# 🧑‍🌾 Gardens Sprint Planning #14 10/08/2021 ## Agenda - Logistics - User onboarding - UX kickoff - Board review ## Logistics We need to create a few votes: - Mint and burn Fiore and Gabi tokens. - Create Sprint 8 and 9 payments. Add hours sprint 10: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1NxW3enwFaG6-oKCw6SOOrLl_ZzNW4WZtSptZA8ezVDg/edit#gid=2139156508 Propose go back to weekly planning. ## User onboarding Share progress and discuss future plans. ElasticDAO BanklessDAO - Design guild Tulip DeFiSafety RLoop Orchid ## UX kickoff Improvement desings: https://www.figma.com/file/IGMjM4UyW2yp9ImEUsHduG/%E2%9C%A8Improvements-based-on-UX-research?node-id=0%3A1 Prepare for next call. Working documents to prioritize issues: https://jamboard.google.com/d/11tEW0OXEtmkaEzlUvFBOnrzQfZOOQI9xgFmQ1OCfbNc/viewer?f=0 https://miro.com/welcomeonboard/cXFBNk4zVXRVMDRscXBnRE9ZN0hMU1RhdHRja1doWW1Gdk9iWmVwVlZDSGxiQTZib1A5RUQzTHBnUEtOUUZNMXwzMDc0NDU3MzQ2Mzc1OTU5NDkz ## User identity and discussions Rely on build solutions: https://theconvo.space vs Build our own system with: IDX + Ceramic + 3ID vs Collaborate on new initiatives, MetaCred: https://twitter.com/META_DREAMER/status/1420112868498763779 Privacy implications and who controls data to be sure there are no unintended consequences. ## Giveth Testing Gardens. Specific requirements that needs to happend. ## Documentation Update to address initial feedback. ## Board review