Rust GameDev WG

@gamedev-rs - working on making rust the default language choice for gamedev

Public team

Joined on May 22, 2021

  • # Finances
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  • Editors: @AngelOnFira, @scirin Note: As you may have noticed, the newsletter has fallen quite far behind. To try and catch back up, we'll be skipping September, and aiming to have a smaller October newsletter. Hopefully I can address this more in a separate blog post :100: For this month, the sections requested below is quite- @AngelOnFira Current Schedule The deadline for all section PRs is 2023.11.20. We may still accept PRs that are submitted later than this, as long as they're ready before the newsletter's release, but this isn't guaranteed. If you want your section to be included, don't leave it till the last minute!
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  • Editors: @ozkriff, @scirin, @AngelOnFira Another month has gone by, so it's time to put together the Rust Gamedev newsletter with August's news! Current Schedule The deadline for all section PRs is 2023.09.15. We may still accept PRs that are submitted later than this, as long as they're ready before the newsletter's release, but this isn't guaranteed. If you want your section to be included, don't leave it till the last minute! Current Structure & Status
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  • Editors: @AngelOnFira, @scirin, @ozkriff Another month has gone by, so it's time to put together the Rust Gamedev newsletter with TODO's news! Current Schedule The deadline for all section PRs is 2023.10.05. We may still accept PRs that are submitted later than this, as long as they're ready before the newsletter's release, but this isn't guaranteed. If you want your section to be included, don't leave it till the last minute! Current Structure & Status
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  • Editors: @ozkriff, @AngelOnFira, @scirin Another month has gone by, so it's time to put together the Rust Gamedev newsletter with July's news! Current Schedule The deadline for all section PRs is 2023.08.23. (though this year we statistically release significantly later, sad) We may still accept PRs that are submitted later than this, as long as they're ready before the newsletter's release, but this isn't guaranteed. If you want your section to be included, don't leave it till the last minute! How to Contribute
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  • Editors: @AngelOnFira, @scirin, @ozkriff Another month has gone by, so it's time to put together the Rust Gamedev newsletter with June's news! Current Schedule The deadline for all section PRs is 2023.07.10 We may still accept PRs that are submitted later than this, as long as they're ready before the newsletter's release, but this isn't guaranteed. If you want your section to be included, don't leave it till the last minute! How to Contribute
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  • Editors: @ozkriff, @AngelOnFira, @scirin Another month has gone by, so it's time to put together the Rust Gamedev newsletter with May's news!
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  • Editors: @ozkriff, @AngelOnFira, @scirin Another month has gone by, so it's time to put together the Rust Gamedev newsletter with April's news! Current Schedule The soft deadline for all section PRs is 2023.05.07. We may still accept PRs that are submitted later than this, as long as they're ready before the newsletter's release, but this isn't guaranteed. If you want your section to be included, don't leave it till the last minute! How to Contribute
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  • Rust Gamedev Meetup What's been going on this month? :thinking_face: Show and Tell Rustconf Arcade Cabinet Shoutouts! Mention what you've been up to this month in either the Discord or Twitch chat :100:
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  • Editors: @AngelOnFira, @ozkriff Another month has gone by, so it's time to put together the Rust Gamedev newsletter with March's news!
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  • Editors: @ozkriff, @AngelOnFira Another month has gone by, so it's time to put together the Rust Gamedev newsletter with February's news!
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  • How to talk about businesses in game development Employee brandingShowcasing culture, people behind the company Techincal presentations
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  • Editors: @AngelOnFira, @ozkriff Another month has gone by, so it's time to put together the Rust Gamedev newsletter with TODO's news!
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  • Leveling up Game Development with Rust Note: I'm excited to be giving my talk today about game development in Rust. So, let's dive into Leveling up Game Development with Rust!
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  • Editors: @ozkriff, @AngelOnFira, and @17cupsofcoffee Another month has gone by, so it's time to put together the Rust Gamedev newsletter with December's news!
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  • Editors: @ozkriff, @AngelOnFira, and @17cupsofcoffee Another month has gone by, so it's time to put together the Rust Gamedev newsletter with TODO's news!
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  • Editors: @17cupsofcoffee, @ozkriff, and @AngelOnFira Another month has gone by, so it's time to put together the Rust Gamedev newsletter with TODO's news!
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  • Editors: @17cupsofcoffee, @ozkriff, and @AngelOnFira Another month has gone by, so it's time to put together the Rust Gamedev newsletter with TODO's news!
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  •  Like  Bookmark
  • Editors: @AngelOnFira, @17cupsofcoffee, and @ozkriff Another month has gone by, so it's time to put together the Rust Gamedev newsletter with August's news!
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