# Tips Trick OSN (Technical) ### Tips trik teknis - Size vector kalo empty di -1, jadi infinity - Map .count biar gak bikin key baru - 1ll << x buat long long - Bound checking di set, vector, queue dst - Compare function equal false - Multiset erase semua element - Prefix sum 1 based - Passing vector ke function mesti pake reference - String append s+=t konstan, s=s+t linear - Define int long long - Modulo arithmetic, pake fungsi - clean code : bikin function lebih enak debug - naming variable, function, etc bikin yang mudah dipahami biar debugnya enak - out of bound (akses index negatif, akses empty STL, array size kurang gede) - division by zero - memory kegedean di dalem local function - rekursi kedaleman - Cari tc yang bikin wa / rte, misal corner cases - interactive buat debug, pake debug flag buat auto checker kalo bikin checkernya gampang. Pisah function - (minor) operator precedence - next permutation harus di sort - STL behavior buat yang kompleks, make sure dulu kalian tau behavior dari suatu STL - OO jalanin paralel, pake output file. Bisa pake freopen atau bikin multiple solution buat suatu test case - pake cerr buat debug biar hapus2nya cepet, sama pake informative dikit buat hindarin cognitive load - cari tau dia ngecrash dimana dengan comment/uncomment suatu part - pake for each / destructure buat easier and cleaner code - set keyboard shortcut and make environment easier to use buat debug - modulo subtraction careful - overflow int*int = int - bfs dfs transisi pake arah dx dy - assert(false) --> debug WA helpful sometimes