# PyCon TW 2016 Collaborative Notes <br> Day 3 - Lightning Talk > ### Quick Links > - [Portal for Collobration Notes 共筆統整入口](https://hackfoldr.org/pycontw2016) (hosted by [hackfoldr](https://hackfoldr.org/about) and [HackMD](https://hackmd.io/)) > - [Program Schedule 議程時間表](https://tw.pycon.org/2016/events/talks/) > - [PyCon TW 2016 Official Site 官網](https://tw.pycon.org/2016/) > > ### How to update this note? > - Everyone can *freely* update this note. 任何人都能自由地更新內容。 > - Please respect all the participants and follow our [code of conduct](https://tw.pycon.org/2016/about/code-of-conduct/) during discussion. 討論、記錄時,請遵守大會的[行為準則](https://tw.pycon.org/2016/about/code-of-conduct/)。 ### Lightning Talk Form 閃電秀形式 - Each talk takes **exactly 5 min** including the prepartion time. 每場包含設定時間**限時 5 分鐘**。 - Screen signal will be pulled off after the time limit. 超過時限就直接切螢幕,絕無特例。 ### How to register? 如何報名? Write down your topic on a glass wall near the registration counter at 3F. We will have 12 lightning talks. 在 3 樓報名處有一個玻璃板,直接寫上你的題目。我們可以開放 12 場閃電秀。 ![](https://i.imgur.com/RRtzqfc.jpg) ## Schedule 時間表 Registration opens on-site till Day 3 11:59 AM. Results will be announced on Day 3 on this page. Day 3 中午前開放現場報名,結果將於 Day 3 於本頁公布。 1. 郭學聰 -- VOEZ Backend 的爆肝記 2. John Lin -- swiftpy: 在 swift 中 embed Python 3. 聽風 -- 跟雪隧塞車說再見 4. YChao -- Virtual singer soundbank processing w/ Python 5. Iblis Lin -- Hack you importer 6. Michelle -- Django Girls Taipei 7. Andy -- CodeMe X 互動販賣機 8. Candy -- 用數據來看德文詞性 9. 老包 -- 在 Docker 環境玩 Python [投影片](http://www.slideshare.net/ChenYuPao/pycontw2016-lighting-talk-about-dockercrontab) 10. sosorry -- Raspberry Pi 在研討會上的應用 11. Apua -- My Retrospection 12. Liang2 -- TBD