# Green Guide Template `This file shows the outline for a Green Guide. For illustration purposes I've refered to DevOps Engineers as an example persona.` `We must be mindful of organisational context. Anything contained within them must be robust and generic enough to be applied based on an organisation’s approaches and standards. ` ## Introduction * Explain the purpose of this guide * Connect to the reduction of carbon emissions of software by applying a 'green lens' to existing your existing practises * Refer to the course and recommend they complete it if they haven't already ## Becoming a greener [DevOps Engineer] * Explain what green software means in the context of [DevOps] * Connect the [3 Principles from the course](https://learn.greensoftware.foundation/introduction) back to their role * Connect to other methodologies and frameworks such as FinOps, Devops, GreenOps * Introduce the GSF concept of "Learn > Measure > Reduce" * What could this look like in DevOps? * Mention finding proxy measures for carbon (e.g. Money) * Recommend to start small * e.g. Identify a suitable application or component of your systems that could be a good candidate for improvement * 5-10 things you can do right now * Mix of reflective questions and generic 'no regret moves' * How might you reduce...? * "Do we need that server?" * "Do we need that feature?" * Do X ## Taking it further * Talk about Measurement (SCI & Impact Framework) * Reference relevant projects & toolings (broader ecosystem) * Promote contributing to projects (i.e. CNCF, GSF) * Link to further learning resources (e.g. Building Green Sofware Book) * Link to advocacy resources such as the Principles deck