# Lurk: Lambda the Ultimate Recursive Knowledge
## About me
### François Garillot (@huitseeker)
### Team work from [Lurk Lab](https://twitter.com/LurkLab),
#### Team previously at Protocol Labs,
#### (led by [Chhi'mèd Künzang](https://twitter.com/porcuquine2)).
## ZK-proof languages
# Writing a ZK-proof language in 2023
- circom,
- Zokrates,
- snarkyJS / snarky,
- Leo,
- Noir
### SNARKs and Rank 1 Constrained Systems (R1CS)
1. Arithmetize computation $f$ for SNARKs using arithmetic circuit,
2. Express computation as $\exists w: f'(x,y,w)=1$
3. Map to three $m \times m$ matrices $A,B,C$ over $\mathbb{F}$
4. Satisfiability is equivalent to $(A \cdot z) \circ (B \cdot z) = C \cdot z$
### Expressing Computation as R1CS Instance
1. Direct compilation approach: stepwise translation and ad-hoc combinators
2. Drawbacks: R1CS is a flat structure, requires flattening and unrolling loops
- Increased R1CS size negatively affects proving time,
- Prover memory can become a practical bottleneck due to space complexity.
### Branch unrolling
When we don't know the iteration count, it's harder to produce the circuit:
(let ((collatz (lambda (n)
(letrec ((aux (lambda (acc n)
(if (= n 1)
(let ((x (/ n 2)))
(if (< x 0) ; odd
(aux (+ 1 acc) (+ 1 (* 3 n)))
(aux (+ 1 acc) x)))))))
(aux 0 n))))
(collatz 27))
## IVC
### Incrementally Verifiable Computation (IVC) for SNARKs
1. Alternative to constructing a circuit for entire computation $f$
2. Verify correctness step-by-step, then recursively fold correctness proofs
4. Cryptographic verification applied to transition function of executing program
5. IVC: Repeated composition of smaller function $f$ over machine state
6. Most efficient IVC candidate: Nova (Kothapalli et al., 2022)
### IVC
([slide source: Kothapalli 2022](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jj19k2AXH2k))
## Nova
- cheap folding argument rather than recursion
- plus a final SNARK
- but we need a "natural" iterative form
## Language definitions
## Definitional language interpreters
A common way of defining a language : giving it an interpreter.
### Interpreters and abstract machines
See e.g. _Defunctionalized Interpreters for Programming Languages_, Danvy et al. 2014
### The CEK machine
### Lurk as an iterated abstract machine stepper
## Commitments
> (commit 123)
Iterations: 2
Result: (comm 0x2937881e)
### Opening commitments
((open 0x1aec2d8c) 9)
Iterations: 12
Result: 88
### Hashing all the things!
- hash-consing is a classic functional programming technique to share structurally equal values,
- we hash each value rigorously, and compare using hash equality,
- translating this to Poseidon in proof gives program equality semantics in proofs.
## A taste of Lurk
### Lurk is a Lisp
> (let ((collatz (lambda (n)
(letrec ((aux (lambda (acc n)
(if (= n 1)
(let ((x (/ n 2)))
(if (< x 0) ; odd
(aux (+ 1 acc) (+ 1 (* 3 n)))
(aux (+ 1 acc) x)))))))
(aux 0 n))))
(collatz 27))
Iterations: 4016
Result: 111
### Functional commitments
(commit (lambda (x) (+ 7 (* x x))))
Iterations: 2
Result: (comm 0x1aec2d8c)
### Higher-order functional commitments
> (let ((secret-data 555)
(data-interface (lambda (f) (f secret-data))))
(commit data-interface))
Iterations: 7
Result: (comm 0x03836e2e)
> ((open 0x03836e2e) (lambda (data) (+ data 111)))
Iterations: 14
Result: 666
## Lurk release 1.0 alpha
- [the blog post](https://blog.lurk-lang.org/posts/announcing-lurk-alpha/)
- [the pre-print](https://eprint.iacr.org/2023/369)
- and more! Specification, audit report, tutorial etc.
## Lurk
- on Twitter @LurkLab
- on [Zulip](https://zulip.lurk-lab.com/): https://zulip.lurk-lab.com/
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