<p style="margin-bottom: -24px"></p> <div style="display: none;"> # 證照與研習經歷:訓練 (Content) https://hackmd.io/@gazichao/S1wDkwcd5 </div> <span class="hide">隱藏導覽</span> {%hackmd 7eU6AsPkRnOwVnZwiaGV8g %} <span class="hide">乾淨閱讀</span> {%hackmd HN5MaSEITdazAG1TW6zS3A %} <span class="hide">通用排版</span> {%hackmd dSB7jCkbQr25JLAdnk5ZHQ %} <span class="hide">研習經歷</span> {%hackmd vg3vqH6RR5CCriGjE1ghvw %} # 🟧 證照與研習經歷:訓練領域 <p class="subtitle">Certificates & Experiences in Sports Science</p> ## 主證照 - **美國國家運動醫學會 NASM (National Academy of Sports Medicine):** - 認證私人教練 CPT (Certified Personal Trainer) [NCCA 認證] - 2020.06 certified, 2024.06 recertified to 2026.06 - 運動表現專家 PES (Performance Enhancement Specialization) - 矯正運動專家 CES (Corrective Exercise Specialization) - 形體與健美教練 PBC (Physique and Bodybuilding Coach) - 2022.12 - **美國運動委員會 ACE (American Council on Exercise):** - 認證私人教練 CPT (Certified Personal Trainer) [NCCA 認證] - 2021.01 certified, 2023.01 recertified to 2025.01 - 青少年體適能專家 (Youth Fitness Specialist) - 銀髮族體適能專家 (Senior Fitness Specialist) - 骨科運動專家 (Orthopedic Exercise Specialist) - **EXOS:** - 運動表現專家 (Performance Specialist) - 運動表現專家 Plus (Performance Specialist Plus) - 體能訓練專家 (Fitness Specialist) - 2022.05 - **國際運動科學協會 ISSA (International Sports Sciences Association):** - 認證健力指導員 (Certified Powerlifting Instructor) by **Tom Delong** - 2021.06 - 認證瑜伽老師 (Certified Yoga Instructor) - 2022.03 - 認證運動治療師 (Certified Exercise Therapist) - 2022.04 - **美國運動體適能協會 AFAA (Athletics and Fitness Association of America):** - 團體健身指導員 GFI (Group Fitness Instructor) [NCCA 認證] - **美國國家運動表現協會 NSPA (National Sports Performance Association):** - 認證舉重表現教練 (Certified Weightlifting Performance Coach) by **Wil Fleming** - 2021.08 - 認證課表設計專家 (Certified Program Design Specialist) by **Coach Dos (Robert dos Remedios)** - 2021.08 - **功能性動作系統 Functional Movement Systems**: - 功能性動作檢測 (Functional Movement Screen Level 1) - 2022.11.26 - 基礎體能檢測 (Fundamental Capacity Screen) - 2023.11.17 - 功能性健康 (Functional Wellness) - 動作評估方法 (A Common Sense Approach to Evaluating Movement) - 2022.10 - 動作矯正方法 (A Common Sense Approach to Correcting Movement) - 動作大師班:活動度 (Movement Masterclass: Mobility) - 動作大師班:穩定度 (Movement Masterclass: Stability) - 印度棒鈴 (Introduction to Indian Clubs) - 呼吸檢測與評估 (Screening and Assessing Breathing: A Multidimensional Approach) - **動作系統 The Movement System** - 課表設計專家 (Program Design Specialist) by **Matt Casturo** - 潛水|**專業潛水教練協會 PADI (Professional Association of Diving Instructors)** - 開放水域潛水員 (Open Water Diver) - 2016.04 ## 相關研習 - **解剖列車 Anatomy Trains 官方課程:** - 筋膜如何運動:動作訓練中的筋膜性質 (How Fascia Moves: Fascial Properties in Movement Training) by **Tom Myers** - 2022.09 - **功能性動作系統 Functional Movement Systems**: - 功能性動作檢測 (Functional Movement Screen Level 1) - 2022.11.26 - 動作評估常識方法 A Common Sense Approach to Evaluating Movement - 2022.10 - **EXOS** - 進階肌力與爆發力 (Advanced Strength and Power) by **Dan Baker** - 2021.04 - 運動員課表設計 (How to design a master program and customize it for individual athletes) by **Giovani Urrutia** & **Matt Parvis** - 2022.10 - 速度訓練 (Absolute Speed) - 2020.04 - 能量系統發展 (Energy Systems Development) - 2020.08 - 藥球訓練 (Medicine Ball) - 2022.11 - **StrongFirst** - 帕維爾俄式壺鈴訓練 (Kettlebell Simple & Sinister) by **Pavel Macek** & **Justyna Macková** - 2022.10 - 徒手基礎 (Bodyweight Fundamentals) by **Yoana Teran** & **John Spezzano** - 2022.06 - 槓鈴基礎 (Barbell Fundamentals) by **Brett Jones**, **Fabio Zonin** & **Jeremy Layport** - 2022.07 - 壺鈴基礎 (Kettlebell Fundamentals) by **Lance Coffel**, **Fabio Zonin** & **Brett Jones** - 2022.08 - 再生氣/重振呼吸技術 (SECOND WIND express) by **Pavel Tsatsouline** - 2022.03 - **美國國家運動醫學會 NASM (National Academy of Sports Medicine):** - 大腦訓練:有氧運動神經科學 (Training the Brain: The Neuroscience of Aerobic Exercise) - 基礎健美 (Guide to Bodybuilding) - 代謝訓練 (Metabolic Training) - 2021 - 心志訓練 MT (Mental Toughness) - 2020 - 矯正運動與奧林匹克舉重 (Corrective Exercise and Olympic Weightlifting Webinar) - 2021 - 矯正運動迷思解答 (Corrective Exercise Myths and FAQs Webinar) - **美國運動委員會 ACE (American Council on Exercise):** - 功能性訓練基礎 (Foundations of Functional Movement Training) by **Jacque Crockford** - 2021 - 整合體適能訓練:課程設計 (ACE IFT® Model: Personal Training Program Design) by **Jacque Crockford** & **Anthony Wall** - 2020 - 整合體適能訓練:學員課程設計 (ACE IFT® Model: Program Design for Every Client) - 2021 - 私人教練課程設計基礎 (Foundations of Program Design for Personal Trainers) - 2020-2021 - 心肺訓練課程設計 (Exercise Programming: Cardiorespiratory Training and the ACE IFT® Model) by **Justin Robinson** - 肌力訓練課程設計 (Exercise Programming: Muscular Training and the ACE IFT® Model) by **Michelle Leachman** - 2021 - 行為改變課程設計 (Exercise Programming: Applying the ACE Mover Method) by **Anthony Wall** - 高強度間歇課表設計 (Programming the Ultimate HIIT Workout) by **Jinger Gottschall** - 2021 - 動作導向肌力訓練 (A Movement-Based Approach to Strength Training) by **Michol Dalcourt** & **Derrick Price** - 2021 - 壺鈴訓練 (Kettlebells - Mastering the Swing) by **Pete McCall** - 2021 - 運動體適能課表設計 (Designing Sports Conditioning Workouts for Personal Training Clients) by **Pete McCall** - 2021 - 運動體適能課表設計:團體課程 (Designing Sports Conditioning Workouts for Group Fitness Classes) by **Pete McCall** - 2021 - 運動員訓練策略 (Effective Training Strategies for Athletes) - 2021 - 耐力運動員阻力訓練 (Resistance Training for the Endurance Athlete) by **Jacque Ratliff** - 2021 - 運動表現與生活 (Athletic Performance for Sport and Life) by **Brian Nunez** - 2021 - 上肢活動度與穩定度 (Beyond Posture: Upper Body Mobility and Stability) by **Lauren Shroyer** - 2021 - 核心肌力 (Core Strength) - 2021 - 足底與核心訓練 (Stand Strong: Building Postnatal Core Strength Through the Feet) by **Emily Splichal** - 2021 - 整合瑜珈課程科學藍圖 (A Science-Based Blueprint for Creating Inclusive Yoga Classes) by **Jessica Matthews** - 2020 - **美國國家運動表現協會 NSPA (National Sports Performance Association):** - 運動表現基礎 (Foundations of Sports Performance) by **Toby Brooks** - **EXOS:** - 全身震動訓練的科學與應用 (The Science and Application of Whole Body Vibration) - Sportsline 工作坊: - 如何訓練運動員提升其加速度與速度 by **Julian Lim** 教練 - 2019.03 - 臺灣運動科學健康促進協會: - 運動員評估檢測與功能性訓練國際研討會 (Athlete Assessment and Practical Functional Training Seminar) by **Dagmar Pavlu** - 2019 - 凱鑫國際: - 動作評估分析和矯正運動或治療處方 (Movement Assessment and Corrective Exercise or Treatment Prescription) by **張曉昀**副教授 - 2019 - **美國芝加哥 Rebound Fitness & Rehabilitation 運動復健訓練中心:** - 強化運動表現關鍵 - 核心肌群 - 強化運動表現關鍵 - 髖關節 - Core & Functional Training Webinar by **Greg Cadichon** & **John Brna** - 中華民國健身運動協會:體適能健身 C 級指導員 <span class="sg">2017</span> - 肌力訓練課程設計 by **王啟安**教練(怪獸訓練) <span class="sg">2020</span> - 舉重|**Oleksiy Torokhtiy** <span class="sg">2021</span> - 抓舉大師班 (Snatch MasterClass) - 上搏大師班 (Clean MasterClass) - 健力|**Avi Silverberg** <span class="sg">2022</span> - 健力完全技術 (Pursuit of Strength: The Complete Powerlifting Technique Course) - 13 項健力原則 (13 Must-Know Powerlifting Principles) - 健美: - 健美教戰指南 by **KosmoFit** & **Cliff Wilson** - 2021 - 十二週打造理想體態 by **Peeta 葛格**與**戰車老師 Scott(官振中)** - 2021 - 自然健美打造完美體魄 by 健美魔王**許家豪** - 2022 - 巨巨必修課 by 健美獅王**黃建智** - 2021 - 健體|**張國華 Terrence Teo** <span class="sg">2022</span> - 職業選手的舞台造型課 - **超核心健身教育學院 Hypercore Academy**: - 系統化增肌減脂 - 2021.12 - 壺鈴專業課程 - 2022.05 - 完整訓練動作 - 2022.05 - 解鎖運動表現潛能 by **Steve 教練(林昱廷)** - 打造專屬的矯正訓練計畫 by **史博比**教練(動動好適能訓練中心) - 居家健身 by **楷教練** - 烏犬劇場:武道狂之詩大師特訓班 <span class="sg">2019</span> - 從結構醫學重新檢視自己的身體 by **林明輝**藥師 - 流動的身體,透過武術的對練來建立身體的連動與順力 by **謝君韜**教練 - 從呼吸來找尋身體內在的動 by **陳江山**教練 - 森樂地: - 舞動脊椎與身心動作工作坊 by **蘇鈺婷**老師 - 亡鏡吟舞踏詩意工作坊 by **莫穎詩**老師 - 聲音與身體工作坊 by **林子寧**老師 - 巴西柔術 by **陳裕升**教練 <span class="sg">2022</span> - 台大武學: - 傳統武術一、二階 - 楊氏太極一階 - 跑步 - Pose Method Taiwan 姿勢跑法 by **余文彥**教練 - 2018 台北第七梯 - PUMA 螢光夜跑訓練營 by **林義淵**教練 - 2018 台北 - 洋洋訓練班 by **林鼎洋**教練 - 2017-2018 - 台北馬訓練營 by **鄭子健**教練 - 2017 - SEIKO 精準訓練營 by **翁竹毅**教練、**陳孟欣**教練 - 2017 - 江湖跑堂 E 心班 by **李銘勝**教練 - 2017 - 游泳 - 科學化游泳訓練 by **徐國峰**教練 - 2022 - 校永成人技術班 by **周校永**教練 - 2019 - 台大醫鯊 - 2015-2016 - 龍舟|Rainbow Punch Dragon Boat Team 彩虹重擊龍舟隊 <span class="sg">2017-2019</span> - 傳統武術|台大武學 <span class="sg">2019-2020</span> - 體操|台大體操 <span class="sg">2015-2017</span> - 舞蹈 - 抒情爵士|六號實驗室 by **張元豪**老師 - 2020 - 現代舞|阿紫舞蹈房 by **蕭紫菡**老師 - 2015-2017 - 現代舞|台大現代舞社 - 2015 ## 訓練計畫 - **Jeff Nippard** - The Essentials Program - The Ultimate Push Pull Legs System - **Oleksiy Torokhtiy** - Snatch Cycle - Clean Cycle - Jerk Cycle - Deadlift Cycle - Weightlifting Bodybuilding - Leg Killer - Strong Core - Intro Program - **張國華 Terrence Teo** - 狂暴式體格轉變 - VTaper - **Andy Speer** - The Anarchy Workout - The Anarchy 10 - The Spartacus Workout by **Rachel Cosgrove** - Project Calisthenics by **Simon Ata** - **Adam Frater** - The Shredded Academy - The Shredded Academy 2 - Cal-X Core Trainer - Move Strong Now by **Josh Hash** - Bodyweight HIIT-Sanity by **Josh Diaz** - The Physique Academy by **Eric Janicki** ## 瑜伽領域 - **國際運動科學協會 ISSA (International Sports Sciences Association):** - 認證瑜伽老師 (Certified Yoga Instructor) - 2022.03 - 師從|**Alanna Kaivalya** 老師 - 瑜伽師資培訓 200 小時 [RYS200 認證] - 瑜伽師資培訓 500 小時 [RYS500 認證] - The Kaivalya Yoga Method - Alchemy of the Chakras - **Robert Sidoti** 老師 - Yoga for Men - Yoga for Athletes - **Brett Larkin** 老師 - Master The Basics - 教育機構|**Yoga and Ayurveda Center** - Introduction to Yoga Philosophy - 10 Days of Meditation - 教育機構|**My Vinyasa Practice** - Yoga Therapy for Anxiety - Yoga for Self Care - Total Transformation 30 Day Challenge - 教育機構|**Ashes Yoga** - Plan a Yoga Class by **Ashley Hagen** - 社團|台大瑜伽 <span class="sg">2010</span>
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