# Service as a DAG ## Motivation [Lack of functions](https://github.com/ipld/ipld/issues/263) in [IPLD Schema] motivates workarounds in order to describe web3.storage protocol in terms of it. I have pretty much submitted to defining functions as structs like ```ipldsch type Protocol { DID: Space } type Space struct { store Store upload Upload } type Store { add StoreAdd remove StoreRemove list StoreList } type Upload { add UploadAdd remove UploadRemove list UploadList } type StoreAddIn struct { link &CAR size Int origin optional &CAR } type StoreAddOut enum { | Done StoreAddOutDone | Upload StoreAddOutUpload } type StoreAddOutDone struct { with DID link &CAR } type StoreAddOutUpload struct { headers {String: String} url String with DID link &CAR } # This is actually a function type StoreAdd struct { in StoreAddIn out StoreAddOut } # You get the idea ``` Raising various issues for IPLD schemas, working on [UCAN invocation receipts](https://github.com/web3-storage/ucanto/issues/151) and the fact that invocations start tasks with observable [event streams](https://github.com/web3-storage/w3infra/issues/117) got me thinking that perhaps instead of designing service as a UCAN RPC we should instead be designing it as an IPLD DAG 💡. If we design it that way we'll have "writable" part of the DAG and readable part of the DAG. Users could send "requests", or rather write "commands" into "writable" part of the DAG and read / observe results from the readable "receipts" part of the DAG. This might also better capture the fact that our invocations either 1. Schedule a task that goes through a system pipeline which updates state as it makes the progress. In fact we already want a way to observe these state changes. 1. Query state over overall state DAG. Representing whole system as an actual IPLD DAG is going to be prohibitively impractical, however we could still model a system as a DAG without materializing one. ## Sketch Here is how we could re-envision our service as a DAG and avoid need for functions in IPLD schema. Instead of defining capabilities in terms of actions one could invoke, we could take page from [IPLD Patch](https://ipld.io/specs/patch/fixtures/fixtures-1/) book and define universal set of operations. > It is worth calling out similarity with an HTTP protocol where small set of `GET`, `PUT`, `POST`, `DELETE` methods operate on specific paths. > > This is also a case with SQL where small set of operations `insert`, `select`, `update`, `delete` operate on arbitrary tables. > We could also model our system as a set of commands that can operate on arbitrary DAG paths. We will represent our operations as UCAN invocations (with slight modifications) > ⚠️ IPLD schema does not have notion of generics, in the examples below we extend syntax with generics to reduce number of lines that would have to be otherwise duplicated. ```ipldsch # We define standard set of oporations in terms of tasks type Operation union { # Writes this task at the specified IPLD path. If identical task # at specified path already exists command is noop. If different # entry exists under specified path operation is denied unless # entry has failed or deleted status. Task<{ path IPLDPath value Any }> "dag/post" # Reads entry at the specified IPLD path. Task<{ path IPLDPath }> "dag/get" # Deletes entry from the specified IPLD path. Task<{ path IPLDPath }> "dag/remove" # Selects entries from the target IPLD path. IPLD path MUST target # map, list or an entry with in them. If targets an entry selects # next set of entries. Task<{ path IPLDPath limit optional Int }> "dag/select" } representation inline { discriminantKey "do" } # Task is similar to one in UCAN invocation draft spec, except it # has extra fields from invocation to make it self-contained as per # https://github.com/ucan-wg/invocation/issues/6 type Task<Insruction> struct { with DID do String input Insruction meta {String : Any} (implicit {}) nnc optional String sig Varsig prf [&UCAN] } # Roughly equivalent of the receipts from UCAN invocation spec # https://github.com/ucan-wg/invocation/blob/rough/README.md#9-receipt type Receipt<Insruction, State> struct { # Link to the "dag/put" task this is the receipt is for task Task<Insruction> # Current state out State # When system updates state it will link to a prior signed # state providing verifiable trace of updates. origin optional &Receipt<Input, Any> # Signature from the actor that performed the state update sig Varsig # All the other metadata meta { String: Any } } ``` With the above defined set of operation we can represent web3.storage as a DAG with a following schema. Users could execute above defined operations in order to mutate and query spaces they have access to ```ipldsch # Entire system is modeled as map of user spaces keyed # by space DIDs type W3 struct { DID Space } # Spaces MAY have varios providers e.g storage provider, upload provider etc... type Space struct { # Storege provider is map keyed by CARs stored. Users can send commands to # update or query it. store { &CAR: Receipt<Store, StoreStatus> } # Upload provider is a map keyed by upload roots. Users can send commands to # add / remove and list items it stores upload { &Any: Receipt<Upload, unit> } } # Every store entry is a state machine and it can be in one of the following states type StoreStatus union { # When user submits dag/put command it will appears as queued | unit "queued" # System MAY update state from queued to pending in order to # provide presigned upload URL for user to complete the task. | StorePending pending # System MAY update state from queued or pending to done. | unit "done" # System MAY update state from pending to expired if upload # is not complete. User may submit another store request to retry. | unit "expried" # System MAY update state from queued or pending to failed # e.g if space is out of storage ran out of storage capacity. | StoreFailed "failed" } representation inline { discriminantKey "status" } type Store struct { link &CAR size Int origin optional &CAR } type Upload struct { root &Any shards optional [&CAR] } type StoreFailed struct { reason String } type StorePending struct { url String headers Headers } type Headers { String: String } ``` To give more concrete examples use could send requests like these in order to store some CAR ```ts { with: "did:key:zAlice", do: "dag/post", input: { path: `store/${car.cid}`, link: car.cid, size: car.bytes.byteLength } prf: [ucan] } ``` And receive response for the `store/get` corresponding to the same path ```ts { task: "bafy..req", out: { status: "pending", url: 'https://s3.aws.com/...' headers: {} } sig: [...] } ``` [IPLD Schema]:https://ipld.io/specs/schemas/