# DWG 7 Updates
2023-03-29 UN Open GIS Monthly
## Today's topics
1. Smart Maps Bazaar
2. Smart Maps meetup
## Smart Maps Bazaar (SMB)
- In Smart Maps, **we connect data and apps**.
- Host heavy cloud-optimized data on **IPFS**.
- IPFS: InterPlanetary File System
- old name: InterPlanetary Operations (IPO)
### User story
Users share **hundreds of gigabytes** of cloud-optimized open geospatial data, such as imagery, point cloud, vector tiles or city models, **without a server** from anywhere with an Internet connection.
### Steps for data providers
1. **Create** cloud-optimized data, in such as COG, COPC, PMTiles or 3D Tiles.
2. **Share** the data from their IPFS node.
3. **Connect** their node with smb.optgeo.org node.
4. Anyone can access the data through `https://smb.optgeo.org/ipfs/${cid}`.
### Implementation (1) kubo
We use `kubo`, an OS IPFS implementation.
### Implementation (2) SMB architecture
![smb architecture](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/18297/228435445-6fb732ac-62ca-4328-8e1a-1860f9ab0dbb.png)
Smart Maps Bazaar is in-kind contribution by **Sakura Internet** through **Code for Japan**.
## Smart Maps Bazaar demo: Hosting 'Open Nagasaki'
Nagasaki Prefecture recently released LiDAR data from https://opennagasaki.nerc.or.jp/
![open nagasaki](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/18297/228424219-f1e5d058-2e70-48c4-a01f-8df7ff167e1a.png)
### Demo: click to open
[![smb demo](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/18297/228431819-3b4b4749-7291-4fd1-b148-b60d8d92c2fa.png)](https://viewer.copc.io?state=bfcf611aa31549395b37af2ce1c9bcf23642828f26542375338760c644a9d94e)
Tips: give a large point budget.
### Hardware implementation
## Smart Maps meetup
1. Weekly 25-minute meetups online
- Successfully held 16 times
- In a local language (Japanese)
2. Monthly **international** meetups online?
- Each mid-month?
- In a UN working language (English)
- Time: good for Gujarat and California.
### Thank you
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