# Helmholtz AI special edition seminar: </br> Joris van Eijnatte ###### tags: `HelmholtzAI` [ToC] ## :memo: Seminar details **13 Jan 2022, 11:00 - 12:00** - Speaker: **Joris van Eijnatte**, CEO & Prof. Digital History at the Netherlands eScience Center - Title: **An overview about The Netherlands escience center.** - Chair: **Peter Steinbach**, Head of Helmholtz AI consultant team @ HZDR ### VC details Access to online venue: https://bluejeans.com/359354448/7471 Meeting ID: 359 354 448 Passcode: 7471 Dial from phone: +49.69.808.84246 (Germany (Frankfurt, German)), +41.43.508.6463 (Switzerland (Zurich, German)) ## :memo: Notes :::info :bulb: Write down notes and/or interesting information of the seminar. For example, observations auxiliar to the content which is not contained in the slidedeck. ::: - Mission - Ambition 1, 70 % of money investment - research software - Ambition 2 == training, 30% of budget invested here - strategic priorities - institutional alignment => work is exclusively demand driven - s/w sustainability => input given my evaluation - means - open calls - collaborations - workshops & training - community building - RSE work across a matrix of domains and sections - section - community & dissem - calls and projects - knowledge dev / technology - term RSE used very loosely - mostly postdoc/assoc professor level (from disciplines/domains) - minority from computer science (as many CS people move to industry) - tenury given after first 2 years - RSEs are hard to find (mentioned high quality criteria) - make sure, that people are equipped to move ahead/out-of escience center - people moving back to pure academia positions (tied to current discussion in NL about reward systems in science) - industry - evaluation process for replies to project call - process outsourced to Netherlands Research Council (NRC) as they have transparent and fair process - NRC is paid for this by escience center - if open call is over subscribed, **random selection** selects applications to move forward - directors of escience center are on the assessment board to make sure - project life cycle - application does not need to detail how to solve a problem - technical solution (software, ML, ...) is implemented AFTER project has been granted (science kick-off) ## :question: Questions for the speaker :::info :bulb: Write down any questions or topics you wish to discuss during the seminar _(either with your initials or anonymously)_ ::: > Leave in-line comments! [color=#3b75c6] :arrow_right: Peter Steinbach - on project calls: the total budget of a "larger" project is 2.5 personyears (so either one extra person for 2.5years or 2 people for 1.15 years) :arrow_right: Peter Steinbach - what are your key performance indicators internally? - get away from a target related system (doesn't work in academia) - relaxed assessment based on different aspects - less: publish or perish :arrow_right: Peter Steinbach - what are your key performance indicators that your funders put on you? - work with assessment protocoll set by ministry and others - more relaxed, gives escience center the freedom to define KPIs on their own (with justification) - e.g. software as output is as valuable as a nature paper - currently being worked on -> :arrow_right: Alvaro - how are project retrospectives in ML are done? - just being ramped up - can put us in touch - new thing: programme managers -> are doing these evaluations :arrow_right: Alvaro - how are the teams structured? (size, what profiles) - creation of teams is rather new - not always teams are required, sometimes RSE also just go alone (try to cater to everyone) - if a project is pursued alone, there needs to be a backup - teams: 4-6 people with variations - RSEs can decide on their own, which teams they like to participate in - profiles: depend on projects -> RSEs decide on their own including a justification - projects 2 kinds of - early career: 1 personyear - larger: 2.5 personyears (can take 2-4 years) - hours put into the project count :arrow_right: Alvaro - license? MIT or BSD licenses for academic s/w? - idea: as open as possible - depends on the use case (dependencies) :arrow_right: Alvaro - initiatives to analyze dependencies? - not in our mandate - careful how budget is invested - small R&D budget -> careful in investment - annual escience center symposium -> this year is special: s/w sustainability and funding for it :arrow_right: Stephan Janosch - Where Instructor Trainers educated with carpentries? - yes, certified trainers from the carpentries - copy their model: train the trainer ourselves :arrow_right: Olav Zimmerman - 50% on location is organized how? - max driving distance is 2-3 hours by car - depends on locality -> local time can be cluster - depends on the RSE and the applicants (family situation etc) - commute and costs for stay are funded by escience center :arrow_right: Olav Zimmerman - universities try to build up their own expertise rather than asking for external support? (competing interests) - escience centers mission is temporary from the start - mission of escience center: empower people to not need the escience center anymore - escience is typically some steps ahead :arrow_right: Lena Hersemann - how do you maintain the s/w after a project? - we don't do this -> not in our mandate - use the instruments (open-source, training, internal reuse on the next project, ...) to make s/w and community around self-sufficient - motivate scientists to use s/w in teaching (e.g. a masters course ...) ## :question: Your Feedback :::info :bulb: Write down your feedback about the seminar _(either with your initials or anonymously)_ ::: ### Share something that you learned or liked :+1: - ... ### Share something that you didn’t like or would like us to improve :-1: - ... :::info :pushpin: Want to learn more? ➜ [HackMD Tutorials](https://hackmd.io/c/tutorials) :::