# Galileo vs. the Refusal **Fade in:** ### INT. GALILEO'S OBSERVATORY - DAY - **Galileo**, an Italian astronomer, is staring through his telescope at the night sky. - Suddenly, he hears a knock on the door. **GALILEO:** *(Startled)* Who could that be? - Galileo goes to the door and opens it. - A man, known for his obstinacy, stands at the doorstep. **OBSTINATE MAN:** *(Skeptical)* Galileo, what are you doing? **GALILEO:** *(Excitedly)* I am observing the night sky, my friend. I have discovered something remarkable! **OBSTINATE MAN:** *(Doubtful)* Remarkable? What could that possibly be? - Galileo gestures for the man to come inside. **GALILEO:** *(Confidently)* I have discovered that there are other planets in the sky! **OBSTINATE MAN:** *(Unconvinced)* Other planets? I don't need to look through your telescope to know that the earth is the center of the universe and everything revolves around it! - Galileo frowns at the man's statement. **GALILEO:** *(Determined)* My friend, you are mistaken. The earth is not the center of the universe. Look through my telescope, and you will see for yourself. **OBSTINATE MAN:** *(Steadfast)* I don't need to look through your telescope. I already know the truth. **GALILEO:** *(Urging)* But how can you be so sure? Look through the telescope, and you will see the planets with your own eyes. **OBSTINATE MAN:** *(Defensive)* I don't need to see the planets. I already know what I believe, and nothing you say or show me will change my mind. - Galileo sighs in frustration. **GALILEO:** *(Exasperated)* But my friend, the truth is right in front of you. The planets are there, waiting to be seen. Why won't you look? **OBSTINATE MAN:** *(Stubborn)* I don't need to look because I know what I believe is true. - Galileo shakes his head, defeated. **GALILEO:** *(Resigned)* Very well, my friend. But I fear you will be missing out on something truly extraordinary. - The obstinate man leaves, still convinced of his own beliefs and unwilling to see the evidence that Galileo had to offer. **Fade out.**