# <span style="color:#D8DEE9" >Filecoin for dApps</span>
Upgrading Filecoin support in the world of dApps.
We will go over the next wave of tools and integrations that will enable more developers to build on Filecoin and FEVM.

<span style="color:#D8DEE9" >**Hugo Dias**</span>
<span style="color:#EBCB8B" >@hugomrdias</span>
- Software Engineer
- Porto, Portugal
- IPFS, libp2p, UCAN, Filecoin, IPVM, IPNS and multiformats
- nft.storage and web3.storage
### <span style="color:#EBCB8B" >`iso-filecoin`</span>
<span style="color:#D8DEE9" >Small, clean and secure</span>
npm install iso-filecoin
import { Token } from 'iso-filecoin/token'
import { Wallet } from 'iso-filecoin/wallet'
import * as Address from 'iso-filecoin/address'
import { Message } from 'iso-filecoin/message'
import { RPC } from 'iso-filecoin/rpc'
import { Signature } from 'iso-filecoin/signature'
<small>Used by the Metamask Filecoin Wallet and Ledger Live Filecoin app.</small>
### <span style="color:#EBCB8B" >`metamask-testing-tools`</span>
Playwright fixture for Metamask
npm install metamask-testing-tools
import { createFixture } from 'metamask-testing-tools'
const { test, expect } = createFixture({ snap: {
snapId: 'npm:@filsnap'
} })
test('should get address mainnet', async ({ metamask, page }) => {
const result = await metamask.invokeSnap({
request: { method: 'fil_getAddress'},
## <span style="color:#EBCB8B" >filsnap</span>
Extend MetaMask with ⨎ilecoin support.

## <span style="color:#EBCB8B" >filsnap</span>
Filecoin native accounts for dApps.
| Install | Connect |
| --- | --- |
|  | 
## <span style="color:#EBCB8B" >filsnap companion dapp</span>

## <span style="color:#EBCB8B" >filsnap</span>
- <span style="color:#BF616A" >`filsnap`</span> - Filecoin snap for Metamask
- <span style="color:#BF616A" >`filsnap-adapter`</span> - Adapter to interact with Filsnap from a dapp
- <span style="color:#BF616A" >`filsnap-adapter-react`</span> - React hooks to interact with Filsnap from a dapp
- https://github.com/filecoin-project/filsnap
- https://filecoin-project.github.io/filsnap/
- https://filsnap.dev/
## <span style="color:#EBCB8B" >filsnap next </span>

## <span style="color:#EBCB8B" >filsnap next </span>
- More interactive UI
- Transaction Insights
- Signatures Insights
- Companion dApp improvements
- Multiple account support
- Storage flows
## <span style="color:#EBCB8B" >Ecosystem </span>
- ChainAgnostic
- Improve Filecoin Namespace
- CAIP-2, CAIP-10, CAIP-19, CAIP-25, CAIP-122
- Walletconnect
- Add support for Filecoin to AppKit, WalletKit and Cloud
## <span style="color:#EBCB8B" >Ecosystem </span>
- Ledger
- Improve connect to Ledger wallet flows
- Reusable by dApp devs
- Viem
- Update and improve Filecoin support
- ABI Types for Filecoin specific smart contracts (FilForwarder)
## <span style="color:#EBCB8B" >Filecoin Connect</span>
Filecoin adapter to connect native wallets.

<small>React hooks (wagmi style), Easy swap Native <> FEVM and Lots of example dApps</small>
Thank you 🙏
Questions ?
{"image":"https://hackmd.io/_uploads/S1eNYvcv0.png","title":"Filecoin for dApps","description":"Filecoin future for dApps\nUpgrading Filecoin support in the world of dApps. We will go over the next wave of tools and integrations that will enable more developers to build on Filecoin and FEVM.","contributors":"[{\"id\":\"7ba363de-22cd-4e16-bbfc-9f22623b6f32\",\"add\":16652,\"del\":12477}]"}