tags: public
Flare-On 5 Challenge
> Author: shiki7

## Challenge 1. Minesweeper Championship Registration
We're given a `jar` file. Using `jad` to decompile the contained `class` files gives us the key:
C:\Users\pc\Documents\CTF\flareon\1\m>jad -p InviteValidator.class
// Decompiled by Jad v1.5.8g. Copyright 2001 Pavel Kouznetsov.
// Jad home page: http://www.kpdus.com/jad.html
// Decompiler options: packimports(3)
// Source File Name: InviteValidator.java
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
public class InviteValidator
public InviteValidator()
public static void main(String args[])
String response = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "Enter your invitation code:", "Minesweeper Championship 2018", 3);
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, (new StringBuilder("Welcome to the Minesweeper Championship 2018!\nPlease enter the following code to the ctfd.flare-on.com website to compete:\n\n")).append(response).toString(), "Success!", -1);
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Incorrect invitation code. Please try again next year.", "Failure", 0);
The flag is: `GoldenTicket2018@flare-on.com`
## Challenge 2. Ultimate Minesweeper
We're given an .NET assembly which is a minesweeper game. According to the decompilation result of `.NET Reflector`, the coordinates of the normal fields are generated dynamically. I extracted the algorithm and wrote a simple program which prints out the coordinates:
using System;
using System.IO;
// Ch3aters_Alw4ys_W1n@flare-on.com
namespace Test {
class Test {
private static UInt32 VALLOC_NODE_LIMIT = 30;
private static UInt32 VALLOC_TYPE_HEADER_PAGE = 0xfffffc80;
private static UInt32 VALLOC_TYPE_HEADER_POOL = 0xfffffd81;
private static UInt32 VALLOC_TYPE_HEADER_RESERVED = 0xfffffef2;
private static UInt32[] VALLOC_TYPES;
private static uint DeriveVallocType(uint r, uint c)
return ~((r * VALLOC_NODE_LIMIT) + c);
private static void AllocateMemory()
for (uint i = 0; i < VALLOC_NODE_LIMIT; i++)
for (uint j = 0; j < VALLOC_NODE_LIMIT; j++)
bool flag = true;
uint r = i + 1;
uint c = j + 1;
if (Array.IndexOf(VALLOC_TYPES, DeriveVallocType(r, c)) > -1)
Console.WriteLine("I : {0}, J : {1}", i, j);
public static void Main(string[] args) {
The flag is: `Ch3aters_Alw4ys_W1n@flare-on.com`
## Challenge 3. FLEGGO
In this challenge we get dozens of executables. A quick glance at some of the binaries revealed that every program compares the input with some embedded resource, and extract an image along with a character if correct input is provided.
Notably every image extracted is marked with an number, presumably the index of the character inside the flag string. So I wrote a simple script to help me recover the flag:
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
import pepy
import os
import subprocess
import sys
import glob
import shutil
import IPython
from PIL import Image
# get the key
def parse_one(filename):
pe = pepy.parse(filename)
brick = pe.get_resources()[0]
assert brick.type_str == "B\x00R\x00I\x00C\x00K\x00" # BRICK
# read wchar_t string
key = ''
idx = 0
while True:
if brick.data[idx] == 0:
key += chr(brick.data[idx])
idx += 2
return key
# extract essentials
def extract_essentials(filename, key):
proc = subprocess.Popen(filename, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
proc.stdin.write(key + '\n')
output = proc.stdout.read()
essntials = map(lambda x: x.replace(' ', ''), output.split('\r\n')[2].split('=>'))
return essntials
# mor3_awes0m3_th4n_an_awes0me_p0ssum@flare-on.com
def main(argv):
# make image directory
if not os.path.exists("images"):
results = []
for executable in glob.glob("FLEGGO\\*.exe"):
print "Processing %s..." % executable
key = parse_one(executable)
essentials = extract_essentials(executable, key)
print essentials
shutil.move("FLEGGO\\" + essentials[0], "images\\" + essentials[0])
os.system("open %s" % ("images\\" + essentials[0]))
number = int(raw_input("Index: ")) # I'm no good at tesseract... can't get it working...
essentials[0] = number
results.sort(key=lambda x: x[0])
flag = ''
for idx, char in results:
flag += char
print flag
return 0
if __name__ == '__main__':
~~And yes, I would use OCR if I could.~~
The flag is: `mor3_awes0m3_th4n_an_awes0me_p0ssum@flare-on.com`
## Challenge 4. binstall
We're provided with a malicious dotNet assembly which is obfuscated. I first ran `de4dot` on this binary and started using `dnSpy` to analyze the deobfuscated file. The malware will first delete some files, and install an DLL file which is called `browserassist.dll`.
The DLL is configured as an AppInitDLL, but according to the challenge description, this DLL will only work in the context of `firefox.exe`. Unfortunately I couldn't get this running, so let's begin our static analysis as usual.
Inspecting the DLL I found that there is a general decryption routine, which will use hashed `FL@R3ON.EXE` as key and decrypt some data. Decrypting some of the data I found a suspicious `pastebin` URL, using the same decryption routine to decrypt the content of the URL gives us several JSON object which contains some javascript snippets. Looks like this DLL will inject these javascript to some of the web pages.
Combining and analyzing the javascript gives us the flag.
*Details forgotten.*
*Sadly I lost the progress due to the death of my VM...*
## Challenge 5. Web 2.0
This is a `WebAssembly` reversing challenge. We're provided with:
* `index.html`, html page running the challenge.
* `test.wasm`, WebAssembly executable
* `main.js`, javascript referenced by the index page, fetching and executing `test.wasm`
By reading `main.js`, we found there's an function exported by `test.wasm` named `Match`. `main.js` calls this function with two parameters, an array containing some data, and our input, and if the function returns `1`, we win the challenge.
So the verifing logic must be in the WebAssembly file, we need to dig through it.
I cat't tell you how to efficiently read the WebAssembly specification and manually decompile the whole thing, actually it's a quite painful process. Fortunately I found a shortcut which greatly accelerates my analysis: I used `wasm2c` in [wabt](https://github.com/WebAssembly/wabt), converting the WebAssembly into a single `c` source file, and compiled the generated source file into a native binary, and this makes the logic human-readable.
Reversing the compiled native binary and it showed us it's actually an VM and the provided array is the bytecode, so I can finally wrote the solver script:
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from ctypes import c_uint8
code = [
0xE4, 0x47, 0x30, 0x10, 0x61, 0x24, 0x52, 0x21, 0x86, 0x40, 0xAD, 0xC1, 0xA0, 0xB4, 0x50, 0x22, 0xD0, 0x75, 0x32, 0x48, 0x24, 0x86, 0xE3, 0x48, 0xA1, 0x85, 0x36, 0x6D, 0xCC, 0x33, 0x7B, 0x6E, 0x93, 0x7F, 0x73, 0x61, 0xA0, 0xF6, 0x86, 0xEA, 0x55, 0x48, 0x2A, 0xB3, 0xFF, 0x6F, 0x91, 0x90, 0xA1, 0x93, 0x70, 0x7A, 0x06, 0x2A, 0x6A, 0x66, 0x64, 0xCA, 0x94, 0x20, 0x4C, 0x10, 0x61, 0x53, 0x77, 0x72, 0x42, 0xE9, 0x8C, 0x30, 0x2D, 0xF3, 0x6F, 0x6F, 0xB1, 0x91, 0x65, 0x24, 0x0A, 0x14, 0x21, 0x42, 0xA3, 0xEF, 0x6F, 0x55, 0x97, 0xD6
result = ''
idx = 0
while idx < len(code):
func = code[idx] & 0xF
if func == 0:
result += chr(code[idx + 1])
idx += 2
elif func == 1:
result += chr(code[idx + 1] ^ 0xff)
idx += 2
elif func == 2:
result += chr(code[idx + 1] ^ code[idx + 2])
idx += 3
elif func == 3:
result += chr(code[idx + 1] & code[idx + 2])
idx += 3
elif func == 4:
result += chr(code[idx + 1] | code[idx + 2])
idx += 3
elif func == 5:
result += chr(c_uint8(code[idx + 1] + code[idx + 2]).value)
idx += 3
elif func == 6:
result += chr(c_uint8(code[idx + 2] - code[idx + 1]).value)
idx += 3
raise "Invalid instruction"
print result
The flag is: `wasm_rulez_js_droolz@flare-on.com`
## Challenge 6. Magic
A traditional Linux `ELF` reversing challenge, we're provided an stripped x64 ELF binary.
The binary roughly does several things:
* call `srand` with an static seed
* for each part of the input, decrypts the corresponding checking function and calls it, and encrypts it again after return.
* xor's some data with the input
* goes back to step 2, this loops 666 times.
Interestingly, this binary overwrites it self after each input, shuffling the input checker sequence, and saves it to the disk, overriding the original file.
I wrote the following script to extract the input checking sequence:
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import idaapi
import cPickle as pickle
dataset_addr = 0x605100
check_rounds = 33
00000000 magic_t struc ; (sizeof=0x120, mappedto_6)
00000000 ; XREF: .data:dataset/r
00000000 code_ptr dq ?
00000008 code_len dd ?
0000000C input_offset dd ?
00000010 length dd ?
00000014 key_offset dd ?
00000018 xor_key dq ?
00000020 parameter db 256 dup(?)
00000120 magic_t ends
l2s = lambda x: ''.join(map(chr, x))
def get_contiguous(ea, length):
result = []
for i in xrange(length):
result.append(idaapi.get_byte(ea + i))
return result
def xor(idx):
addr = dataset_addr + 288 * idx
code_ptr = idaapi.get_64bit(addr)
code_len = idaapi.get_32bit(addr + 8)
xor_key = idaapi.get_64bit(addr + 0x18)
for i in xrange(code_len):
orig = idaapi.get_byte(code_ptr + i) ^ idaapi.get_byte(xor_key + i)
idaapi.patch_byte(code_ptr + i, orig)
return code_len
def dump_data(idx):
addr = dataset_addr + 288 * idx
code_ptr = idaapi.get_64bit(addr)
code_len = idaapi.get_32bit(addr + 8)
input_offset = idaapi.get_32bit(addr + 0xc)
length = idaapi.get_32bit(addr + 0x10)
key_offset = idaapi.get_32bit(addr + 0x14)
xor_key = idaapi.get_64bit(addr + 0x18)
parameter = get_contiguous(addr + 0x20, 256)
name = idaapi.get_name(code_ptr)
return { 'code_ptr': code_ptr, 'code_len': code_len, 'input_offset': input_offset, 'length': length, 'key_offset': key_offset, 'xor_key': xor_key, 'parameter': parameter, 'name': name }
rounds = []
for i in xrange(check_rounds):
open("/Users/arch/CTF/flareon/6/dump.pickle", 'wb').write(pickle.dumps(rounds))
print 'Done!'
Further reverse engineering tells us the algorithms used inside the checker function. And I wrote the following script to immitate the program behaviour and found the correct input.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# mag!iC_mUshr00ms_maY_h4ve_g!ven_uS_Santa_ClaUs@flare-on.com
from IPython import embed
import cPickle as pickle
import struct, binascii, itertools, string, base64, ctypes
libc = ctypes.CDLL("libc.so.6")
u64 = lambda x: struct.unpack("<Q", x)[0]
u32 = lambda x: struct.unpack("<L", x)[0]
l2s = lambda x: ''.join(map(chr, x))
b64pad = lambda x: x + (4 - len(x) % 4) * '='
w32 = lambda x: ctypes.c_uint32(x).value
DATA = "$\\u y:\x12E\x1e \x1dq\x197&\x17g\x03\x10>0g|J\x11\x1b^U\x08\x13b\x11hl|ZD\x17,\x12yY\t$c\x0cmW\x1fe'\x0cj\x0f]&CFY3\x14\\7\nc&\x02\x16,\x00\x00\x00"
def rand():
return w32(libc.rand())
def fib(x):
result = 0
v5 = 1
v4 = 0
while x != 0:
result = v4 + v5
v4 = v5
v5 = result
x -= 1
return result
def find_fib(x):
for i in xrange(256):
if fib(i) % pow(2, 64) == x:
return i
raise Exception("Not find in fib seq")
KEY = 'Tis but a scratch.'
def rc4_xor(data, key):
key = map(ord, key)
def KSA(key):
keylength = len(key)
S = range(256)
j = 0
for i in range(256):
j = (j + S[i] + key[i % keylength]) % 256
S[i], S[j] = S[j], S[i] # swap
return S
def PRGA(S):
i = 0
j = 0
while True:
i = (i + 1) % 256
j = (j + S[i]) % 256
S[i], S[j] = S[j], S[i] # swap
K = S[(S[i] + S[j]) % 256]
yield K
S = KSA(key)
keys = []
for i in xrange(len(data)):
return map(lambda x: x[0] ^ x[1], zip(data, keys))
data = pickle.loads(open("../dump.pickle").read())
def solve():
global data
result = {}
for i in xrange(33):
chars = []
name = data[i]['name']
param = data[i]['parameter']
length = data[i]['length']
key_offset = data[i]['key_offset']
inp_off = data[i]['input_offset']
if name.startswith('xor'):
for j in xrange(length):
chars.append(chr(param[j] ^ 0x2a))
elif name.startswith('add'):
for j in xrange(length):
chars.append(chr(param[j] - 0xd))
elif name.startswith('strcmp'):
for j in xrange(length):
elif name.startswith('fib'):
idx = 0
for j in xrange(length):
par = u64(l2s(param[idx:idx+8]))
idx += 8
elif name.startswith('rc4'):
dec = rc4_xor(param[0:length], KEY)
for c in dec:
elif name.startswith('hash'): # crc32b
h = u32(l2s(param[0:4]))
for comb in itertools.product(string.printable, repeat=length):
if w32(binascii.crc32(''.join(comb))) == h:
for c in comb:
raise Exception("CRC32B not found")
elif name.startswith('hybrid'):
newtable = '2a395f64c2a74623'.decode('hex') + 'BpM(GtkS'[::-1] + 'J@8bjR%I'[::-1] + 'P$1-YDEi'[::-1] + 'fqvL!Tyg'[::-1] + '0OWQmhc+'[::-1] + 'l3nu4ZNe'[::-1] + 'Kzaw2&H7'[::-1]
origtable = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/'
trans = string.maketrans(newtable, origtable)
decode_len = (length * 4) / 3 + (length * 4) % 3
par = l2s(param[0:decode_len]).translate(trans)
par = b64pad(par)
#print par
for c in base64.b64decode(par):
raise Exception("No coherent decoding function")
for idx, c in enumerate(chars):
result[inp_off + idx] = c
solved = ''
for i in xrange(69): solved += result[i]
return solved
def randomize():
inp_off = 0
for i in xrange(33):
idx = i + (rand() % (33 - i))
data[idx]['input_offset'] = inp_off
inp_off += data[idx]['length']
tmp = data[i]
data[i] = data[idx]
data[idx] = tmp
rand() # this choose xor key
for i in xrange(33):
idx = i + (rand() % (33 - i))
tmp = data[i]
data[i] = data[idx]
data[idx] = tmp
results = []
for i in xrange(666):
g = solve()
print g
open("./answers.pickle", 'wb').write(pickle.dumps(results))
print 'Done!'
Feeding the original program with the inputs gives us the flag. The flag is: `mag!iC_mUshr00ms_maY_h4ve_g!ven_uS_Santa_ClaUs@flare-on.com`
## Challenge 7. WoW
This challenge is pretty interesting. The given binary is a 32-bit Windows PE executable, but this binary switches to 64-bit code segment and loads a 64-bit DLL in memory.
The loaded DLL hooks `NtDeviceIoControlFile` and extract another 32-bit DLL and the check logic seems to be inside this 32-bit DLL, but the strange thing is, it will take user input as a port number and connects to `{input}` and at last, `recv` the flag.
This gives me a hint about why the program hooks `NtDeviceIoControlFile`. On Windows, most of the socket-related functions will make IoCtls to `afd.sys`, with `AFD_XXX` as the IoControlCode. The hook intercepts all the `connect`, `recv` calls and redirects it to its own logic. After figuring out the working mechanisms of this challenge, the rest is just a piece of cake.
import struct
# P0rt_Kn0ck1ng_0n_he4v3ns_d00r@flare-on.com
keys = [15, 87, 97, 119, 11, 250, 181, 209, 129, 153, 172, 167, 144, 88, 26, 82, 12, 160, 8, 45, 237, 213, 109, 231, 224, 242, 188, 233, 242]
data = [95, 104, 68, 98, 35, 186, 33, 84, 51, 115, 4, 101, 80, 151, 114, 38, 1, 196, 205, 17, 182, 11, 214, 249, 88, 118, 126, 101, 105]
assert len(keys) == len(data)
def solve():
for i in xrange(len(keys)):
data[i] ^= keys[i]
for j in xrange(i + 1, len(keys)):
keys[j] ^= keys[i]
print ''.join(map(chr, data)) + '@flare-on.com'
## Challenge 8. Doogie Hacker
The challenge gives us a dump of the first few sectors of a disk.
Running this binary inside QEMU gives us a prompt asking for password. So our goal is to find the password.
Doing a little reversing shows that the program first read the code from disk to `0x8000` and jumps to it, and then:
* get current time and stores it to `0x87f2` (4 bytes).
* `keyed_xor(0x8809, 0x87f2, 4)`
* read user input
* `keyed_xor(0x8809, user_input, len(user_input))`
* `write_string(0x8809)`
So the first problem is the time. Actually the time comes from the prompt, it tells us the correct time is `February 06, 1990`, so I used a small utility called `faketime` to run QEMU.
And now I can extract the content at `0x8809` xored with the time:
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import idaapi
key = '19900206'.decode('hex')
def xor(data, key):
result = ''
for idx, c in enumerate(data):
result += chr(c ^ ord(key[idx % len(key)]))
return result
d = []
start = 0x8809
while True:
b = idaapi.get_byte(start)
if b == 0: break
start += 1
dt = xor(d, key)
open("/Users/arch/CTF/flareon/8/dump.bin", 'wb').write(dt)
And the second problem is about the key, we don't know how long the key is and what could be inside the decrypted data. So I found this fascinating tool [xortool](https://github.com/hellman/xortool) suitable for this situation. Brute-forcing all the possible most frequent characters shows that the original data could be some kind of ascii art and gives us a pretty good finding of the key:
... and tweaking this a little bit gives us the correct key: `ioperateonmalware`
The flag is: `R3_PhD@flare-on.com`
## Challenge 9. leet editr
This is a pretty annoying challenge, as it cost me a lot of time to figure out why the challenge refuses to run on a `zh_CN` Windows 7.
The program first allocated some pages and copied some data to it, and then it installed a `VEH`, and jumps to the allocated page.
The `VEH` is actually the key part of this challenge. It will dynamically decrypt the data and code when the faulting instruction needs it to, and encrypt it back after the execution of the instruction. I don't know how to use dynamic approaches against this anti-debug technique as my `x64dbg` always gets deceived by the `single trap exception` even if I told him to ignore it. So I wrote a python script to extract the code and data from the binary:
import idaapi
import ctypes
If I were to title this piece, it would be A_FLARE_f0r_th3_Dr4m4t1(C)
c32 = lambda x: ctypes.c_uint32(x).value
c8 = lambda x: ctypes.c_uint8(x).value
ss_size = 36
css_addr = 0x40C2B0
css_cnt = 6
dss_addr = 0x40CD00
dss_cnt = 1
def get_contiguous(ea, size):
result = ''
for i in xrange(size):
result += chr(idaapi.get_byte(ea + i))
return result
def xor1(data, key):
result = ''
for i in xrange(len(data)):
result += chr(ord(data[i]) ^ key)
return result
def xorc(data, key, inc):
result = ''
key = c8(key)
for i in xrange(len(data)):
result += chr(ord(data[i]) ^ key)
key = c8(key + inc)
return result
matome_code = ''
# extract code segments
for i in xrange(css_cnt):
desc = css_addr + i * ss_size
enc_type = idaapi.get_32bit(desc)
assert enc_type == 1 # xor enc
size = idaapi.get_32bit(desc + 8)
static_addr = idaapi.get_32bit(desc + 12)
static_data = idaapi.get_32bit(static_addr)
code = get_contiguous(static_data, size)
encparam = idaapi.get_32bit(desc + 28)
keyaddr = idaapi.get_32bit(encparam + 4)
key = idaapi.get_byte(keyaddr)
decrypted = xor1(code, key)
matome_code += decrypted
filename = r"C:\Users\pc\Documents\CTF\flareon\9\dump\code{}.bin".format(i)
open(filename, 'wb').write(decrypted)
open(r"C:\Users\pc\Documents\CTF\flareon\9\dump\all_code.bin", 'wb').write(matome_code)
def rc4_xor(data, key):
key = map(ord, key)
def KSA(key):
keylength = len(key)
S = range(256)
j = 0
for i in range(256):
j = (j + S[i] + key[i % keylength]) % 256
S[i], S[j] = S[j], S[i] # swap
return S
def PRGA(S):
i = 0
j = 0
while True:
i = (i + 1) % 256
j = (j + S[i]) % 256
S[i], S[j] = S[j], S[i] # swap
K = S[(S[i] + S[j]) % 256]
yield K
S = KSA(key)
keys = []
for i in xrange(len(data)):
return ''.join(map(lambda x: chr(x[0] ^ x[1]), zip(map(ord, data), keys)))
# extract data segments
data = ''
ptr = 0
size = idaapi.get_32bit(dss_addr + 8)
anatomy = idaapi.get_32bit(dss_addr + 20)
static_addr = idaapi.get_32bit(dss_addr + 12)
static_data = idaapi.get_32bit(static_addr)
idx = 0
encparam = idaapi.get_32bit(dss_addr + 28)
k0s = idaapi.get_32bit(encparam)
k0 = get_contiguous(idaapi.get_32bit(encparam + 4), k0s)
k1s = idaapi.get_32bit(encparam + 8)
k1 = get_contiguous(idaapi.get_32bit(encparam + 12), k1s)
k2s = idaapi.get_32bit(encparam + 16)
k2 = get_contiguous(idaapi.get_32bit(encparam + 20), k2s)
while ptr < size:
offset = idaapi.get_32bit(anatomy + 8 * idx)
size = idaapi.get_32bit(anatomy + 4 + 8 * idx)
if offset == 1: break
encrypted = get_contiguous(static_data + offset, size)
if idx % 3 == 1:
decrypted = ''
for i in xrange(len(encrypted)):
decrypted += chr(ord(encrypted[i]) ^ c8(ord(k1[i % k1s]) + idx * i))
elif idx % 3 == 2:
decrypted = xorc(rc4_xor(encrypted, k2), idx, idx - 1)
decrypted = ''
seed = idx
for i in xrange(len(encrypted)):
decrypted += chr(ord(encrypted[i]) ^ c8(57 - 0x93 * seed))
seed = c32((12345 - 0x3E39B193 * seed)) & 0x7FFFFFFF
idx += 1
data += decrypted
open(r"C:\Users\pc\Documents\CTF\flareon\9\dump\all_data.bin", 'wb').write(data)
# extract code
code_addr = 0x40F110
code_size = 0x0C50
key = 'sn00gle-fl00gle-p00dlekins'
encrypted = get_contiguous(code_addr, code_size)
decrypted = rc4_xor(encrypted, key)
dec2 = rc4_xor(decrypted.decode('base64'), 'yummy')
open(r"C:\Users\pc\Documents\CTF\flareon\9\dump\phase2.bin", 'wb').write(dec2)
print 'Done!'
This gives us some sort of `vbscript` and the code. The code actually calls the `windows script host` and inserts several custom objects, and executes the script.
The script will open a `Internet explorer`, set the content and monitors the input editarea. Interestingly, there's a snippet encrypted with `RC4` which will detect several debuggers, the script will dynamically decrypt and executes this snippet.
So the script will first check if the ascii art is the correct one, I put the ascii art `FLARE` extracted from the data to the input box and it asks for the title. Actually the title input comes from the code (a string embedded inside the code). Input the correct title gives us the flag.
The flag is: `scr1pt1ng_sl4ck1ng_and_h4ck1ng@flare-on.com`
## Challenge 10. golf
This challenge is my personal favourite, though it didn't fraustrated me too much, it did give me an inspiration of how we can utilize hardware features to create RE challenges.
So the challenge is a Windows executable, which will extract a driver and load it while running. Something interesting is that the executable has a special instruction `vmcall` inside, with the challenge description `Did you bring your visor?`, this immediately reminds me that the driver could be a `hypervisor`.
Since I already had some experience working with `VMX` related stuffs, understanding how the driver works isn't too hard to me. The most fascinating part is that the driver utilizes `EPT_VIOLATION` vmexit to implement a whole different instruction set, which is an awesome idea.
The script:
import os, sys, struct
u8 = lambda x: struct.unpack("<B", x)[0]
u16 = lambda x: struct.unpack("<h", x)[0]
u32 = lambda x: struct.unpack("<L", x)[0]
u64 = lambda x: struct.unpack("<Q", x)[0]
0x01: ret
0xBB [reg]: pop reg
0xAA [reg]: push reg
0xC2 [r1] [r2]: add r2, r1
0x00 [r1] [r2]: set r2, r1
0xC3 [reg] [imm32]: sub reg, imm32
0xC1 [reg] [imm32]: add reg, imm32
0xD1 [reg] [imm32]: add32 reg, imm32
0xD3 [reg] [imm32]: sub32 reg, imm32
0xD2 [r1] [r2]: add32 r1, r2
0xD4 [r1] [r2]: sub32 r2, r1
0xC9 [imm32] [imm64]: set [rsp+imm32], imm64
0xD5 [r1] [r2]: xor32 r1, r2
0xC5 [r1] [r2]: xor r2, r1
0xD6 [reg] [imm32]: mov32 reg, imm32
0xC6 [reg] [imm64]: mov reg, imm64
0x30: memset(rdi, *rax, rcx)
0xC8 [reg] [imm32]: set [rsp+imm32], reg
0xD8 [reg] [imm32]: set32 [rsp+imm32], reg
0x1A [reg] [imm32]: set reg, [rsp + imm32]
0xC7 [r1] [r2]: set r1, r2
0x4A [r1] [imm32]: lea r1, rsp + imm32
0x44 [r1] [r2]: testz r1, r2
0x40 [r1] [r2]: cmp32 r1, r2
0x42 [off32] [imm32]: cmp32 [rsp+off32], imm32
0x50 [imm32]: set rip, rip + imm32
0x51 [imm16]: setnz rip, rip + imm16
0x52 [imm16]: setz rip, rip + imm16
0x54 [imm16]: setxx rip, rip + imm16
0xd7 [r1] [imm32]: xor32 r1, [rsp+imm32]
0x19 [r1] [imm32]: set32 r1, [rsp+imm32]
0x1b [imm32]: setal [rsp+imm32]
0x17 [imm32]: set8 [rsp+imm32], al
0xc0 [r1] [imm32]: xor32 r1, [imm32]
0x02 [r1] [r2]: set32 r2, r1
0x43 [r1] [r2]: testz32 r1, r2
0xbe [r1] [imm32]: and32 r1, imm32
0xbc [r1] [imm8]: shr32 r1, imm8
0xb9 [r1] [imm8]: shr r1, imm8
0x41 [r1] [imm32]: cmp32 r1, imm32
0x1d [r1] [r...] [imm32]: set r1, [rsp + imm32]
0x1e [r1] [r...] [imm32]: set r1, [imm32 + r... + rsp]
0x1f [r1] [r...] [imm32]: set r1, [imm32 + r...]
0x20 [r1] [r...] [imm32]:
def _getreg(idx):
if idx == 0xF4:
return "rip"
elif idx == 0xEE:
return "rax"
elif idx == 0xEF:
return "rbx"
elif idx == 0xF0:
return "rcx"
elif idx == 0xF1:
return "rdx"
elif idx == 0xF2:
return "rsi"
elif idx == 0xF3:
return "rdi"
elif idx == 0xf5:
return "rsp"
elif idx == 0xf6:
return 'rbp'
elif idx == 0xf7:
return 'r8'
elif idx == 0xf8:
return 'r9'
elif idx == 0xf9:
return 'r10'
elif idx == 0xfa:
return 'r11'
elif idx == 0xfb:
return 'r12'
elif idx == 0xfc:
return 'r13'
elif idx == 0xfd:
return 'r14'
elif idx == 0xfe:
return 'r15'
#raise Exception("None")
return None
def _getreg32(idx):
if idx == 0xF4-9:
return 'eip'
elif idx == 0xEE-9:
return 'eax'
elif idx == 0xEF-9:
return 'ebx'
elif idx == 0xF0-9:
return 'ecx'
elif idx == 0xF1-9:
return 'edx'
elif idx == 0xF2-9:
return 'esi'
elif idx == 0xF3-9:
return 'edi'
elif idx == 0xF5-9:
return 'esp'
elif idx == 0xf6-9:
return 'ebp'
return None
def disasm(buffer):
index = 0
while True:
print '%d:' % index,
opcode = ord(buffer[index])
if opcode == 0x01:
print 'ret'
index += 1
elif opcode == 0xbb:
print 'pop {}'.format(_getreg(u8(buffer[index + 1])))
index += 2
elif opcode == 0xaa:
print 'push {}'.format(_getreg(u8(buffer[index + 1])))
index += 2
elif opcode == 0xc2:
print 'add {}, {}'.format(_getreg(u8(buffer[index + 2])), _getreg(u8(buffer[index + 1])))
index += 3
elif opcode == 0x00:
print 'mov {}, {}'.format(_getreg(u8(buffer[index + 2])), _getreg(u8(buffer[index + 1])))
index += 3
elif opcode == 0xc3:
print 'sub {}, {}'.format(_getreg(u8(buffer[index + 1])), u32(buffer[index + 2: index + 6]))
index += 6
elif opcode == 0xc1:
print 'add {}, {}'.format(_getreg(u8(buffer[index + 1])), u32(buffer[index + 2: index + 6]))
index += 6
elif opcode == 0xd1:
print 'add32 {}, {}'.format(_getreg32(u8(buffer[index + 1])), u32(buffer[index + 2: index + 6]))
index += 6
elif opcode == 0xd3:
print 'sub32 {}, {}'.format(_getreg32(u8(buffer[index + 1])), u32(buffer[index + 2: index + 6]))
index += 6
elif opcode == 0xd2:
print 'add32 {}, {}'.format(_getreg32(u8(buffer[index + 2])), _getreg32(u8(buffer[index + 1])))
index += 3
elif opcode == 0xd4:
print 'sub32 {}, {}'.format(_getreg32(u8(buffer[index + 2])), _getreg32(u8(buffer[index + 1])))
index += 3
elif opcode == 0xc9:
print 'set64 [rsp + {}], {}'.format(u32(buffer[index + 1: index + 5]), u64(buffer[index + 5: index + 13]))
index += 13
elif opcode == 0xd5:
print 'xor32 {}, {}'.format(_getreg32(u8(buffer[index + 1])), _getreg32(u8(buffer[index + 2])))
index += 3
elif opcode == 0xc5:
print 'xor {}, {}'.format(_getreg(u8(buffer[index + 2])), _getreg(u8(buffer[index + 1])))
index += 3
elif opcode == 0xd6:
print 'set32 {}, {}'.format(_getreg32(u8(buffer[index + 1])), u32(buffer[index + 2: index + 6]))
index += 6
elif opcode == 0xc6:
print 'set64 {}, {}'.format(_getreg(u8(buffer[index + 1])), u64(buffer[index + 2: index + 10]))
index += 10
elif opcode == 0x30:
print 'memset rdi, *rax, rcx'
index += 1
elif opcode == 0xc8:
print 'set64 [rsp + {}], {}'.format(u32(buffer[index + 2: index + 6]), _getreg(u8(buffer[index + 1])))
index += 6
elif opcode == 0xd8:
print 'set32 [rsp + {}], {}'.format(u32(buffer[index + 2: index + 6]), _getreg32(u8(buffer[index + 1])))
index += 6
elif opcode == 0x1a:
print 'set64 {}, [rsp + {}]'.format(_getreg(u8(buffer[index + 1])), u32(buffer[index + 2: index + 6]))
index += 6
elif opcode == 0xc7:
print 'set64 {}, {}'.format(_getreg(u8(buffer[index + 2])), _getreg(u8(buffer[index + 1])))
index += 3
elif opcode == 0x4a:
print 'lea {}, [rsp + {}]'.format(_getreg(u8(buffer[index + 1])), u32(buffer[index + 2: index + 6]))
index += 6
elif opcode == 0x44:
print 'testz {}, {}'.format(_getreg(u8(buffer[index + 2])), _getreg(u8(buffer[index + 1])))
index += 3
elif opcode == 0x40:
print 'cmp32 {}, {}'.format(_getreg32(u8(buffer[index + 1])), _getreg32(u8(buffer[index + 2])))
index += 3
elif opcode == 0x42:
print 'cmp32 [rsp + {}], {}'.format(u32(buffer[index + 1: index + 5]), u32(buffer[index + 5: index + 9]))
index += 9
elif opcode == 0x50:
print 'set64 rip, rip + {}'.format(u16(buffer[index + 1: index + 3]))
index += 3
elif opcode == 0x51:
print 'set64nz rip, rip + {}'.format(u16(buffer[index+1:index+3]))
index += 3
elif opcode == 0x52:
print 'set64z rip, rip + {}'.format(u16(buffer[index+1:index+3]))
index += 3
elif opcode == 0x54:
print 'set64xx rip, rip + {}'.format(u16(buffer[index+1:index+3]))
index += 3
elif opcode == 0xd7:
print 'xor32 {}, [rsp + {}]'.format(_getreg32(u8(buffer[index + 1])), u32(buffer[index + 2: index + 6]))
index += 6
elif opcode == 0x19:
print 'set32 {}, [rsp + {}]'.format(_getreg32(u8(buffer[index + 1])), u32(buffer[index + 2: index + 6]))
index += 6
elif opcode == 0x1b:
print 'setal [rsp + {}]'.format(u32(buffer[index + 1: index + 5]))
index += 5
elif opcode == 0x17:
print 'set8 [rsp + {}], al'.format(u32(buffer[index + 1: index + 5]))
index += 5
elif opcode == 0xc0:
print 'xor32 {}, {}'.format(_getreg32(u8(buffer[index + 1])), u32(buffer[index + 2: index + 6]))
index += 6
elif opcode == 0x02:
print 'set32 {}, {}'.format(_getreg32(u8(buffer[index + 2])), _getreg32(u8(buffer[index + 1])))
index += 3
elif opcode == 0x43:
print 'testz32 {}, {}'.format(_getreg32(u8(buffer[index + 2])), _getreg32(u8(buffer[index + 1])))
index += 3
elif opcode == 0xbe:
print 'and32 {}, {}'.format(_getreg32(u8(buffer[index + 1])), u32(buffer[index + 2: index + 6]))
index += 6
elif opcode == 0xbc:
print 'shr32 {}, {}'.format(_getreg32(u8(buffer[index + 1])), u8(buffer[index + 2]))
index += 3
elif opcode == 0xb9:
print 'shr {}, {}'.format(_getreg(u8(buffer[index + 1])), u8(buffer[index + 2]))
index += 3
elif opcode == 0x41:
print 'cmp32 {}, {}'.format(_getreg32(u8(buffer[index + 1])), u32(buffer[index + 2: index + 6]))
index += 6
elif opcode >= 0x1c and opcode <= 0x20:
ptr = index
if opcode == 0x1d:
ptr += 1
target = _getreg(u8(buffer[ptr]))
ptr += 1
while _getreg(u8(buffer[ptr])) != None:
ptr += 1
imm32 = u32(buffer[ptr: ptr + 4])
ptr += 4
print 'set64sx {}, dword ptr [rsp + {}]'.format(target, imm32)
elif opcode == 0x1e:
ptr += 1
target = _getreg32(u8(buffer[ptr]))
ptr += 1
s = []
while _getreg(u8(buffer[ptr])) != None:
ptr += 1
imm32 = u32(buffer[ptr: ptr + 4])
ptr += 4
print 'set8sx {}, byte ptr [rsp + {} + {}]'.format(target, '+'.join(s), imm32)
elif opcode == 0x1f:
ptr += 1
target = _getreg32(u8(buffer[ptr]))
ptr += 1
s = []
while _getreg(u8(buffer[ptr])) != None:
ptr += 1
imm32 = u32(buffer[ptr: ptr + 4])
ptr += 4
print 'set8sx {}, byte ptr [{} + {}]'.format(target, '+'.join(s), imm32)
elif opcode == 0x20:
ptr += 1
target = _getreg32(u8(buffer[ptr]))
ptr += 1
s = []
while _getreg(u8(buffer[ptr])) != None:
ptr += 1
imm32 = u32(buffer[ptr: ptr + 4])
ptr += 4
print 'set32 {}, byte ptr [{} + {}]'.format(target, '+'.join(s), imm32)
elif opcode == 0x1c:
ptr += 1
target = _getreg32(u8(buffer[ptr]))
ptr += 1
s = []
while _getreg(u8(buffer[ptr])) != None:
ptr += 1
imm32 = u32(buffer[ptr: ptr + 4])
ptr += 4
print 'set32 {}, byte ptr [rsp + {} + {}]'.format(target, '+'.join(s), imm32)
index = ptr
print 'ud%d' % opcode
code = open("code4.bin", 'rb').read()
The checker are broke into several parts, with each of them having a relatively easy checking algorithm.
## Challenge 11. malware skillz
This challenge is cool, but reverse engineering the c2 module is a time-consuming job...
Script to extract main c2 module from traffic:
# extract dns records
import dpkt, struct, IPython
from hexdump import hexdump
pcap = dpkt.pcapng.Reader(open("pcap.pcap", 'rb'))
u32 = lambda x: struct.unpack("<L", x)[0]
collected = ''
def is_txtdnsresp(buf):
dns = dpkt.dns.DNS(buf)
if dns.an[0].type == 16:
return dns.an[0].text[0]
return ''
for ts, buf in pcap:
eth = dpkt.ethernet.Ethernet(buf)
ip = eth.data
udp = ip.data
if udp.sport == 53:
collected += is_txtdnsresp(udp.data)
def decode(data):
assert len(data) % 2 == 0
idx = 0
result = ''
while idx < len(data):
low = ord(data[idx]) - ord('A')
hi = ord(data[idx+1]) - ord('a')
result += chr(low + (hi << 4))
idx += 2
return result
decoded = decode(collected)
def rc4_xor(data, key): # damn this is slightly modified!
key = map(ord, key)
data = map(ord, data)
def KSA(key):
keylength = len(key)
S = range(255)
j = 0
for i in range(255):
j = (j + S[i] + key[i % keylength]) % 255
S[i], S[j] = S[j], S[i] # swap
return S
def PRGA(S):
i = 0
j = 0
while True:
i = (i + 1) % 255
j = (j + S[i]) % 255
S[i], S[j] = S[j], S[i] # swap
K = S[(S[i] + S[j]) % 255]
yield K
S = KSA(key)
keys = []
for i in xrange(len(data)):
return ''.join(map(lambda x: chr(x[0] ^ x[1]), zip(data, keys)))
k = decoded[:0x10]
size = u32(decoded[0x10:0x14])
print 'Size:', hex(size)
d = decoded[0x14:]
decrypted = rc4_xor(d, k)
open("decrypted.bin", 'wb').write(decrypted)
print 'Done!'
Script to find native function by hash:
import lief, ctypes, os, sys, IPython
c32 = lambda x: ctypes.c_uint32(x).value
def ror4(x, s):
return ((x >> s) | ((x << (32 - s)) & 0xFFFFFFFF))
def get_hash(modname, funcname):
modhash = 0
modname += '\x00' # mimic unicode string
for ch in map(ord, modname):
modhash = c32(ror4(modhash, 0xd))
if ch >= 0x61:
ch -= 0x20
modhash = c32(modhash + ch)
# mimic unicode string
modhash = c32(ror4(modhash, 0xd) + 0)
funchash = ord(funcname[0])
funcname += '\x00'
for ch in map(ord, funcname[1:]):
funchash = c32(ror4(funchash, 0xd))
funchash = c32(funchash + ch)
return c32(funchash + modhash)
#print hex(get_hash('kernel32.dll', 'LoadLibraryA'))
module_mem_list = ['ntdll.dll', 'kernel32.dll', 'kernelbase.dll', 'shell32.dll', 'user32.dll', 'advapi32.dll', 'ws2_32.dll', 'gdi32.dll', 'mpr.dll', 'wininet.dll']
def find_func_by_hash(h):
for mod in module_mem_list:
pe = lief.PE.parse("dllcoll/" + mod)
for func in pe.exported_functions:
hv = get_hash(mod, str(func))
if hv == h:
return mod, str(func)
return '', ''
#print find_func_by_hash(get_hash('kernel32.dll', 'LoadLibraryA'))
#print find_func_by_hash(0x95898DFF) # CreateMutexW
#print find_func_by_hash(0x5DE2C5AA) # GetLastError
#print find_func_by_hash(0xE035F044) # Sleep
#print find_func_by_hash(0xCF448459) # RtlDeleteCriticalSection
#print find_func_by_hash(0xEA61FCB1) # LocalFree
#print find_func_by_hash(0x528176EE) # LocalAlloc
#print find_func_by_hash(0xDC322193) # RtlInitializeCriticalSection
#print find_func_by_hash(0x6B8029) # WSAStartup
#print find_func_by_hash(0x42131B45) # CryptAcquireContextW
#print find_func_by_hash(0xCEE535FF) # RtlEnterCriticalSection
#print find_func_by_hash(0x3A182487) # RtlLeaveCriticalSection
print 'Done!'
Script to extract c2 traffic:
import lief, dpkt, os, sys, IPython, socket, struct
from hexdump import hexdump
# use this with mimic.c
# we decontaminate this shit...
dehex = lambda x: x.replace(' ', '').replace('\n', '').decode('hex')
chex = lambda x: ','.join(map(lambda y: '0x%02x' % ord(y), x))
u32 = lambda x: struct.unpack("<L", x)[0]
u16 = lambda x: struct.unpack("<H", x)[0]
client_decstub = '''
char* a1 = NULL;
int a2;
char* decfunc = RVATOVA(char*, module, 0x65A0);
THISCALL(5, decfunc, crypto_c, {encrypted}, sizeof({encrypted}), {iv}, &a1, &a2);
hexdump(a1, a2);
void* ptr = halloc(a2);
memcpy(ptr, a1, a2);
char* sa1 = NULL;
int sa2;
char* encfunc = RVATOVA(char*, module, 0x64F0);
THISCALL(5, encfunc, crypto_s, ptr, a2, {iv}, &sa1, &sa2);
write_file("server_{idx}.bin", a1, a2); // sent from server
server_decstub = '''
char* a1 = NULL;
int a2;
char* decfunc = RVATOVA(char*, module, 0x65A0);
THISCALL(5, decfunc, crypto_s, {encrypted}, sizeof({encrypted}), {iv}, &a1, &a2);
void* ptr = halloc(a2);
memcpy(ptr, a1, a2);
char* sa1 = NULL;
int sa2;
char* encfunc = RVATOVA(char*, module, 0x64F0);
THISCALL(5, encfunc, crypto_c, ptr, a2, {iv}, &sa1, &sa2);
write_file("client_{idx}.bin", a1, a2);
defglobals = []
defcode = []
def uchar_arr(name, buf):
return 'unsigned char {name}[] = {{ {buf} }};'.format(name=name, buf=chex(buf))
def add_server_packet(data, iv, idx):
assert len(iv) == 16
ivname = 'siv%d' % idx
dname = 'sd%d' % idx
defglobals.append(uchar_arr(dname, data))
defglobals.append(uchar_arr(ivname, iv))
defcode.append(client_decstub.format(encrypted=dname, iv=ivname, idx=idx))
def add_client_packet(data, iv, idx):
assert len(iv) == 16
ivname = 'civ%d' % idx
dname = 'cd%d' % idx
defglobals.append(uchar_arr(dname, data))
defglobals.append(uchar_arr(ivname, iv))
defcode.append(server_decstub.format(encrypted=dname, iv=ivname, idx=idx))
pcaps = dpkt.pcapng.Reader(open("./pcap.pcap", 'rb'))
if not os.path.exists("./splitted/"):
# this is the first stage, attacking
def is_client(pkt):
# ethernet pkt
if socket.inet_ntoa(pkt.data.src) == '' and socket.inet_ntoa(pkt.data.dst) == '':
return True
return False
def is_server(pkt):
if socket.inet_ntoa(pkt.data.dst) == '' and socket.inet_ntoa(pkt.data.src) == '':
return True
return False
def is_valid(pkt):
# tcp pkt
if len(pkt.data) >= 58 and pkt.data[3] == '\x8f':
return True
return False
c = 0
s = 0
while True:
ts, buf = pcaps.next()
except StopIteration:
packet = dpkt.ethernet.Ethernet(buf)
if is_client(packet) and isinstance(packet.data.data, dpkt.tcp.TCP) and is_valid(packet.data.data):
tcp_data = packet.data.data.data
size = u32(tcp_data[:4]) & 0xFFFFFF
print 'Valid client packet (%d), extracting...' % size
#if size > 2000: hexdump(tcp_data)
buffer = tcp_data
rem_len = size - len(tcp_data)
while rem_len != 0:
ts, buf = pcaps.next()
assert is_client(packet) and isinstance(packet.data.data, dpkt.tcp.TCP)
pkt = dpkt.ethernet.Ethernet(buf)
buffer += pkt.data.data.data
rem_len -= len(pkt.data.data.data)
assert len(buffer) == size
iv = buffer[42:58]
data = buffer[58:]
add_client_packet(data, iv, c)
open("splitted/c_{}.bin".format(c), 'wb').write(buffer)
c += 1
elif is_server(packet) and isinstance(packet.data.data, dpkt.tcp.TCP) and is_valid(packet.data.data):
tcp_data = packet.data.data.data
size = u32(tcp_data[:4]) & 0xFFFFFF
print 'Valid server packet (%d), extracting...' % size
#if size > 2000: hexdump(tcp_data)
buffer = tcp_data
rem_len = size - len(tcp_data)
while rem_len != 0:
ts, buf = pcaps.next()
assert is_server(packet) and isinstance(packet.data.data, dpkt.tcp.TCP)
pkt = dpkt.ethernet.Ethernet(buf)
buffer += pkt.data.data.data
rem_len -= len(packet.data.data.data)
iv = buffer[42:58]
data = buffer[58:]
add_server_packet(data, iv, s)
open("splitted/s_{}.bin".format(s), 'wb').write(buffer)
s += 1
def is_client(pkt):
# ethernet pkt
if socket.inet_ntoa(pkt.data.src) == '' and socket.inet_ntoa(pkt.data.dst) == '' and pkt.data.data.dport == 445:
return True
return False
def is_server(pkt):
if socket.inet_ntoa(pkt.data.dst) == '' and socket.inet_ntoa(pkt.data.src) == '' and pkt.data.data.sport == 445:
return True
return False
def is_valid_client(pkt):
data = pkt.data[4:] # netbios
if len(data) < 4: return False
if data[0:4] == '\xfeSMB':
flags = u32(data[0x10:0x14])
if flags & 1 == 0: # resp
cmd = u16(data[0xc:0xe])
if cmd == 9: # write
return True
return False
def is_valid_server(pkt):
data = pkt.data[4:] # netbios
if len(data) < 4: return False
if data[0:4] == '\xfeSMB':
flags = u32(data[0x10:0x14])
if (flags & 1) != 0: # resp
cmd = u16(data[0xc:0xe])
if cmd == 8: # read
status = u32(data[0x8:0xc])
if status == 0:
return True
return False
c = 0
s = 0
while True:
ts, buf = pcaps.next()
except StopIteration:
packet = dpkt.ethernet.Ethernet(buf)
if isinstance(packet.data.data, dpkt.tcp.TCP):
if is_client(packet) and is_valid_client(packet.data.data):
wreq = packet.data.data.data[4+64+48:]
if len(wreq) <= 58 or wreq[3] != '\x8f': continue
size = u32(wreq[0:4]) & 0xffffff
print 'Valid client packet (%d), extracting...' % size
buffer = ''
buffer += wreq
rem_size = size - len(wreq)
while rem_size != 0:
ts, buf = pcaps.next()
packet = dpkt.ethernet.Ethernet(buf)
assert is_client(packet)
buffer += packet.data.data.data
rem_size -= len(packet.data.data.data)
assert len(buffer) == size
iv = buffer[42:58]
data = buffer[58:]
add_client_packet(data, iv, c)
c += 1
elif is_server(packet) and is_valid_server(packet.data.data):
rrsp = packet.data.data.data[4+64+16:]
if len(rrsp) <= 58 or rrsp[3] != '\x8f': continue
size = u32(rrsp[0:4]) & 0xffffff
print 'Valid server packet (%d), extracting...' % size
buffer = ''
buffer += rrsp
rem_size = size - len(rrsp)
while rem_size != 0:
ts, buf = pcaps.next()
packet = dpkt.ethernet.Ethernet(buf)
assert is_client(packet)
buffer += packet.data.data.data
rem_size -= len(packet.data.data.data)
assert len(buffer) == size
iv = buffer[42:58]
data = buffer[58:]
add_server_packet(data, iv, s)
s += 1
open("data.h", 'wb').write('\n'.join(defglobals))
open("code.h", 'wb').write('\n'.join(defcode))
print 'Done!'
Program to decrypt c2 traffic:
// clang -m32 -o mim.exe mimic.c
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <Windows.h>
// Shit starts here
void* load_mem(char* filename) {
void* buffer = NULL;
FILE* fp = fopen(filename, "rb");
if(!fp) {
return buffer;
fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END);
long size = ftell(fp);
fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET);
// So that we don't need to fix the relocation
// NO IT'S NOT JUST ABOUT RELOC! We need to fix the import as well!
buffer = VirtualAlloc((void*)(0x400000), size, MEM_COMMIT | MEM_PRIVATE, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE);
if(!buffer) {
return buffer;
fread(buffer, 1, size, fp);
return buffer;
void write_file(char* filename, void* buffer, size_t size) {
FILE* fp = fopen(filename, "wb");
fwrite(buffer, 1, size, fp);
char* load_module(char* filename) {
return (char*)LoadLibraryA(filename);
#define RVATOVA(type, base, rva) (type)((char*)base + rva)
// Some little trick to placate the msvc __thiscall
// This apparently does not comply to multithreaded environments
#define THISCALL_CALLER __asm__ volatile ( \
"mov (%0), %%ecx\n\t" \
"mov (%1), %%eax\n\t" \
"jmp *%%eax\n\t" \
: \
: "m" (g_this), "m" (g_callsite) \
: "cc" \
int g_this, g_callsite;
int __stdcall __attribute__((naked, noinline)) __thiscall0() { THISCALL_CALLER; }
int __stdcall __attribute__((naked, noinline)) __thiscall1(int arg0) { THISCALL_CALLER; }
int __stdcall __attribute__((naked, noinline)) __thiscall2(int arg0, int arg1) { THISCALL_CALLER; }
int __stdcall __attribute__((naked, noinline)) __thiscall3(int arg0, int arg1, int arg2) { THISCALL_CALLER; }
int __stdcall __attribute__((naked, noinline)) __thiscall4(int arg0, int arg1, int arg2, int arg3) { THISCALL_CALLER; }
int __stdcall __attribute__((naked, noinline)) __thiscall5(int arg0, int arg1, int arg2, int arg3, int arg4) { THISCALL_CALLER; }
int __stdcall __attribute__((naked, noinline)) __thiscall6(int arg0, int arg1, int arg2, int arg3, int arg4, int arg5) { THISCALL_CALLER; }
#define THISCALL(nargs, callsite, this, ...) \
g_this = (int)this; \
g_callsite = (int)callsite; \
#define halloc(x) HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, x)
#define hfree(x) HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, x)
void hexdump(unsigned char* buf, int size) {
for(int base = 0; base < size; base += 0x10) {
printf("%08X: ", base);
for(int offset = 0; offset < 0x10 && offset + base < size; offset++) {
printf("%02x ", buf[base + offset]);
// Holy god this ends..
char* mod;
// these are from the first stage
unsigned char client[] = {0x0b,0x7d,0xbe,0x80,0xe7,0xb8,0x44,0x1f,0xf3,0x05,0x5c,0xe8,0xd0,0x75,0x7b,0xcb};
unsigned char server[] = {0xc3,0x95,0x08,0x1d,0xe5,0xa3,0xf2,0xe5,0x44,0xe8,0x18,0xae,0x75,0x80,0xd4,0xd3};
// second stage
unsigned char client[] = {0xe7,0x66,0xe6,0x5a,0xe8,0x50,0x9d,0x68,0x33,0xd7,0x3a,0x37,0xd1,0xec,0x4a,0xd8};
unsigned char server[] = {0x5f,0xa5,0x29,0x40,0x57,0x65,0x44,0xd4,0x4d,0x01,0xfa,0x2a,0x37,0xf4,0x9f,0xc4};
#include "data.h"
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
char* module = load_module("mal.dll"); // this loads a neutralized version...
if(!module) {
printf("Cannot load module, %d\n", GetLastError());
return -1;
mod = module;
//THISCALL(3, 0x0, 0x0, 1, 2, 3);
void* crypto_c = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, 0x148);
char* initfunc = RVATOVA(char*, module, 0x63E0); // init structure
THISCALL(1, initfunc, crypto_c, 0);
void* crypto_s = halloc(0x148);
THISCALL(1, initfunc, crypto_s, 0);
void* comp_c = halloc(32);
char* compinit = RVATOVA(char*, module, 0xA5B0);
THISCALL(1, compinit, comp_c, 0);
void* comp_s = halloc(32);
THISCALL(1, compinit, comp_s, 0);
unsigned char key[16];
for(int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
key[i] = client[i] ^ server[i] ^ 0xAA;
char* keyfunc = RVATOVA(char*, module, 0x64B0);
THISCALL(2, keyfunc, crypto_c, key, 16); // set key
THISCALL(2, keyfunc, crypto_s, key, 16);
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wint-conversion"
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wpointer-sign"
#include "code.h"
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
return 0;
## Challenge 12. Suspicious floppy disk
This is an insane challenge, you feel real despair when you unveiled the first layer of the abstruse logic, only to see another layer of terror.
Generally we could break this challenge into 3 parts.
### 1. Finding the input checker
Playing around with the image given, I found something interesting: `type MESSAGE.DAT` command also triggers the checker routine. Moreover, if we extract `infohelp.exe` and put it into `dosbox`, we can see that the checker routine magically disappeared. Further reversing showed that `infohelp.exe` involves no sequence checking login. So what is actually going on?
Debugging the image inside `bochs` gave me the answer: The `IVT` for `int 13h` is replaced! This turns out to be `BIOS interrupt`. Looking into the detoured logic shows there's more action when reading/writing specific sectors:
* When writing to the sector containing `KEY.DAT` data, the hook copies the data written to a global buffer.
* When reading from the sector containing `MESSAGE.DAT` data, the hook enters another function which is the checker function presumably.
So given the checker function, reversing result showed it's actually a `subleq` VM. Let's first extract the VM environment and goes on to the second part:
import os, sys, struct
from hexdump import hexdump
Progress now:
I found that int13h hook, but it looks like some kind of red herring, by the sentence "BE SURE TO XXX".
I don't know if there's any lower-level hooks or modifications in this level....
def ror8(b, r):
return ((b >> r) | ((b << (8 - r)) & 0xFF))
assert ror8(1, 1) == 0x80
assert ror8(0x81, 1) == 0xC0
data = open("image.img", 'rb').read()
# dump decrypted boot section.
sector6 = data[5*0x200: 5*0x200+0x200]
data6 = ''
for ch in sector6:
data6 += chr(ror8(ord(ch), 1))
open("sector6.bin", 'wb').write(data6)
# the following comprehension could be wrong....
def chs2l(c, h, s): # chs to lba addressing
return (c * 2 + h) * 0x12 + s - 1 # 3.5 inch floppy settings
def l2o(lba): # lba to offset
return lba * 0x200 # 512b sector
assert chs2l(0, 0, 6) == 5
print hex(chs2l(0x21, 1, 0x11))
#forbid_section = data[l2o(0x4c8): l2o(0x593)] # these are the section forbidden from reading by the hook
#message_section = data[l2o(chs2l(0x21, 1, 0x11)): l2o(chs2l(0x21, 1, 0x12))]
# extract subleq commands
dump = open("../dump/before.dump", 'rb').read()
start = 0x97c00 + 0x223
end = start + 0x2DAD * 2
subleq = dump[start:end]
open("subleq.vm", 'wb').write(subleq)
### 2. The first layer of terror
I first crafted a small python script which implements the `subleq` VM (the script is enhanced gradually in the process of analysis, shown is the final script I used):
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import struct, os, sys, ctypes, IPython, hashlib
from hexdump import hexdump
c16 = lambda x: ctypes.c_int16(x).value
cu16 = lambda x: ctypes.c_uint16(x).value
u16 = lambda x: struct.unpack("<H", x)[0]
s16 = lambda x: struct.unpack("<h", x)[0]
p16 = lambda x: struct.pack("<H", c16(x))[0]
data = bytearray(open("subleq.vm", 'rb').read())
assert len(data) % 2 == 0
vmmem = []
for i in xrange(len(data) / 2):
vmmem.append(s16(data[i * 2: i * 2 + 2]))
class TaggedInt(object):
def __init__(self, v, tag):
self.v = v
self.tag = tag
def __int__(self):
print "Calling int() on '%s'" % (self.tag)
return self.v
def __sub__(self, x):
value = int(x)
print "Calling sub(%d) on '%s'" % (value, self.tag)
return TaggedInt(self.v - value, self.tag)
def __add__(self, x):
value = int(x)
print "Calling add(%d) on '%s'" % (value, self.tag)
return TaggedInt(self.v + value, self.tag)
def __neg__(self):
print "Calling neg() on '%s'" % (self.tag)
return TaggedInt(-self.v, self.tag)
def tagged_subtract(a, b):
if isinstance(a, TaggedInt):
return a - b
elif isinstance(b, TaggedInt):
return - b + a
return a - b
def set_input(inp, tag=True):
start = 0x1208 / 2
for idx, ch in enumerate(inp):
if tag:
vmmem[start] = TaggedInt(ord(ch), 'char%d' % (idx))
vmmem[start] = ord(ch)
start += 1
if tag:
vmmem[start] = TaggedInt(0, 'term')
vmmem[start] = 0
set_input('\x00' * 63, False)
breakpoints = [0x5]
def subleq_vm(data, start, end):
'''Some debugging helpers'''
step = False
stop = False
def interactive():
step = False
stop = False
def disasm(addr=None):
if addr == None: addr = current
if isinstance(addr, str): addr = int(addr, 0)
a = data[addr]
b = data[addr + 1]
pc = data[addr + 2]
print '%x: subleq %x, %x' % (addr, b, a),
if pc != 0:
print 'jump=%x' % pc,
print ''
def bp(addr=None):
if addr == None:
print 'Usage: bp <addr>'
if isinstance(addr, str): addr = int(addr, 0)
def bd(addr=None):
if addr == None:
print 'Usage: bd <addr>'
if isinstance(addr, str): addr = int(addr, 0)
def bl():
for idx, bkpt in enumerate(breakpoints):
print '%d: %x' % (idx, bkpt)
def get(addr=None):
if addr == None:
print 'Usage: get <addr>'
if isinstance(addr, str): addr = int(addr, 0)
print 'vmmem[%x] = %d' % (addr, vmmem[addr])
def set(addr=None, val=None):
if addr == None or val == None:
print 'Usage: set <addr> <val>'
if isinstance(addr, str): addr = int(addr, 0)
if isinstance(val, str): val = int(val, 0)
vmmem[addr] = val
funcs = {'disasm': disasm, 'bp': bp, 'bd': bd, 'bl': bl, 'get': get, 'set': set}
while True:
comm = raw_input('>>> ').split()
if comm[0] == 'quit':
elif comm[0] == 'kill':
stop = True
elif comm[0] == 'stepi':
step = True
except KeyError:
print 'No such command'
return (step, stop)
'''VM Code'''
addr_dict = {}
current = start
inscount = 0
vmins = 0
while True:
if current + 3 > end:
if current in breakpoints or step:
print 'Break! pc = %x' % current
if step: step = False
step, stop = interactive()
if stop:
if current == 0x520:
print '%x: %d' % (vmmem[0x7f6], vmmem[0x7f6 + vmmem[0x7f6]])
vmins += 1
a = data[current]
b = data[current + 1]
pc = data[current + 2]
inscount += 1
if not addr_dict.has_key(current):
print current, ': subleq', a, b,
if pc != 0:
print pc,
print ''
addr_dict[current] = True
if exec_subleq(data, a, b, pc):
if cu16(pc) == 0xFFFF:
current = pc
current += 3
# output
if data[4] != 0:
char = cu16(data[2]) & 0xFF
data[4] = 0
data[2] = 0
print 'Inscount:', inscount
print 'VMIns:', vmins
def exec_subleq(data, a, b, pc):
a_lit = data[int(a)]
b_lit = data[int(b)]
b_res = c16(int(tagged_subtract(b_lit, a_lit)))
data[b] = b_res
if pc != 0:
if b_res <= 0:
return True
return False
subleq_vm(vmmem, 5, 0x2dad)
Analysing this VM could be a pain in the ass, it's really painful staring at thousands lines of `subleq x, x, x` trying to figure out the what the program actual does. Hopefully we have some resource on this topic already, including a [writeup with Binary ninja plugin](https://blahcat.github.io/2017/10/13/flareon-4-writeups/#challenge-11) and an [official writeup](https://www.fireeye.com/content/dam/fireeye-www/global/en/blog/threat-research/Flare-On%202017/Challenge11.pdf) published last year about the same topic.
Finally I came to the result of this manually-written pseudocode:
push(0x25b7, 0x7f6);
0xfc(arg1, arg2)
//_bp = _sp;
DECLARE_ARGUMENT(arg2); // 0x10f
DECLARE_ARGUMENT(arg1); // 0x148
DECLARE_VAR(v1) // 0x181
DECLARE_VAR(v2) // 0x185
DECLARE_VAR(v3) // 0x189
DECLARE_VAR(v4, -2) // 0x18d
DECLARE_VAR(v5, 3) // 0x191
DECLARE_VAR(v6, 4) // 0x195
DECLARE_VAR(v7, 5) // 0x199
DECLARE_VAR(v8, 6) // 0x19d
DECLARE_VAR(v9, 0) // 0x1a1
DECLARE_VAR(v10, 1) // 0x1a5
DECLARE_VAR(v11, 0) // 0x1a9
DECLARE_VAR(v12) // 0x1ad
v2 = arg2;
v12 = *v2;
while(true) {
v2 = arg2;
v1 = *v2;
if(v1 < arg1) {
v2 += v1;
v3 = *v2;
if(v3 + 2 == 0) {
v2 = arg2;
v2 += v8;
v9 = *v2;
if(v9 == v10) {
*v2 = v11;
v2 = arg2 + v6;
v9 = *v2;
// OUT
r2 = v9;
r4 = 1;
*v2 = v11;
v2 = arg2;
v2 += v7;
v9 = *v2;
if(v9 == v10) {
*v2 = v11;
r3 += 1;
v9 = r1;
v2 = arg2;
v2 += v5;
*v2 = v9;
} else {
v2 = arg2;
*v2 = v12;
_bp523 = _sp;
DECLARE_ARGUMENT(arg1) // 0x533
DECLARE_VAR(v2, -2) // 0x537
DECLARE_VAR(v3) // 0x53b
[0x7f1] = arg1;
[0x7f5] = *[0x7f1];
[0x7f1] += [0x7f5];
[0x7ef] = *[0x7f1]; // 0x7ef = opcode
if([0x7ef] == [0x7f2]) { // 0x7f2 == -1, nop
[0x7f1] = arg1;
[0x7f5] += 1;
*[0x7f1] = [0x7f5];
[0x7f1] = arg1 + 1;
[0x7ee] = *(arg1 + 1);
[0x7f1] = arg1 + [0x7ef];
[0x7f0] = *(arg1 + [0x7ef]);
[0x7f4] = [0x7f0] - [0x7ee];
[0x7ee] = [0x7f4];
[0x7f1] = arg1 + 1;
*[0x7f1] = [0x7ee];
if([0x7ef] != [0x7f3]) { // 0x7f3 == 2
[0x7f1] = arg1 + [0x7ef];
*[0x7f1] = [0x7ee];
[0x7f5] = *arg1;
if([0x7ee] < 0) {
[0x7f5] += 1;
[0x7f5] += 1;
*arg1 = [0x7f5];
... What the hell is this? Why the logic doesn't look like `print(banner); if(check(input)) { print(good); } else { print(fail); }`? Oh my...
### 3. The final layer of despair
Fortuanately I didn't close my chrome tab browsing [esolang](https://esolangs.org/wiki/OISC). Review the page for a few seconds and I found [this](https://esolangs.org/wiki/RSSB). Looks like this is a `subleq` VM running a `rssb` VM. Holy fuck.
So as I did in the second part, I crafted another `rssb` vm script first:
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from hexdump import hexdump
import IPython, sys, os, struct, ctypes
c16 = lambda x: ctypes.c_int16(x).value
cu16 = lambda x: ctypes.c_uint16(x).value
u16 = lambda x: struct.unpack("<H", x)[0]
s16 = lambda x: struct.unpack("<h", x)[0]
p16 = lambda x: struct.pack("<H", c16(x))[0]
data = bytearray(open("subleq.vm", 'rb').read())
assert len(data) % 2 == 0
vmmem = []
for i in xrange(len(data) / 2):
vmmem.append(s16(data[i * 2: i * 2 + 2]))
vmstate = 0x7f6
def set_input(inp):
start = 0x1208 / 2
for idx, ch in enumerate(inp):
vmmem[start] = ord(ch)
start += 1
for i in xrange(64 - (start - (0x1208 / 2))):
vmmem[start] = 0
start += 1
#set_input('\x00' * 63)
set_input(raw_input('Input: '))
#set_input(17 * 'A' + '@flare-on.com')
#set_input(15 * 'B1' + '@flare-on.com')
def extract_result():
start = 0xa79
for idx in xrange(15):
print vmmem[vmstate + start + idx], ',',
def get_name(v):
if v == 0:
return 'pc'
elif v < 0:
return str(v)
elif v == 1:
return 'acc'
elif v == 2:
return 'zero'
elif v == 4:
return 'out'
elif v == 6:
return 'outst'
return hex(v)
breakpoints = [0x15b]
# https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/One_instruction_set_computer
# Looks like RSSB?, and he implements RSSB inside a SUBLEQ interpreter.... holyfuck
def rssb_vm():
def interactive():
stop = False
step = False
def get(addr):
if addr == None:
print 'Usage: get <addr>'
if isinstance(addr, str): addr = int(addr, 0)
print 'VM[%x] = %d (%x)' % (addr, vmmem[vmstate + addr], vmmem[vmstate + addr])
def disasm(addr, length):
if addr == None:
print 'Usage: disasm <addr> [len]'
if isinstance(addr, str): addr = int(addr, 0)
if isinstance(length, str): length = int(length, 0)
elif length == None: length = 1
for i in xrange(length):
print '%x: rssb %s' % (addr + i, get_name(vmmem[vmstate + addr + i]))
def set(addr, val):
if addr == None or val == None:
print 'Usage: set <addr> <val>'
if isinstance(addr, str): addr = int(addr, 0)
if isinstance(val, str): val = int(val, 0)
vmmem[vmstate + addr] = val
def bp(addr):
if addr == None:
print 'Usage: bp <addr>'
if isinstance(addr, str): addr = int(addr, 0)
def bd(addr):
if addr == None:
print 'Usage: bd <addr>'
if isinstance(addr, str): addr = int(addr, 0)
def bl():
for idx, bpkt in enumerate(breakpoints):
print '%d: %x' % (idx, bpkt)
def evaluate(stmt):
if stmt == None:
print 'Usage: eval <stmt>'
print eval(stmt)
def interact():
functions = {'get': get, 'set': set, 'bp': bp, 'bd': bd, 'bl': bl, 'eval': evaluate, 'disasm': disasm, 'ipy': interact}
while True:
command = raw_input('>>> ').split()
if command[0] == 'quit':
elif command[0] == 'kill':
stop = True
elif command[0] == 'stepi':
step == True
except KeyError:
print 'No such command'
return (stop, step)
debug = False
stop = False
step = False
trace = False
output = True
inscount = 0
if trace:
tracefile = open("runtrace.txt", 'wb')
while vmmem[vmstate] < 0x25b7:
if trace:
trace_pc = vmmem[vmstate]
print >>tracefile, '%x: rssb %s' % (vmmem[vmstate], get_name(vmmem[vmstate + vmmem[vmstate]])),
if debug and (vmmem[vmstate] in breakpoints or step):
print 'Break! pc = %x' % vmmem[vmstate]
step = False
stop, step = interactive()
if vmmem[vmstate] == 0x1f62:
print 'Intermediate:', vmmem[vmstate + 0x1ef6], vmmem[vmstate + 0x1ef2]
if vmmem[vmstate] == 0x1ff1:
print 'Result:', vmmem[vmstate + 0x1ef6]
# this is trigger 1
if vmmem[vmstate] == 0x20c2:
if vmmem[vmstate + 0x20aa] != 0:
print 'Trigger 1'
vmmem[vmstate + 0x20aa] = 0
# this is trigger 2
if vmmem[vmstate] == 0x21ba:
if vmmem[vmstate + 0x21a2] == 0:
print 'Trigger 2'
vmmem[vmstate + 0x21a2] = 1
if stop:
if vmmem[vmstate + vmmem[vmstate]] == -2:
if trace:
print >>tracefile, '[acc = %d, vmmem[pc] = %d]' % (vmmem[vmstate + 1], vmmem[vmstate + vmmem[vmstate + trace_pc]])
inscount += 1
if vmmem[vmstate + 6] != 0:
if output: sys.stderr.write(chr(vmmem[vmstate + 4]))
vmmem[vmstate + 6] = 0
print 'Inscount:', inscount
def exec_rssb():
pc = vmmem[vmstate] + vmstate
if vmmem[pc] == -1:
vmmem[vmstate] = c16(vmmem[vmstate] + 1)
a = vmmem[vmstate + 1]
b = vmmem[vmstate + vmmem[pc]]
c = c16(b - a)
vmmem[vmstate + 1] = c
if vmmem[pc] != 2:
vmmem[vmstate + vmmem[pc]] = c
if c < 0:
vmmem[vmstate] += 1
vmmem[vmstate] += 1
... and went on analyzing this. It's much more frustrating since we don't have the references mentioned above, I have to figure out the high-level primitives on my own.
With the ability to debug this VM and 2 days of dedicated analysis, I finally found the algorithm used to check the password:
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import z3, ctypes
c16 = lambda x: ctypes.c_int16(x).value
z16 = lambda x: z3.BitVecVal(x, 16)
def main(length):
s = z3.Solver()
answers = []
for i in xrange(length):
bv = z3.BitVec('x%d' % i, 16)
s.add(bv >= 0x20, bv <= 0x7f)
s.add(bv != 0x40)
vlen = length
vb47 = sum(answers) + z16(length * 1024 * 3)
if length % 2 == 1:
length += 1
vx = z16(0)
ans = map(lambda x: z16(x), [-897 , -3313 , -3231 , -3759 , -1914 , -3119 , -9385 , -9771 , -7570 , -1843 , -1687 , -9972 , -2015 , -3711 , -1953])
for i in xrange(length / 2):
x1 = (answers[i * 2 + 1] - z16(0x20)) * z16(128) + (answers[i * 2] - z16(0x20))
x1 ^= vx
s.add(x1 + vb47 == ans[i])
vx += 33
print s.check(), length
result = ''
for idx in xrange(vlen):
result += chr(s.model()[answers[idx]].as_long())
except z3.z3types.Z3Exception:
return False
print result
return True
for i in xrange(1, 31):
The final answer is: `Av0cad0_Love_2018@flare-on.com`