# Robotics 2023 ## Kids Younes: 5th Grade Hamza: 5th Grade - 11 yr old in Nov Belal: 3th Grade - 9 yr old in Oct Belal: 2nd Grade - 8 yr old in April Yaseen: 4th Grade - Mohamed: 8th Grade - 13 Modo: 12 years old Omar: 5th Grade Moaaz : 8 years old ### Potential additions Karim: 13 Adam: 11 Hamza ElSharqawy: 5th Grade ## Agenda ## How we work :D * Split into teams ## Next Steps * Meet at 7pm in MAPS on 9/15 (After Friday Program) * [Haytham] Book a room at MAPS * [Abdalla] Show them the missions video & innovation project * [Abdalla] Present a few strategy options/team split * [Haytham] Order the kit & sign up for the competition * [Abdalla] Create a splitwise group to track expenses * [Haytham] Gather info about the Explore competition (6-10 yr olds) * Parents to meet afterwards to figure out the details of meeting location and such.