#### Diagrams Engine runtime: ![](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/SkPjIS-t2.png) Engine composition: ![](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/r1dMdHbYh.png) Distributed intent machine: ![](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/rJ92tS-Yh.png) #### Desirable properties - Almost everything from this paper: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2301.04391.pdf - Integrity - Subject to my specific cryptographic assumptions and trust assumptions all correctness guarantees should hold. - Orthogonal information flow control - I can disclose an arbitrary property to an arbitrary party without revealing anything else. - (also conditionally) - Gradual trust bootstrapping - With an incremental trust delta sigma, we can build up trust over time as history is created - Example: toss some little solar raspberry pis on a beach. they should learn to cooperate - Compositional consensus history - start separately, guaranteed ability to join - Subgraph liveness - If other part of the graph goes offline, subgraph can continue operating as normal - Informational locality - No information is leaked outside a subgraph for coordination within the subgraph - Cybernetics - Optimal distribution of resources under heterogeneous local costs and change over time ~ network learning - Mesh Byzantine fault tolerance #### Sub-engine properties What does the composition of engines _implement_? - "Native" machine intent (constraint on relation of messages sent and received) - commitments will be kept - composition safety + liveness - s.t. if everyone runs the protocol, the composition preserves... - P2P - Acknowledgements - Respects preferences - Learning - Storage - Once stored, will be retrievable - Consensus - Safety - Execution - - Commitment - Decryption - Solver - Strategy synthesis - - Interaction #### Advanced topics _Not yet well-formalised_ - Causal structure discovery (w/oracles) - Conceptual discovery / grouping (latent structure in relational causal space) - Byzantine fault tolerant oracles via. Bayesian inference (& w/parameters modifiable ex post) --- #### Intent machine definitions