of installation, with the protocol being completed, we combined N2 and N11 of AMF, N11 and N4 of SMF, and N3 and N4 of UPF, in this version. ![]( #### 1. Please download and unzip the III Trial5GC startup package, and install the requirement. #### 2. According to the above architecture, structure the overall IP plane, including 2 NICs( ***such as Intel I350, x710, or any other brand of a NIC*** ), Nsbi and Nat network CIDR. Meanwhile, decide the IP and its Gateway of both OAM and Nat( ***the italic and bottom line form in the architecture*** ). #### 3. Set the OAM and NAT argument of IP plane within ```` to bring up OAM function. #### 4. Open the OAM GUI through the browser and set the 5GC parameters according to the UE/gNB info you have, including the previous IP plane of AMF/SMF/PCF/UPF, and PLMN, network slide, IMSI, Key and OP, etc. #### 5. Press *Start* and wait, OAM will automatically download the required images and bring up the 5G core network service after a while. #### 6. Start the test. For related operating, please refer to **Enable OAM-5GC** steps. --- # Enable OAM-5GC ## 1. Download and unzip ``` ``` ## 2. Install docker and docker-compose ``` ./ -i ``` ## 3. Configure OAM and NAT arguments ![]( ``` ./ -nic1 [NIC For Nsbi ex: ethx] \ -oamIp [OAM Ip In Nsbi ex: x.x.x.x] \ -sbi [CIDR for Nsbi ex: x.x.x.x/x] \ -sbiGw [Gateway For Nsbi ex: x.x.x.x] \ -nic2 [Nic For NAT ex: ethx] \ -natIp [Wan Ip For NAT ex: x.x.x.x] \ -nat [CIDR for NAT ex: x.x.x.x/x] \ -natGw [Gateway For NAT ex: x.x.x.x] ``` :::spoiler If there is any question, please click here to show you the reference example. It might help you on configuring arguments based on your own environment. ![]( ``` Here comes an example: ./ -nic1 eth0 \ -oamIp \ -sbi \ -sbiGw \ -nic2 eno0 \ -natIp \ -nat \ -natGw ``` ::: ## 4. Open OAM GUI in network explorer (e.g. Chrome) Run the Chrome or firefox via another PC which have same sbi subnet IP, and enter the IP which set previously in ``-oamIp``. :::warning Because the default network type we utilized is macvlan, user may not be able to access the OAM IP directly from host server. Taking the picture example above, the IP could not ping the ::: :::spoiler if you have to run the OAM GUI in same server, please click here. It might help you a quick way to do so. Normally, docker created three container networks, none, host and bridge, it could be checked by ```docker network ls```. ![]( Utilizing the following command to add another network interface for your OAM and check its IP: ```docker network connect bridge oam``` & ```docker exec -it oam ifconfig``` ![]( Now you should be able to access OAM GUI in host server via the new IP you just get. ::: ## 5. OAM GUI introduction In this GUI, you could understand the Status of 5GC easily on the very top of the page. Scroll down could give you the running or default configuration. ![]( ## 6. Configure 5GC PLMN and network slice configuration are following up, the number of network slice is at least one, and the rest of setting is AMF Information and Data Network. You could adjust the parameters in considering of needing. ![]( 目前Trial 5GC的configuration分為五個NF部份,AMF/SMF/PCF/UPF/NRF information,此處先針對必要欄位進行說明,其餘欄位請配合gNB或UE進行設定。 ### a. AMF information 因為trial版本限制,AMF只需要做附圖中的設定 ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ### b. SMF information 因為trial版本限制,SMF只需要做附圖中的設定 ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ### c. PCF information 因為trial版本限制,PCF只需要做附圖中的設定 ![]( 因為目前版面設計問題顧請將此處(預設至少要有一組): DNN設為**Internet** FiveQI設為**9** 或是根據環境新增以及設定對應DNN以及FiveQI、QoS值 ![]( ### d. UPF information 因為trial版本限制,UPF只需要做附圖中的設定 ![]( ![]( ## e. NRF information ![]( ![]( --- At the end of GUI is the UE Information, here you could set up the IMSI, K, OP (or OPC), depends on the info of your SimCard or UE/gNB emulator. You can also remove or add any UE info easily. :::warning Notice that the prefix of IMSI shall match the previous PLMN, and the OP and the OPC could not co-exist. ::: ![]( ## 7. Commit and Start the III Trial 5GC Service To submit the new configuration, please scroll down to the bottom of the GUI, or press enter after typing the new settings. Now you could click *Start* to initial the III Trial 5GC Service, and the Service will be ready while you see the green light. :::warning 5GC service could not dynamically reload the new setting, please stop and restart your 5GC service while you would like to enable new configuration. ::: --- # Disable OAM-5GC If any reason causes you to restart the OAM-5GC, please turn off the 5G service via GUI first. ![]( Then run ``` ./ -k ``` Now, you could restart the OAM-5GC initiation from step 1 in considering of any reason.