# Planning HPC intro course - Tue May 3 - 9-12:30 CEST ## Relevant links - https://gitlab.sigma2.no/training/training-events/-/issues/18 - https://github.com/veltman/clmystery - https://training.pages.sigma2.no/tutorials/unix-for-hpc/ - https://gitlab.sigma2.no/training/tutorials/unix-for-hpc/ ## Courses by other http://www.hpc-carpentry.org/hpc-shell/ # Course outline 1. Why command line/terminal (Sabry & Radovan)? 2. Connecting/SSH (Sabry) - What is ssh - Paradigm shift of working of a remote computer 3. Moving around and looking at things (Radovan & Jørn) - contents: - pwd - ls - cd - cp - mv - rm - cat - less - more - diff - head - tail - exercise (15 min): - 1. connect to the cluster and locate where in the file system you are - 2. go to the directory exercise-inspecting-and-moving - 3. find out in which subfolder are example output files with the ending `.output` - 4. find out which of the output files contains the text "failed" - 5. copy the directory containing output files to the backup folder - 6. rename the output files to now have the ending `.out` - 7. there is a folder which is in the wrong place (this needs more details), can you move it to the right place? - 8. there are two files with the same content (verify with `diff`), can you remove one of the duplicate files? 4. Finding things (Jørn & Sabry) - find - grep - wget - tar 5. Writing & reading files (Sabry & Radovan) - editor: nano - discussion on editors - cat - permissions 6. Wildcards & pipes (Radovan & Jørn) - contents: - redirects - wc - sort - uniq - exercise (15 min): - redirect script output to a file, but for this we would need to move this behind scripts. or move redirects to scripts - composing commands: - ls | grep - grep | sort | uniq > output - find something | xargs 7. Scripts (Jørn & Sabry) - permission and executable - ls again Each section contains a 15 minutes exercise/challenge If possible two part excerise, first easy and second harder