# Community Committee OKRs Session (Notes) ### Attendees Tierney (leading) Michael Dawson Joe Sepi Jory Burson Luis Villa Waleed Ashraf Liz Parody Giovanny Gongora Julián Duque Manil Chowdhury Jon Church ## OKRs ### Objective Brainstorming and Deduplicating (with bullets describing our thoughts): * Bring more diverse perspectives to our work * **Plus One:** Manil Chowdhury, Joe Sepi, Tierney Cyren, Liz Parody, Jon Church, Julián Duque, Giovanny Gongora * Ensure we have a growth path/succession plan in place for key roles within the project * Clear path for growth on core technical groups focusing on underepped groups * Positively affect the rest of the JavaScript Ecosystem * **Plus One:** Jon Church, Liz Parody, Joe Sepi, Giovanny Gongora, Tierney Cyren * Export community building knowledge, experience for the benefit of other JavaScript communities * Document and publish fundamental and necessary knowledge within the project * Create positively impactful content * **Plus One**: Manil Chowdhury, Waleed Ashraf, Tierney Cyren, Julián Duque, Liz Parody * Provide resources for people to ramp up on Node.js * Highlight web and non-web use cases for node * Build bridges to the JavaScript community outside of the project itself * Evangelise JavaScript as the Platform of Choice * Grow the social presence of the project * Provide easier learning paths for ecosystem users of Node.js * Be vocal about the connections between Node.js and relevant external bodies (TC39, Web Standards, package management/registries, fundamental tooling) * Grow, enhance, and support collaboration across the Node.js project * **Plus One:** Manil Chowdhury, Waleed Ashraf, Giovanny Gongora, Julián Duque, Joe Sepi * Evolve Node.js collaborator summit & in-person community building activities * Align with technical committee on the project's lifecycle management to be best prepared for project's evolving needs * Connect with TSC WGs, Initiatives, and Teams to see how CommComm initiatives can support them * Provide non-technical paths to contribute * Contributor numbers increase in Node.js * Identify areas (WG, Teams) that need more people and help raise that awareness in an effort to drive more contributors to specific areas * Standardize (templatize) information for each WG in terms of what they do, what they need, what the process is to get involved * Ensure Node.js project is a great and safe place to contribute * **Plus One:** Jon Church * Ensure the project is a safe place for people to contribute * Ensure the project continues to focus on being welcoming to new contributors * possible KR: Fix-up DCO implementation ### Scaffolding out Key Results for Objectives: * Bring more diverse perspectives to our work * Add and retain 5 members to the Community Committee who are from backgrounds that aren't typically overrepresented in tech * Draft a growth path/succession plan for the key roles in the Community Committee and socialize amongst WG + initiatives for feedback * Positively affect the rest of the JavaScript Ecosystem * 200k views per 30 days of Node.js Collection articles (current is 125k) * Publish 5 blog posts with key ecosystem projects sharing their success through our media * Publish 3 blog posts on How Node.js Operates * CommComm members and CommComm collaborators speak on CommComm initiatives at 10 confs * Elevate 1 CommComm process, practice, or program to the OpenJS/CPC that could be shared * Amplify and celebrate 20 announcements from JavaScript ecosytem projects * Create positively impactful content * Publish 5 practical tutorials with community members that showcase the different areas where Node.js can be used * Run 3 AMAs with folks from our ecosystem * Feature 5 non-core repositories in various officially published media * Grow, enhance, and support collaboration across the Node.js project * Increase number of total active contributors by 3% * Create and publish 5 documents aimed at lowering the barrier to entry for CommComm initiatives and/or TSC Working Groups, Initiatives, and Teams <!-- These were both proposed KRs, but they're both implementation details rather than the actual thing we're measuring * Measure and publish the number of collaborators involved across multiple Node.js Initiatives * Collect and list what a contributor needs to know to transition from one WG/initiative to another --> ### Ice Box: * Co-ordinate and work with other OpenJS projects ### Additionally Surfaced Context: * Onboarding meetings for new contributors * Add OKR checkins to CommComm meetings ## Questions * Restate the Mission / Purpose of the CommComm? "The purpose of the commcomm is to manage community facing efforts around the node project." ([README](https://github.com/nodejs/community-committee/blob/master/README.md)) outward efforts such as: * mentorship * website redesign work * internationalization * inward efforts that make the state of the node ecosystem better * [OKR definition](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OKR) * [Google's documentation on what OKRs are](https://rework.withgoogle.com/guides/set-goals-with-okrs/steps/introduction/)