--- tags: PIMS, education --- PIMS Education Prize (Prizes - Awards website) Every year the Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences accepts nominations for the PIMS Education Prize. The prize is $1,000. The prize will be awarded to members of the PIMS community who *have made significant contributions to education in the mathematical sciences. Generally, the award criteria focus on contributions at a broader level with an impact beyond the nominee's institutions.* This prize is intended to recognize individuals or groups from the PIMS universities, or other educational institutions in Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Washington who have played a major role in encouraging activities which have enhanced public awareness and appreciation of the mathematical sciences, as well as fostering communication among various groups and organizations concerned with mathematical training at all levels. Previous recipients 2022 - Sean Graves (University of Alberta) 2021 - Bruce Dunham (UBC) 2020 - Fok-Shuen Leung (UBC) 2019 - Jamie Mulholland (SFU) 2018 - Julia Pevtsova (University of Washington) 2017 - Anna Stokke (University of Winnipeg) 2016 - Patrick Maidorn (University of Regina) 2015 - Dragos Hrimiuc (University of Alberta) 2014 - Susan Milner (University of Fraser Valley) 2013 - Natalia Kouzniak (SFU) 2012 - Mark MacLean (UBC) 2011 - Veselin Jungic (SFU) 2010 - Andy Liu (University of Alberta) 2009 - Gerda de Vries (University of Alberta) 2008 - Harley Weston (University of Regina) 2007 - Virginia Warfield (University of Washington) 2006 - Sharon Friesen (University of Calgary) 2005 - Malgorzata Dubiel (SFU) 2004 - Bill Sands (University of Calgary) 2003 - George Bluman (UBC) 2002 - Wieslaw Krawcewicz (University of Alberta) 2001 - Klaus Hoechsmann (UBC) 2000 - Ted Lewis (University of Alberta) 1999 - David Leeming (University of Victoria) 1998 - Jim Morrow (University of Washington) Nominations Nominations must be submitted by March 15th every year. A nomination should contain: 1) a cover letter not to exceed 2 pages (summarizing the nomination) and additional letters from *up to 3* sponsors, all of which should explain the nominee's contributions and impact and their relevance to the award criteria; 2) The CV's of those nominated; and 3) *A 3-5 page summary of major accomplishments of the nominee's work highlighting the impact of the nominee's work on the community.* 4) *The application may include up to two samples of the nominee's work (such as reprints or educational materials) as an appendix.* Nominations received in the previous two years will automatically be considered for the current year's prize. In these circumstances, nominators will be allowed to provide updates to their nomination. Nominations should be sent via email to: nominations@pims.math.ca. Only electronic submissions will be accepted. The prize will be selected by the PIMS Executive Committee which is composed of the PIMS Site Directors. The results will be announced in April.