# Evergreen notes
### by @gpestana
This is gpestana's evergreen notes repository. Reach out to gpestana \_at_ hashmatter \_dot_ com or [twitter/@gpestana](https://twitter.com/gpestana) for discussions, comments and corrections.
btw, evergreen notes are by nature ever evolving, scraps, ideas, and other artifacts from my work and the stuff I’ve been thinking about and are part of my effort to work in public. take that into considerations as you read the notes :)
🔗 gpestana.com | hashmatter.com | [github/gpestana](https://github.com/gpestana) | [twitter/@gpestana](https://twitter.com/gpestana)
- [notes index](https://hackmd.io/@gpestana/HJoBm2tqo)
### Substrate, FRAME and parachains
- [Increase `MaxValidatorCount` in Polkadot](/B1lQSuJbhC)
- [Build Polkadot fellowship runtimes with local changes](/g8XWJfUzScGnxibhzt0EQw?view)
- [Staking data inconsistency in Westend](/TPdi28H7Qc2mNUqLSMn15w)
- [Staking Approval Voting for validators and `TargetList`](/ObesW1tIQkqX2AtPeZPo3w)
- [Parachains PoV](/8yh154B3S4S-aBTGi7Vfcg)
- [FRAME testing framework improvements](/wosSdMVpTJa5e_vkVjtqEQ)
- [Minimum Active Stake reported as zero](/NCe-ZVJ2TOC6Tt78bU15BQ)
- [Nomination pools - Inspect potential inaccuracy of `points_to_balance` runtime API](/OHDPAxEHQq6O6EP_9zzCag)
- [Implementation of Dynamic Number of Nominators (notes & discussions)](/C71YHsgVRZKwsAZS6-Zk-w)
- [Clear process to update `MinimumUntrustedScore`](/IwJiYgMwRKer0e7khbLhUQ)
- [Substrate `try-runtime` quest 1 - test new feature with `execute-block`](/VyEQBMhnSaSOWxIvE4OD4g)
- [Exposing runtime APIs through RPC methods](/wvSMMNUGSPiZX8-sb4NyFA)
- [Error handling for Substrate runtime APIs exposed through the `state_call` RPC](/EbhZMcDBR0Wx_We_VSGRIg)
- [Fire Q&A related to staking and election-provider-multi-phase pallets](/AwD8kd-VSjils1olatkQZQ)
- [EPM/Staking-miner: commit-reveal based submission #11762](/zE1goNRmSsa8q_LCjHD5Kg)
- [Thoughts on governance security and configs for parachains](/nHL4RENIRvukqyUv9vAbwA)
- [Exploring Substrate weights and executive pallet](/zvlrPUXHRbKVgzG9N_f2pQ)
### Privacy tech and applied cryptography
- [(paper) FrodoPIR: Simple, Scalable, Single-Server Private Information Retrieval](https://eprint.iacr.org/2022/981.pdf)
- [(paper) PrivateFetch: Scalable Catalog Delivery in Privacy-Preserving Advertising](https://arxiv.org/pdf/2109.08189.pdf)
- [(paper) THEMIS: A Decentralized Privacy-Preserving Ad Platform with Reporting Integrity](https://arxiv.org/pdf/2106.01940.pdf)
- [(paper) VPN0 : A Privacy-Preserving Decentralized Virtual Private Network](https://arxiv.org/pdf/1910.00159.pdf)
- [(paper) A Framework for Building Secure, Scalable, Networked Enclaves](https://arxiv.org/pdf/2206.04123.pdf)
- [(paper) SBC-IPFS: A Practical Secure Encryption Broadcast Channel on IPFS](https://www.gpestana.com/papers/sbc-ipfs-draft.pdf)
- [NR2P - Non-repudiation for TLS data sessions and zero knowledge proofs of humanity](/35kzObpuQH6n4MQ_QtrQ3g)
- [Trusted Computing on Untrusted Platforms with privacy guarantees - A ZKS*ARKs approach](/lb_zSa_8TJWjURoLzzzavg)
- [Private Access Tokens](/E69JYWvQQUCkSR3gvHI4PA)
- [Everyone is naked: Privacy in P2P networks](https://www.gpestana.com/blog/p2p-everyone-is-naked/)
- [In Pursuit of Private DHTs](https://www.gpestana.com/blog/in-pursuit-of-private-dhts/)
- [Coin Flipping Request Delegation](https://www.gpestana.com/blog/coin-flipping-request-delegation/)
- [Privacy preserving engineering](https://www.gpestana.com/blog/privacy-preserving-engineering/)
- [Why everyone should be using Tor](https://www.gpestana.com/blog/why-use-tor/)
### Engineering and architecture
- [Store the data the smart way](https://www.gpestana.com/blog/store-data-smart/)
- [Don't trust the data](https://www.gpestana.com/blog/dont-trust-the-data/)
- [Why have one data pipeline when you can have multiple?](https://www.gpestana.com/blog/multiple-pipelines/)
- [Do microservices (and avoid nanoservices)](https://www.gpestana.com/blog/data-microservices/)
- [Managing credentials in production](https://www.gpestana.com/blog/managing-production-credentials/)
### Others
- [Curated discussion lists](https://hackmd.io/AE-3U0SWR8iiv4OAzv4G5g)
### Talks and keynotes
**NPoS Impacts, Critiques and Future Potentials in Polkadot** @ Polkadot Decoded 2023
{%youtube Sl_775xBKFc %}
**How the internet is making us all vulnerable and why you should use the Darkweb** @ TEDx Helsinki 2018
{%youtube 9N2bbGvEQjk %}
**Privacy in Peer-to-Peer Networks** @ Data Terra Nemo 2019
{%youtube nCCkwU4JPcY %}
**Privacy in P2P networks: DHTs and IPFS** @ IPFS Camp 2019
{%youtube lGk6OErtDFY %}
**IPFS All Hands Call - privacy preserving decentralized networks with @gpestana from hashmatter** 2020
{%youtube 3hysSQDSTOM %}
**CRDT JSON Datatype paper walkthrough and discussion** @ Protocol Labs Journal Club 2018
{%youtube TRvQzwDyVro %}
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