# 🧑🌾 Gardens Sprint Planning #15
## Agenda
- Logistics
- Giveth requirements
- User onboarding
## Logistics
Add hours sprint 10: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1NxW3enwFaG6-oKCw6SOOrLl_ZzNW4WZtSptZA8ezVDg/edit#gid=2139156508
## Giveth requirements
Notifcations would be helpful to improve the flow of the experience.
In app notification or email notification.
Many steps are not clear. Maybe a tooltip added on each section would help.
## Board review
Improvement desings: https://www.figma.com/file/IGMjM4UyW2yp9ImEUsHduG/%E2%9C%A8Improvements-based-on-UX-research?node-id=0%3A1
UX and Bug epics: