## Smart Maps Meetup Monthly 3
## Welcome, new participants!
## UNVT Portable
Shogo Hirasawa
## Upcoming events
- 2023-06-19 (18 in LA): **[UN Smart Maps Documentation team meeting](https://ucla.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJUrcO-pqjsiEtQZccTcBHfbeISlnexdxe4Z#/registration)**
- Documentation ideas
- 2023-06-20: **Smart Maps Meetup Weekly** (ja)
- Casual 30-min meeting
- 2023-06-25/07-01: **FOSS4G 2023**
- UNVT Portable Workshop, presentations
- 2023-07-12: **Smart Maps Meeup Quarterly**
- 1h, 9 in NY, 15 in Central Eurpoe
## Smart Maps Meetup Quarterly
- Meetup with **prospective users**, rather than developer community
- Draft Outline:
1. Smart Maps **Bazaar**
2. Smart Maps **Assistant**
3. Smart Maps **Documentation**
4. What shoud Smart Maps Community do to increase **applicability for UN operations**?
## Q: How can we share the record of Meetups Monthly
- We were able to create a new [YouTube Channel](), but we had no time to upload the video.
- Do you think it would help to keep some Meetup notes about:
- When it happend
- Who joined
- What are presentations and discussions
- Maybe a list to closed [issue](https://github.com/UNopenGIS/7/issues/180)s might help.
## Anything else we can share?
- [Community name card](https://github.com/UNopenGIS/7/issues/115)
## Next Meetup Monthly
[2023-07-21 (20 in LA)](https://ucla.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJcoc-mvrTovG920aIcgb-64RaKdVWKTb1Ik#/registration)
Who should we invite as the guest speaker?
### Thank you
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