# IBC testing ## Test locally ### Env. - 2 Namada chains or forked Gaia - IBC relayer "Hermes" - We can use a [prototype](https://github.com/heliaxdev/ibc-rs/tree/yuji/v0.14.0_anoma) to support Namada chains ### Limitations - A received token address is same as the original one, but it should be fixed for ICS20 - e.g. you have 1000 XAN, then receive 1000 XAN, you will 2000 XAN. (According to ICS20, you should have 1000 XAN and 1000 "origin-specific XAN") - Packet timeout is temporarily supported with the forked ics23 crate - The packet timeout with the original ics23 crate failed due to issue [#1007](https://github.com/anoma/anoma/issues/1007) - The branch (yuji/ibc_test_ibc-rs_v0.14) is using the forked [ics23](https://github.com/heliaxdev/ics23/tree/yuji/for_smt_0.7) for the SMT - We can transfer between Namada and only forked Gaia with the forked ics23 crate => [Setup Gaia](#Setup-GaiaCosmos) - Hermes for Anoma is a prototype. The wallet handling is tentative so far ### Set up #### Automatic Set-up We can now automatically set up Namada and Hermes via the following scripts: <https://github.com/anoma/dev-utils/blob/main/scripts/> See the [README.md](https://github.com/anoma/dev-utils/blob/main/scripts/README.md) for more information. #### Manual Set-up Alternatively, we can manually setup the required Namada chains along with Hermes: 1. Run 2 Namada chains 1. Get the branch of Anoma ([yuji/ibc_test_ibc-rs_v0.14](https://github.com/anoma/anoma/tree/yuji/ibc_test_ibc-rs_v0.14)) 2. Build Anoma by `make install` or `make build` and wasm by `make build-wasm-scripts` (this requires `wasm-opt`, provided by [binaryen](https://github.com/WebAssembly/binaryen), which can be compiled from source if unavailable) 3. Check `genesis/e2e-tests-single-node.toml` and confirm the hash for `vp_token` matches what was generated by `make build-wasm-scripts`, and update if necessary. If this step is ignored, the `vp_token` may reject transfers to new accounts on the destination chain. ``` # anoma/genesis/dev.toml [wasm.vp_token] filename = "vp_token.wasm" sha256 = "1f40ac...5c597e5" # 👆 should match 👇 # anoma/wasm/checksums.json "vp_token.wasm": "vp_token.1f40ac9348a5...c597e5.wasm", ``` 4. init-network for Chain A ```bash cd ${ANOMA_DIR} GENESIS_PATH="genesis/e2e-tests-single-node.toml" CHECKSUM_PATH="wasm/checksums.json" ${ANOMAC} utils init-network \ --unsafe-dont-encrypt \ --genesis-path ${GENESIS_PATH} \ --chain-prefix anoma-test \ --localhost \ --dont-archive \ --wasm-checksums-path ${CHECKSUM_PATH} ``` - We can get the chain ID from the result ``` ... Derived chain ID: anoma-test.a483620e269c61d84f7 # on the first run do CHAIN_A_ID="<the_chain_id_here>" # on the second run do CHAIN_B_ID="<the_chain_id_here>" # these _A_ and _B_ are used later ``` 5. Copy wasms and wallet ```bash CHAIN_ID=${CHAIN_A_ID} cp ${ANOMA_DIR}/wasm/checksums.json .anoma/${CHAIN_ID}/setup/validator-0/.anoma/${CHAIN_ID}/wasm/ cp ${ANOMA_DIR}/wasm/*.wasm .anoma/${CHAIN_ID}/setup/validator-0/.anoma/${CHAIN_ID}/wasm/ # for client cp wasm/checksums.json .anoma/${CHAIN_ID}/wasm/ cp wasm/*.wasm .anoma/${CHAIN_ID}/wasm/ # wallet for client cp .anoma/${CHAIN_ID}/setup/other/wallet.toml .anoma/${CHAIN_ID}/ ``` 6. init-network for Chain B - Edit the genesis file "genesis/e2e-tests-single-node.toml" to set another port for `net_address` ``` net_address = "" ``` - Then, execute init-network like Chain A 7. copy wasms and wallet - same as Chain A 8. Run chains ```bash ${ANOMAN} --base-dir .anoma/${CHAIN_A_ID}/setup/validator-0/.anoma --mode validator ledger run # in another terminal ${ANOMAN} --base-dir .anoma/${CHAIN_B_ID}/setup/validator-0/.anoma --mode validator ledger run ``` 2. Set up Hermes 1. Get the branch (https://github.com/heliaxdev/ibc-rs/tree/yuji/v0.14.0_anoma) 2. Copy wallets ```bash mkdir -p ${IBC_RS_DIR}/anoma_wallet/${CHAIN_A_ID} mkdir -p ${IBC_RS_DIR}/anoma_wallet/${CHAIN_B_ID} cp ${ANOMA_DIR}/.anoma/${CHAIN_A_ID}/setup/other/wallet.toml ${IBC_RS_DIR}/anoma_wallet/${CHAIN_A_ID} cp ${ANOMA_DIR}/.anoma/${CHAIN_B_ID}/setup/other/wallet.toml ${IBC_RS_DIR}/anoma_wallet/${CHAIN_B_ID} ``` - This is for the test. It allows for Hermes to send a token by `ft-transfer` command. The signer `albert` is hard-coded for now. But, we should make the relayer's account to the both chains to sign transactions in the future. 3. Copy wasm ```bash mkdir ${IBC_RS_DIR}/anoma_wasm cp ${ANOMA_DIR}/wasm/checksums.json ${IBC_RS_DIR}/anoma_wasm cp ${ANOMA_DIR}/wasm/tx_ibc.* ${IBC_RS_DIR}/anoma_wasm ``` 4. Make a config file "config.toml" - Edit the following config to set the chain IDs and the ports of `rpc_addr` and `websocket_addr`, which have been set in the genesis file ```toml [global] log_level = 'debug' [mode] [mode.clients] enabled = true refresh = true misbehaviour = true [mode.connections] enabled = false [mode.channels] enabled = false [mode.packets] enabled = true clear_interval = 10 # relay packets frequently clear_on_start = false tx_confirmation = true [telemetry] enabled = false host = '' port = 3001 [[chains]] id = 'anoma-test.fbac1fe7a63e39f6d41' # set your chain ID rpc_addr = '' # set the port of the chain grpc_addr = '' websocket_addr = 'ws://' # set the port of the chain rpc_timeout = '10s' account_prefix = 'cosmos' key_name = 'albert' # tentative signer store_prefix = 'ibc' max_gas = 3000000 max_msg_num = 30 max_tx_size = 2097152 gas_price = { price = 0.001, denom = 'stake' } clock_drift = '5s' trusting_period = '14days' trust_threshold = { numerator = '1', denominator = '3' } [[chains]] id = 'anoma-test.19a97ff158649fe43dd' # set your chain ID rpc_addr = '' # set the port of the chain grpc_addr = '' websocket_addr = 'ws://' # set the port of the chain rpc_timeout = '10s' account_prefix = 'cosmos' key_name = 'albert' # tentative signer store_prefix = 'ibc' max_gas = 3000000 max_msg_num = 30 max_tx_size = 2097152 gas_price = { price = 0.001, denom = 'stake' } clock_drift = '5s' trusting_period = '14days' trust_threshold = { numerator = '1', denominator = '3' } ``` 3. Now, in the ibc-rs root folder, setup the connection and the channel between chains by Hermes #### Create a connection ```bash cargo run --bin hermes -- -c ${HERMES_CONFIG} \ create connection ${CHAIN_A_ID} ${CHAIN_B_ID} ``` Once this succeeds, you should see a value in the `Success` output under `connection_id` (Chain A), e.g.: ```json a_side: ConnectionSide { chain: BaseChainHandle { chain_id: ChainId { id: "anoma-test.19a97ff158649fe43dd", version: 0, }, runtime_sender: Sender { .. }, }, client_id: ClientId( "07-tendermint-0", ), connection_id: Some( ConnectionId( "connection-0", ), ), }, ``` See the Hermes docs for [New connection over new clients](https://hermes.informal.systems/commands/path-setup/connections.html#new-connection-over-new-clients) for more information. #### Create a channel Take note of the `ConnectionId` (in this case, `connection-0`), then proceed to establish a channel on this connection: ```bash cargo run --bin hermes -- -c ${HERMES_CONFIG} \ create channel \ --port-a transfer --port-b transfer \ ${CHAIN_A_ID} connection-0 ``` - We can get the created channel IDs to be used for token transfer - In the following example, the channel ID of Chain `anoma-test.19a97ff158649fe43dd` is `channel-0`. ```json Success: Channel { ordering: Unordered, a_side: ChannelSide { chain: ProdChainHandle { chain_id: ChainId { id: "anoma-test.19a97ff158649fe43dd", version: 0, }, runtime_sender: Sender { .. }, }, client_id: ClientId( "07-tendermint-0", ), connection_id: ConnectionId( "connection-0", ), port_id: PortId( "transfer", ), channel_id: Some( ChannelId( "channel-0", ), ), version: None, }, b_side: ChannelSide { chain: ProdChainHandle { chain_id: ChainId { id: "gaia", version: 0, }, runtime_sender: Sender { .. }, }, client_id: ClientId( "07-tendermint-0", ), connection_id: ConnectionId( "connection-0", ), port_id: PortId( "transfer", ), channel_id: Some( ChannelId( "channel-0", ), ), version: None, }, connection_delay: 0ns, } ``` 4. Start Hermes ```bash cargo run --bin hermes -- -c ${HERMES_CONFIG} start ``` - Hermes monitors chains. If IBC-related event is emitted from a chain, Hermes checks it and submits a transaction with the corresponding IBC message. ### Token transfer There are currently 3 ways to test IBC transfers: From the `hermes` CLI, the `anoma` CLI, and from the Wallet UI app. #### Transaction from Hermes (Hermes submits a transaction) ```bash cargo run --bin hermes -- -c ${HERMES_CONFIG} \ tx raw ft-transfer ${DST_CHAIN} ${SRC_CHAIN} \ ${SRC_PORT_ID} ${SRC_CHANNEL_ID} ${AMOUNT} \ -o ${TIMEOUT_HEIGHT} -d ${TOKEN_ADDRESS} ``` - `SRC_PORT_ID` is `transfer` in this case - `TIMEOUT_HEIGHT` should be positive - `${TOKEN_ADDRESS}` should be the address as string - e.g. XAN: `atest1v4ehgw36x3prswzxggunzv6pxqmnvdj9xvcyzvpsggeyvs3cg9qnywf589qnwvfsg5erg3fkl09rg5` #### Anoma CLI 1. Set the source chain ID to `default_chain_id` in `${ANOMA_DIR}/.anoma/global-config.toml` 2. Get the receiver's address from the wallet of the counterpart chain 3. Execute `ibc-transfer` command ```bash ${ANOMAC} ibc-transfer --ledger-address ${SOURCE_LEDGER_ADDRESS} \ --source ${SOURCE_ALIAS} --receiver ${RECEIVED_ADDRESS} --token ${TOKEN}\ --amount ${AMOUNT} --channel-id ${CHANNEL_ID} ``` - `RECEIVED_ADDRESS` should be a raw address, not alias #### Anoma Wallet UI 1. Download and install `anoma-apps` from <https://github.com/anoma/anoma-apps>: ```bash git clone git@github.com:anoma/anoma-apps.git ``` 2. Install dependencies for `anoma-apps`: ```bash cd anoma-apps && git checkout feat/39-ibc-setup && yarn ``` 3. Create a `.env`: ```bash # Switch to anoma-wallet cd packages/anoma-wallet # Create a .env file vi .env # or whichever editor you prefer ``` 4. Configure `.env` variables (minimum config, assumes several defaults): ```bash # Chain A REACT_APP_CHAIN_A_ALIAS=Anoma Fractal Instance - 1 REACT_APP_CHAIN_A_ID=anoma-test.1e670ba91369ec891fc REACT_APP_CHAIN_A_FAUCET=atest1v4ehgw36gfprwdekgg6rsdesg3rry3pjx9prqv3exumrg3zzx3q5vv3nx4zr2v6yggurgwp4rzjk2v # Chain B REACT_APP_CHAIN_B_ALIAS=Anoma Fractal Instance - 2 REACT_APP_CHAIN_B_ID=anoma-test.89060614ce340f4baae REACT_APP_CHAIN_B_FAUCET=atest1v4ehgw36xscyvdpcxgenvdf3x5c523j98pqnz3fjgfq5yvp4xpqnvv69x5erzvjzgse5yd3suq5pd0 ``` _NOTE_ See [.env.sample](https://github.com/anoma/anoma-apps/blob/feat/39-ibc-setup/packages/anoma-wallet/.env.sample) for complete list of configurable options to match your environment 5. From `anoma-apps/packages/anoma-wallet`, run `yarn dev:local` 6. This should launch a dev server on port `3000`, and open a tab in the browser 7. Follow the process of establishing a master account in the wallet 8. By default, this will initialize a default token account, and fund it with 1000 tokens of XAN (aliased as NAM token in the app). From the top navigation, click `Settings`, then `Wallet Settings`. Under `Network`, select `Anoma Fractal Instance - 2` (or whichever `Chain B` alias you entered) 9. From the top menu, click `Wallet`, then `Add Account`. Choose `NAM` as the token, give it an alias, then click `Add` 10. Once this account has been initialized, click `Details`, then copy the address 11. From `Settings > Wallet Settings`, change the `Network` back to `Anoma Fractal Instance - 1`, then click `Wallet` 12. Select `Details` for the default account, then `IBC Transfer` 13. Click `Add Channel`, and enter `channel-0`, then click `Add` (This channel should match a valid channel ID on your source chain) 14. Paste the address you copied into `Recipient`, then enter an amount to transfer, then click `Transfer` 15. You should see a `Success` message once it completes. It may take a minute for the recipient balance to update. 16. Click `Settings > Wallet Settings` and switch to the destination network (`Anoma Fractal Instance - 2`), then click `Wallet` 17. You can click `Details` for that account to refresh the balance. Once the destination chain has been successfully updated, the new balance should appear. ### Setup Gaia(Cosmos) There are a couple methods for setting up Gaia (Cosmos) with Hermes. Before doing either, download and install Gaia: 1. Get [the forked Gaia](https://github.com/heliaxdev/gaia/tree/yuji/ics23_smt) ```bash git clone https://github.com/heliaxdev/gaia ``` 2. Build and install `gaiad` from the source (using branch `yuji/ics23_smt` supporting SMT proofs) ```bash cd gaia git checkout yuji/ics23_smt make install ``` __NOTE__ If `gaiad` is not in your path after installing, you can try the following: ```bash make build export PATH=$PATH:$(pwd)/build ``` This will add the `gaiad` binary to your path #### Method 1: Invoke via one-chain script in Hermes: 1. In `ibc-rs`, invoke the following command to set up and run `gaiad`: ```bash ./scripts/one-chain gaiad gaia ./data 26657 26656 26660 9092 100 ``` FYI: The order of these arguments should follow: ``` ./scripts/one-chain BINARY CHAIN_ID CHAIN_DIR RPC_PORT P2P_PORT PROFILING_PORT GRPC_PORT SAMOLEANS ``` 2. Configure Hermes to use Gaia Edit Hermes' config file to add the Gaia chain ```toml [[chains]] id = 'gaia' rpc_addr = '' grpc_addr = '' websocket_addr = 'ws://' rpc_timeout = '10s' account_prefix = 'cosmos' key_name = 'testkey' store_prefix = 'ibc' max_gas = 3000000 max_msg_num = 30 max_tx_size = 2097152 gas_price = { price = 0.001, denom = 'stake' } clock_drift = '5s' trusting_period = '14days' trust_threshold = { numerator = '1', denominator = '3' } ``` 3. Import `gaia` user keys into `hermes`: ```bash cargo run --bin hermes -- -c config.toml keys add gaia -f data/gaia/user_seed.json cargo run --bin hermes -- -c config.toml keys add gaia -f data/gaia/user2_seed.json ``` 4. Establish a connection between `gaia` and a Namada chain: ```bash cargo run --bin hermes -- -c config.toml create connection anoma-test.19a97ff158649fe43dd gaia ``` 5. Establish a channel on this connection ```bash cargo run --bin hermes -- -c config.toml create channel --port-a transfer --port-b transfer gaia connection-0 ``` Note the channel and counterpary channel ID here. The "counterparty channelId" will be the `channelId` to specify when broadcasting an IBC transfer to the `anoma-test.19a97ff158649fe43dd` chain (chain A -> gaia). 6. Start `hermes` (if not already started): ```bash cargo run --bin hermes -- -c config.toml start ``` If you need to kill `gaiad` and restart later, from the `ibc-rs` directory, you can run: ```bash gaiad --home data/gaia start --grpc.address="" ``` Also, you can query addresses and balances on the Gaia chain as follows (from the `ibc-rs` directory): ```bash= # Query address of user 1 gaiad --home data/gaia keys --keyring-backend="test" show user -a # Query address of user 2 gaiad --home data/gaia keys --keyring-backend="test" show user2 -a # Balance for user 1 gaiad --node tcp://localhost:26657 query bank balances $(gaiad --home data/gaia keys --keyring-backend="test" show user -a) # Balance for user 2 gaiad --node tcp://localhost:26657 query bank balances $(gaiad --home data/gaia keys --keyring-backend="test" show user2 -a) ``` #### Method 2: Invoke dev set up with dev-env in Hermes: _NOTE: I was not able to get this method to work, but leaving this here for reference -**JRE**_ 1. Move to `ibc-rs` directory (https://github.com/heliaxdev/ibc-rs/tree/yuji/v0.14.0_anoma is recommended) and apply a patch ``` cd ${ibc-rs} git patch gaia_1_node.patch ``` - The default script sets up 2 gaia chains. - `gaia_1_node.patch` sets only 1 node up and initializes XAN ```diff diff --git a/scripts/dev-env b/scripts/dev-env index eeb3dd87..1b3f3a7a 100755 --- a/scripts/dev-env +++ b/scripts/dev-env @@ -19,9 +19,9 @@ if [ -z "$2" ]; then missing "CHAIN_0_ID" fi -if [ -z "$3" ]; then - missing "CHAIN_1_ID" -fi +#if [ -z "$3" ]; then +# missing "CHAIN_1_ID" +#fi if [ "$#" -gt 4 ]; then diff --git a/scripts/init-hermes b/scripts/init-hermes index 22d2a81d..be71aa20 100755 --- a/scripts/init-hermes +++ b/scripts/init-hermes @@ -21,9 +21,9 @@ if [ -z "$2" ]; then missing "CHAIN_0_ID" fi -if [ -z "$3" ]; then - missing "CHAIN_1_ID" -fi +#if [ -z "$3" ]; then +# missing "CHAIN_1_ID" +#fi if [ "$#" -gt 4 ]; then @@ -46,10 +46,10 @@ if ! grep -q -s "$CHAIN_0_ID" "$CONFIG_FILE"; then usage fi -if ! grep -q -s "$CHAIN_1_ID" "$CONFIG_FILE"; then - echo "error: configuration for chain [$CHAIN_1_ID] does not exist in file $CONFIG_FILE." - usage -fi +#if ! grep -q -s "$CHAIN_1_ID" "$CONFIG_FILE"; then +# echo "error: configuration for chain [$CHAIN_1_ID] does not exist in file $CONFIG_FILE." +# usage +#fi if [ -n "$CHAIN_2_ID" ] && ! grep -q -s "$CHAIN_2_ID" "$CONFIG_FILE"; then echo "error: configuration for chain [$CHAIN_2_ID] does not exist in file $CONFIG_FILE." @@ -65,8 +65,8 @@ cargo build -q --locked echo "Importing keys..." cargo run -q --bin hermes -- -c "$CONFIG_FILE" keys add "$CHAIN_0_ID" -f "$GAIA_DATA/$CHAIN_0_ID/user_seed.json" cargo run -q --bin hermes -- -c "$CONFIG_FILE" keys add "$CHAIN_0_ID" -f "$GAIA_DATA/$CHAIN_0_ID/user2_seed.json" -n user2 -cargo run -q --bin hermes -- -c "$CONFIG_FILE" keys add "$CHAIN_1_ID" -f "$GAIA_DATA/$CHAIN_1_ID/user_seed.json" -cargo run -q --bin hermes -- -c "$CONFIG_FILE" keys add "$CHAIN_1_ID" -f "$GAIA_DATA/$CHAIN_1_ID/user2_seed.json" -n user2 +#cargo run -q --bin hermes -- -c "$CONFIG_FILE" keys add "$CHAIN_1_ID" -f "$GAIA_DATA/$CHAIN_1_ID/user_seed.json" +#cargo run -q --bin hermes -- -c "$CONFIG_FILE" keys add "$CHAIN_1_ID" -f "$GAIA_DATA/$CHAIN_1_ID/user2_seed.json" -n user2 if [ -n "$CHAIN_2_ID" ]; then cargo run -q --bin hermes -- -c "$CONFIG_FILE" keys add "$CHAIN_2_ID" -f "$GAIA_DATA/$CHAIN_2_ID/user_seed.json" diff --git a/scripts/one-chain b/scripts/one-chain index 30a1af78..f6f3f373 100755 --- a/scripts/one-chain +++ b/scripts/one-chain @@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ fi STAKE="100000000000stake" # The user also needs stake to perform actions -USER_COINS="${STAKE},${SAMOLEANS}samoleans" +USER_COINS="${STAKE},${SAMOLEANS}samoleans,100000000000atest1v4ehgw36x3prswzxggunzv6pxqmnvdj9xvcyzvpsggeyvs3cg9qnywf589qnwvfsg5erg3fkl09rg5" # Hermes also needs stake to perform actions HERMES_COINS="${STAKE},${SAMOLEANS}samoleans" diff --git a/scripts/setup-chains b/scripts/setup-chains index a95e84db..b4d523ff 100755 --- a/scripts/setup-chains +++ b/scripts/setup-chains @@ -17,9 +17,9 @@ if [ -z "$1" ]; then missing "CHAIN_0_ID" fi -if [ -z "$2" ]; then - missing "CHAIN_1_ID" -fi +#if [ -z "$2" ]; then +# missing "CHAIN_1_ID" +#fi if [ "$#" -gt 3 ]; then @@ -78,14 +78,14 @@ CHAIN_1_SAMOLEANS=100000000000 CHAIN_2_SAMOLEANS=100000000000 "$ONE_CHAIN" gaiad "$CHAIN_0_ID" ./data $CHAIN_0_RPC_PORT 26656 6060 $CHAIN_0_GRPC_PORT $CHAIN_0_SAMOLEANS -"$ONE_CHAIN" gaiad "$CHAIN_1_ID" ./data $CHAIN_1_RPC_PORT 26556 6061 $CHAIN_1_GRPC_PORT $CHAIN_1_SAMOLEANS +#"$ONE_CHAIN" gaiad "$CHAIN_1_ID" ./data $CHAIN_1_RPC_PORT 26556 6061 $CHAIN_1_GRPC_PORT $CHAIN_1_SAMOLEANS if [ -n "$CHAIN_2_ID" ]; then "$ONE_CHAIN" gaiad "$CHAIN_2_ID" ./data $CHAIN_2_RPC_PORT 26456 6062 $CHAIN_2_GRPC_PORT $CHAIN_2_SAMOLEANS fi [ -f "$GAIA_DATA/$CHAIN_0_ID.log" ] && echo "$CHAIN_0_ID initialized. Watch file $GAIA_DATA/$CHAIN_0_ID.log to see its execution." -[ -f "$GAIA_DATA/$CHAIN_1_ID.log" ] && echo "$CHAIN_1_ID initialized. Watch file $GAIA_DATA/$CHAIN_1_ID.log to see its execution." +#[ -f "$GAIA_DATA/$CHAIN_1_ID.log" ] && echo "$CHAIN_1_ID initialized. Watch file $GAIA_DATA/$CHAIN_1_ID.log to see its execution." if [ -n "$CHAIN_2_ID" ]; then [ -f "$GAIA_DATA/$CHAIN_2_ID.log" ] && echo "$CHAIN_2_ID initialized. Watch file $GAIA_DATA/$CHAIN_2_ID.log to see its execution." ``` 2. Edit Hermes' config file to add the Gaia chain ```toml [[chains]] id = 'gaia' rpc_addr = '' grpc_addr = '' websocket_addr = 'ws://' rpc_timeout = '10s' account_prefix = 'cosmos' key_name = 'testkey' store_prefix = 'ibc' max_gas = 3000000 max_msg_num = 30 max_tx_size = 2097152 gas_price = { price = 0.001, denom = 'stake' } clock_drift = '5s' trusting_period = '14days' trust_threshold = { numerator = '1', denominator = '3' } ``` 3. Run Gaia with the scripts in the `ibc-rs` repository (__NOTE__ If you setup Gaia via `one-chain`, it should already be running. Check with: `ps -e | grep gaiad`) ``` ./scripts/dev-env ${HERMES_CONFIG} gaia ``` - The scripts set and initialize the chain 4. Check the balances ``` gaiad --node tcp://localhost:26657 query bank balances $(gaiad --home data/gaia keys --keyring-backend="test" show user -a) ``` - The chain should have `user` and `user2` ###### tags: `IBC`