# FAW meeting notes
## [FAW Timeline](https://hackmd.io/vj-3b78sRQarVl5fpdHRUQ#Timeline)
## 2023-11-06
### Meeting Agenda & Notes
* Event
* Currently we have 4 confirmed speakers :tada:
* Reminder email to Roland (AI: #Irdi) :heavy_check_mark:
* [Schedule](https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_Linux_39_Release_Party_Schedule) :heavy_check_mark:
* Confirm date/times for the FAW speakers (AI: #Justin, #Irdi) :heavy_check_mark:
* GitLab issue for FRP: https://gitlab.com/fedora/mindshare/home/-/issues/41
* [Event description](https://hopin.com/events/fedora-linux-39-release-party/registration)
* Can we add somewhere FAW - maybe it will help with the awereness (Justin)
* Design :heavy_check_mark:
* [Badge for FAW](https://pagure.io/fedora-badges/issue/918) (Emma)
* love it :tada: - let's ping Marie for approval so we can already start using it
* Instagram sync (Emma)
* Twitter & CommBlog articles (#Justin, #Jona)
* CommBlog Day 1: https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/?p=12797
* Promotion
* Everyone please help to promote FAW, and also participate yourself :tada:
* more :cookie: & :camera_with_flash: & contributor stories :panda_face:
* Contributor Stories: Choosing the next stories for Tue, Wed?
## 2023-10-31
### Meeting Agenda & Notes
* Event
* @jwf please check out the draft email that Irdi has prepared :heavy_check_mark:
* Irdi send the email (cc Justin and Jona too) :heavy_check_mark:
* Ankur Sinha :heavy_multiplication_x:
* Kevin Fenzi :heavy_check_mark:
* Aoife Moloney :heavy_check_mark:
* Emma Kidney :heavy_check_mark:
* Chris Idoko :heavy_check_mark:
* Roland Taylor :heavy_multiplication_x:
* Something else needed?
* Promotion
* social media reminder posts for FAW (check with the marketing team)
* 1:1 reach out to people
* @jonatoni Draft CommBlog templates for next week
* @jwf Schedule CommBlog posts for next week
* Design
* Badge for FAW participants
* https://pagure.io/fedora-badges/issue/647
* sync with Emma about next week what we can post on Instagram
## 2023-10-23
### Meeting Agenda & Notes
* Promotion
* Article to promote FAW, RP and 20th anniversary event happening on Nov 10-11, 2023 (Justin)
* Promote FAW on [CommBlog](https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/fedora-appreciation-week-2023/) (Jona) :heavy_check_mark:
* [Thread on Fedora Discussion](https://discussion.fedoraproject.org/t/what-are-your-favorite-moments-from-the-fedora-community-share-them-in-photos/93646) to collect photos for FAW (Jona) :heavy_check_mark:
* Templates for [CommBlog articles](https://hackmd.io/vj-3b78sRQarVl5fpdHRUQ#Templates-for-CommBlog-article-series) during the FAW (Jona) :heavy_check_mark:
* Social media [promotion plan](https://hackmd.io/vj-3b78sRQarVl5fpdHRUQ#Social-media-promotion-plan) (Jona)
* share it with the Marketing team for feedback :heavy_check_mark:
* Promote contributor stories and FAW (everyone)
* GitLab: https://gitlab.com/fedora/dei/stories
* Visuals: https://gitlab.com/fedora/design/team/media/events/-/tree/main/Fedora%20Appreciation%20Week%20'23
* Event
* Reach out to potential speakers (Irdi) :heavy_check_mark:
* Draft email https://hackmd.io/nAYJ4JIxSOypXM874X9ESQ
* List of potential authors for Contributor Stories
* FESCO/Engineering: nirick, Dusty Mabe, davdunc
* Translation team: Jens Peterson
* DEI/Pride/Accessibility: Robert, Emma
* Design: Duffy
* NeuroFedora/JoinSIG: Ankur
* LATAM/Marketing: bt0dotninja, Daimar Stein
* List of potential Release Party speakers:
* CC: jwf@fedoraproject.org, jonatoni@fedoraproject.org
* Long-term:
* Ankur Sinha (sanjay.ankur@gmail.com)
* Kevin Fenzi (kevin@fedoraproject.org)
* Mid-term:
* Aoife Moloney (amoloney@redhat.com)
* Emma Kidney (Signal or ekidney@redhat.com)
* Newcomer: Fedora Badges 2023 Outreachy interns
* Chris Idoko: chrisidoko0017@gmail.com
* Roland Taylor: rolandixor@gmail.com
* Hopin support (Justin)
* what is needed for Hopin to be done (description, registration, visuals etc) - any help needed now?
* Speakers gifts (?)
* new ideas/feedback by Friday
* Design @ekidney
* Can we start using the visuals already?
* [Badge](https://pagure.io/fedora-badges/issue/918)
* some ideas from 2018: https://pagure.io/fedora-badges/issue/647
* Who will get the badge? Everyone that writes a contributor story, shares an image with the community on Fedora Discussion (FAW thread), and everyone that shares their story on social media using the hashtag #WeAreFedora
* Cookies on Matrix :heavy_check_mark:
* Should we add it as a way to be part of the FAW? :heavy_check_mark:
* Can we have stats about it? So we can award badges too
* Not yet
## 2023-10-16
### Meeting Agenda & Notes
* Design
* Badge
* AI: Emma will create a badge ticket for FAW :heavy_check_mark:
* https://pagure.io/fedora-badges/issue/918
* Design:
* AI: Emma will work on a template for Insta stories β
* Marketing
* AI: Jona should reply to the thread on how the team can help us :heavy_check_mark:
* Insta stories/CommBlog articles/Event promo/Twitter & Mastodon promo
## 2023-10-09
### Meeting Agenda & Notes
* Design
* Example from FAW 2018: https://pagure.io/design/issue/615
* Emma will work on the first draft and share it with the team by the end of the week :heavy_check_mark:
* For Hopin we will need joined visuals (RP + 20 years anniversary + FAW)
* Announce FAW and Fedora Release Party next week (Oct 16-20) β
* CommBlog article for separate announcement for Appreciation Week and Contributor Stories :heavy_check_mark:
* AI: Justin will sync with the Marketing team for social media help :heavy_check_mark:
* ref: https://discussion.fedoraproject.org/t/fedoras-20th-anniversary-should-we-do-something-special-to-celebrate/87320/11
* FRP Hopin admin access: https://gitlab.com/fedora/mindshare/home/-/issues/41 :heavy_check_mark:
* Event content: 4-6 sessions dedicated to FAW
* Spread content out across the release party, to catch people across multiple time zones (instead of a single multi-hour block)
* List of potential speakers for FAW event
* FESCO/Engineering: nirick, Dusty Mabe, davdunc
* Translation team: Jens Peterson
* DEI/Pride/Accessibility: Robert, Emma
* Design: Duffy
* NeuroFedora/JoinSIG: Ankur
* LATAM/Marketing: bt0dotninja, Daimar Stein
## 2023-10-06
### Meeting Agenda & Notes
* Dates and FAW & Fedora Release Party
* @jwf: dates for the Fedora RP
* Nov 10-11
* @jwf: FAW will be a separated track on the agenda? (similar as Mentor Summit during Flock?)
* 2-3 sessions/day dedicated to FAW (4-6 sessions in total)
* Design help
* Example from FAW 2018: https://pagure.io/design/issue/615
* @ekidney: can you help with the design and coordination with the design team? :heavy_check_mark:
* Event day
* Create a list of people to share their Fedora journey during the event @iJa6ewiiQNCl8a35YNZOfA @jonatoni
* Irdi: can you prepare a list of people that we can reach out to (check different teams on Fedora so we can include people from different backgrounds, nationalities, interns/students, new people in the community, long time contributors, etc) :heavy_check_mark:
* example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1pZd409H6pw
* example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=seFQRILobxM&list=PL0x39xti0_64NxdF68V6eZ1JWUQtHbR3E
* example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cu2908FYvBs&list=PL0x39xti0_66aqmB8GCXpHZOmEiG5NUpt
* Draft agenda for the event @jonatoni
* promo/outreach plan for the event
* Contributor Stories on GitLab :heavy_check_mark:
* @jwf can the issues be private?
* No
* ref: https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/11565
* Next meeting :heavy_check_mark:
* Please vote: https://whenisgood.net/35yxy8t
# Fedora Appreciation Week (FAW) 2023 - planning :tada:
For one week during the year, Fedora contributors would have a special event where they are encouraged to give their thanks and appreciation to other contributors in Fedora.
**When:** November 6 - 12, 2023
**How to join:**
* Write a Contributor story:
* selected stories will be shared on the Community Blog every day during FAW
* Share your favorite community pictures on Fedora Discussion
* Write a social media post and use the hashtag #WeAreFedora (Mastodon, Twitter, LI, Instagram etc)
:gift: participate & get a special badge :sparkles:
Online event on November 10 - 11, to celebrate the 20th anniversary, Release Party and highlight contributor stories.
## Timeline
+ Contributor stories - Tooling: GitLab π’
+ Link: https://gitlab.com/fedora/dei/stories
+ Create visuals for the event π’
+ to be used for the article, social media, and event promo
+ Design ticket: https://gitlab.com/fedora/design/team/logos/fedora-team-community-logos/-/issues/12
+ Social and logo assets: https://gitlab.com/fedora/design/team/media/events/-/tree/main/Fedora%20Appreciation%20Week%20'23
+ Badge for FAW participants (Nov 3 - Emma) π’
+ Ticket: https://pagure.io/fedora-badges/issue/918
+ Cards (Nov 12 - Emma) π
+ Design π
+ Content π
+ Social media promotion plan/content (October 27) π’
+ Connect with the Marketing team π’
+ CommBlog article to promote FAW: Why we are doing it, asking for stories π’
+ social media posts planning (October 24) π’
+ CommBlog article templates to promote the contributor stories π’
+ Outreach π’
+ Fedora Discussion (October 27)
+ Social media (October 27)
+ 1:1 (by everyone)
+ example: https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/commops/appreciation-week/
+ Fedora Discussion thread to share favorite pictures π’
+ same day as we promote the event on Fedora Discussion
+ Online event π’
+ Platform: Hopin π’
+ Justin will ask for access π’
+ Hopin event set up: description, visuals, speakers, registration π’
+ Content π’
+ List of people who can share their Fedora journey in 10-15 min π’
+ Reach out to the potential speakers π’
+ Event promo π’
+ will be done together with the promo for RP and 20th anniversary
+ Event time 1 - 4 pm CEST (Nov 10 - 11) π’
+ together with Fedora Release Party and Fedora 20th anniversary
+ Fedora Appreciation Week (November 6 - 12, 2023) π
## Template for Contributor Stories ##
## About you
* **Name**: [Your Name]
* **FAS username**: [Your FAS ID]
* ** Do you want to Remain anonymous? **: [ Yes/No ]
## About your story
* **Who is your story about?**: [Name(s) of the person(people) the story is about]
* **What is their FAS username?**: [FAS ID of the person the story is about]
## Description
Tell us your story about another Fedora community member who you appreciate. The story can be about their work in Fedora or something personal or unique which you would like to share with the community. Some ideas and suggestions are a time when you wereβ¦
* Getting started or learning something new, and someone mentored you
* Stuck on a problem or bug and someone helped you solve it
* Appreciative of a team member
Still not sure about what you want to say? You can see some stories written by DEI team members here: <link to example story>. If this happened at some conference or event, you can include details about it.
## Announce FAW on Fedora Discussion
> This post will be shared on Fedora Discussion to announce FAW, dates, why we are doing this, and how they can join
## Say Thank You during Fedora Appreciation Week 2023
Hi Fedora friends! :wave:
We are thrilled to announce the return of Fedora Appreciation Week (FAW) for 2023! FAW is a special time for us to come together and express our gratitude to all the dedicated contributors who make the Fedora Project what it is.
### What is it?
Fedora Appreciation Week, abbreviated as FAW, is a week-long event dedicated to celebrating the efforts of Fedora Project contributors and and expressing gratitude to one another. **Fedora Appreciation Week** kicks off on Monday, **November 6, 2023** and runs until Sunday, **November 12, 2023.** :calendar:
Originating in 2018 and inspired by the Ubuntu Community Appreciation Day, FAW aims to provide a similar platform for appreciating and acknowledging all the contributions of those who have played a role in shaping the Fedora community. After five years, we are excited to revive this tradition, aligning it with the 20th anniversary of the Fedora Project, on November 6, 2023.
Throughout Fedora Appreciation Week, we encourage all community members to select either an individual contributor or a group of contributors to thank for their work in Fedora. This includes all types of contributions, from development, design, infrastructure, marketing, engineering, and more. Let's come together to celebrate the collective efforts that make Fedora what it is today.
### Why have a FAW?
Fedora Appreciation Week is not just about software and code; it's about recognizing and appreciating the people who make the Fedora Project what it is. So, take the opportunity to say "thank you" to your colleagues and friends, whether they are nearby or across the globe. Let's make this event a heartfelt celebration of the Fedora community and its dedicated contributors. #WeAreFedora!
### How to participate in FAW
1. **Write a Contributor Story**
Contributor Stories are just that: the record of our best moments with our Fedora friends. The story can be about our work in Fedora or something personal or unique which you would like to share with the community. Selected stories will be shared on the Community Blog every day during Fedora Appreciation Week. See some [examples](https://pagure.io/fedora-commops/contributor-stories/issues?status=all) and consider writing one of your [own](https://gitlab.com/fedora/dei/stories) before Fedora Appreciation Week rolls around on Monday, November 6, 2023.
2. **Share your favorite Fedora community pictures**
Pictures capture special moments and memories. Share your favorite pictures from your journey with the Fedora community on [Fedora Discussion](https://discussion.fedoraproject.org/t/what-are-your-favorite-moments-from-the-fedora-community-share-them-in-photos/93646).
3. **Say thank you on social media**
Express your gratitude publicly on your social media platforms. Use the hashtag **#WeAreFedora** to make your posts part of the collective celebration. Share your reasons or stories about why you're thankful for the Fedora community and its contributors.
Participate and earn a Fedora Appreciation Week Badge! :sparkles:
### Event day
We are excited to announce that we will be hosting a virtual event that brings together three significant celebrations in one: the Fedora Release Party, the 20th Anniversary of Fedora, and Fedora Appreciation Week. This event is scheduled to take place on November 10 - 11, 2023. We invite you to join us for two days of joyous celebration! Stay tuned for more details on how to participate, which will be shared soon.
## Thread about FAW community pictures on Fedora Discussion
> Create a thread on Fedora Discussion to gather all the images
## What are your favorite moments from the Fedora community? Share them in photos!
Hi folks! :wave:
The Fedora Diversity, Equity and Inclusion team is working on Fedora Appreciation Week 2023, which runs from November 6, 2023 to November 12, 2023. As we celebrate Fedora and our wonderful community, we'd love to hear from you. What are your favorite moments from the Fedora community captured in photos? Do you have a favorite memory? Share it here with us!
Images you share might be featured in Community Blog posts that we plan to publish during Appreciation Week. If you'd prefer not to have your photo used on the Fedora Community Blog, please let us know in a comment.
We canβt wait to see what you all have to share. :smile:
## Templates for CommBlog article series
> Each day, we will showcase contributor stories, social media posts, and community photos shared during FAW.
### FAW 2023 Day 1: βTitleβ
Today marks the exciting launch of Fedora Appreciation Week. In celebration of the Fedora Project, our twenty-year anniversary, and the community of people that make Fedora what it is, the [DEI team](https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/dei/) has gathered contributor stories, social media posts, and photos from the community to feature here daily throughout Appreciation Week.
Is there someone you wish to express gratitude to? Would you like to share your appreciation with Fedora? Discover how you can be part of the celebration of 20 years of Fedora and participate in Fedora Appreciation Week (link).
Todayβs [Contributor Stories](https://gitlab.com/fedora/dei/stories) come from three people: X, Y, Z.
#### Title 1!
Contributor Story #1 from X (FAS-username)
Who is your story about?: Y
What is their FAS username?: fas-username
#### Title 2!
Contributor Story #2 from X (FAS-username)
Who is your story about?: Y
What is their FAS username?: fas-username
#### Title 3!
Contributor Story #3 from X (FAS-username)
Who is your story about?: Y
What is their FAS username?: fas-username
#### Favorite Fedora community pictures
#### Thank you on social media
### FAW 2023 Day 2: βTitleβ
Today is Day 2 of Fedora Appreciation Week. In celebration of the Fedora Project, our twenty-year anniversary, and the community of people that make Fedora what it is, the [DEI team](https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/dei/) has gathered contributor stories, social media posts, and photos from the community to feature here daily throughout Appreciation Week.
Is there someone you wish to express gratitude to? Would you like to share your appreciation with Fedora? Discover how you can be part of the celebration of 20 years of Fedora and participate in Fedora Appreciation Week (link).
Todayβs Contributor Stories come from three people: X, Y, Z.
#### Title 1!
Contributor Story #4 from X (FAS-username)
Who is your story about?: Y
What is their FAS username?: fas-username
#### Title 2!
Contributor Story #5 from X (FAS-username)
Who is your story about?: Y
What is their FAS username?: fas-username
#### Title 3!
Contributor Story #6 from X (FAS-username)
Who is your story about?: Y
What is their FAS username?: fas-username
#### Favorite Fedora community pictures
#### Thank you on social media
### FAW 2023 Day 3: βTitleβ
Today is Day 3 of Fedora Appreciation Week. In celebration of the Fedora Project, our twenty-year anniversary, and the community of people that make Fedora what it is, the [DEI team](https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/dei/) has gathered contributor stories, social media posts, and photos from the community to feature here daily throughout Appreciation Week.
Is there someone you wish to express gratitude to? Would you like to share your appreciation with Fedora? Discover how you can be part of the celebration of 20 years of Fedora and participate in Fedora Appreciation Week (link).
Todayβs Contributor Stories come from three people: X, Y, Z.
#### Title 1!
Contributor Story #7 from X (FAS-username)
Who is your story about?: Y
What is their FAS username?: fas-username
#### Title 2!
Contributor Story #8 from X (FAS-username)
Who is your story about?: Y
What is their FAS username?: fas-username
#### Title 3!
Contributor Story #9 from X (FAS-username)
Who is your story about?: Y
What is their FAS username?: fas-username
#### Favorite Fedora community pictures
#### Thank you on social media
### FAW 2023 Day 4: βTitleβ
Today is Day 4 of Fedora Appreciation Week. In celebration of the Fedora Project, our twenty-year anniversary, and the community of people that make Fedora what it is, the [DEI team](https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/dei/) has gathered contributor stories, social media posts, and photos from the community to feature here daily throughout Appreciation Week.
Is there someone you wish to express gratitude to? Would you like to share your appreciation with Fedora? Discover how you can be part of the celebration of 20 years of Fedora and participate in Fedora Appreciation Week (link).
Todayβs Contributor Stories come from three people: X, Y, Z.
#### Title 1!
Contributor Story #10 from X (FAS-username)
Who is your story about?: Y
What is their FAS username?: fas-username
#### Title 2!
Contributor Story #11 from X (FAS-username)
Who is your story about?: Y
What is their FAS username?: fas-username
#### Title 3!
Contributor Story #12 from X (FAS-username)
Who is your story about?: Y
What is their FAS username?: fas-username
#### Favorite Fedora community pictures
#### Thank you on social media
### FAW 2023 Day 5: βTitleβ
Today is Day 5 of Fedora Appreciation Week. In celebration of the Fedora Project, our twenty-year anniversary, and the community of people that make Fedora what it is, the [DEI team](https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/dei/) has gathered contributor stories, social media posts, and photos from the community to feature here daily throughout Appreciation Week.
Is there someone you wish to express gratitude to? Would you like to share your appreciation with Fedora? Discover how you can be part of the celebration of 20 years of Fedora and participate in Fedora Appreciation Week (link).
Todayβs Contributor Stories come from three people: X, Y, Z.
#### Title 1!
Contributor Story #13 from X (FAS-username)
Who is your story about?: Y
What is their FAS username?: fas-username
#### Title 2!
Contributor Story #14 from X (FAS-username)
Who is your story about?: Y
What is their FAS username?: fas-username
#### Title 3!
Contributor Story #15 from X (FAS-username)
Who is your story about?: Y
What is their FAS username?: fas-username
#### Favorite Fedora community pictures
#### Thank you on social media
### FAW 2023 Day 6: βTitleβ
Today is Day 6 of Fedora Appreciation Week. In celebration of the Fedora Project, our twenty-year anniversary, and the community of people that make Fedora what it is, the [DEI team](https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/dei/) has gathered contributor stories, social media posts, and photos from the community to feature here daily throughout Appreciation Week.
Is there someone you wish to express gratitude to? Would you like to share your appreciation with Fedora? Discover how you can be part of the celebration of 20 years of Fedora and participate in Fedora Appreciation Week (link).
Todayβs Contributor Stories come from three people: X, Y, Z.
#### Title 1!
Contributor Story #16 from X (FAS-username)
Who is your story about?: Y
What is their FAS username?: fas-username
#### Title 2!
Contributor Story #17 from X (FAS-username)
Who is your story about?: Y
What is their FAS username?: fas-username
#### Title 3!
Contributor Story #18 from X (FAS-username)
Who is your story about?: Y
What is their FAS username?: fas-username
#### Favorite Fedora community pictures
#### Thank you on social media
### FAW 2023 Day 7: βTitleβ
Today is the last day of Fedora Appreciation Week. While this week has been a dedicated time for expressing our gratitude, we aim to nurture and continue the tradition of showing appreciation to our friends throughout the year.
We want to thank everyone who joined us in this celebration. Your participation and contributions have made this event a truly special and memorable experience. As we move forward, let's carry the spirit of gratitude with us and continue to acknowledge the exceptional efforts of our Fedora community.
Todayβs Contributor Stories come from three people: X, Y, Z.
#### Title 1!
Contributor Story #19 from X (FAS-username)
Who is your story about?: Y
What is their FAS username?: fas-username
#### Title 2!
Contributor Story #20 from X (FAS-username)
Who is your story about?: Y
What is their FAS username?: fas-username
#### Title 3!
Contributor Story #21 from X (FAS-username)
Who is your story about?: Y
What is their FAS username?: fas-username
#### Favorite Fedora community pictures
#### Thank you on social media
## Social media promotion plan
> To be discussed with the Marketing team for feedback/ideas
### Mastodon/Twitter
Before FAW days
| Date | Content | Link |
| ---- | ---- | ---- |
| 2023-10-X | π Get ready to celebrate Fedora Appreciation Week 2023! π Join us from Nov 6 to Nov 12 in expressing gratitude and appreciation to each other. Share your stories, photos, and experiences! #WeAreFedora | [CommBlog article link](https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/fedora-appreciation-week-2023/) |
| 2023-10-X | Join us in celebrating Fedora Appreciation Week! π As we mark our 20th anniversary, we want to thank all our contributors who make Fedora shine. Share your stories, pictures, and love for Fedora using #WeAreFedora. | [CommBlog article link](https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/fedora-appreciation-week-2023/) |
| 2023-11-X | π Celebrate Fedora Appreciation Week with us! π From Nov 6 to Nov 12, we're dedicating this week to show gratitude and appreciation to our community. Share your stories, photos, and experiences using #WeAreFedora. Let's make this a week of recognition and appreciation for the amazing work our community does. Join the celebration! | [CommBlog article link](https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/fedora-appreciation-week-2023/) |
| 2023-11-X | π’ Calling all Fedora enthusiasts! It's Fedora Appreciation Week! π₯ Let's honor the hard work, creativity, and dedication of everyone who've made Fedora a powerful force for 20 years. Share your Fedora stories using #WeAreFedora. | [CommBlog article link](https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/fedora-appreciation-week-2023/) |
| 2023-11-X | π Join us for the ultimate celebration on Nov 10-11! π₯³ It's the Fedora Release Party, the 20th Anniversary of Fedora, and Fedora Appreciation Week β all in one amazing event! Don't miss out, register now and let's celebrate! ππ #WeAreFedora | Hopin registration link |
FAW days: November 6-12, 2023
| Date | Content | Link |
| ---- | ---- | ---- |
| 2023-11-6 | π It's Fedora Appreciation Week! π Join us in celebrating 20 amazing years of the Fedora Project and the incredible community behind it. Throughout this week, we'll be sharing inspiring contributor stories, photos, and more. Share your gratitude using #WeAreFedora and be a part of the celebration. π | [CommBlog Article #1](https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/appreciation-week-2023-day-1/) |
| 2023-11-7 | π Mark your calendar for Nov 10-11! π₯³ It's a triple treat: the Fedora Release Party, the 20th Anniversary of Fedora, and Fedora Appreciation Week β all rolled into one fantastic event! Secure your spot now and be part of this epic celebration. ππ #WeAreFedora | [Hopin registration link](https://hopin.com/events/fedora-linux-39-release-party/registration) |
| 2023-11-7 | π Welcome to Day 2 of Fedora Appreciation Week! Don't forget to share your gratitude, stories, and appreciation using #WeAreFedora. Check out our highlighted stories for today. | [CommBlog Article #2](https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/appreciation-week-2023-day-2/) |
| 2023-11-8 | π Welcome to Day 3 of Fedora Appreciation Week! Share your cherished Fedora moments using #WeAreFedora and explore our featured stories for today. Let's keep the spirit of gratitude alive! πΈπ | CommBlog Article #3 |
| 2023-11-9 | π Day 4 of Fedora Appreciation Week is here! Take a moment to say 'thank you' and share your appreciation using #WeAreFedora. Explore today's inspiring contributor stories. ππ #Community #Gratitude | CommBlog Article #4 |
| 2023-11-9 | Tomorrow is the big day, Nov 10-11! π₯³ Get ready for the Fedora Release Party, Fedora's 20th Anniversary, and Fedora Appreciation Week, all in one unforgettable event. Register and let's celebrate together. ππ #WeAreFedora | [Hopin registration link](https://hopin.com/events/fedora-linux-39-release-party/registration) |
| 2023-11-10 | π Day 5 of Fedora Appreciation Week is here! Don't miss today's inspiring contributor stories that are making this week special. Plus, don't forget to join our awesome virtual event today to celebrate Fedora's release party and 20th anniversary! ππ #WeAreFedora | CommBlog Article #5 |
| 2023-11-11 | π Day 6 of Fedora Appreciation Week! π Discover today's featured contributor stories and share your own using #WeAreFedora. And don't forget, today is the last day of the Fedora Release Party, 20th anniversary, and FAW virtual event. Join us in celebrating this special occasion! ππ₯³ | CommBlog Article #6 |
| 2023-11-12 | π₯³ Day 7: Last day of Fedora Appreciation Week! As this dedicated week comes to a close, we thank everyone for their heartfelt contributions. Your participation has made this event truly special. Let's carry the spirit of gratitude forward, acknowledging the exceptional efforts of our Fedora community throughout the year. ππ #FedoraAppreciationWeek #Community #Gratitude | CommBlog Article #7 |
### Instagram
> Assets: https://gitlab.com/fedora/design/team/media/events/-/tree/main/Fedora%20Appreciation%20Week%20'23
#### Stories
* Before the event to promote FAW (link to https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/fedora-appreciation-week-2023/)
* During the event to highlight contributor stories & favorite pictures from the community (Emma will create a template for this)
#### Feed post
* Create an Instagram post with reminder for the event
* Fedora Release Party, Fedora 20th anniversary and Fedora Appreciation Week
* Maybe create a post with multiple images
* main event image
* what is FAW
* why we doing it
* how to join
* event day
* Text
* π Join us for Fedora Appreciation Week, happening from Nov 6-12! π₯³ It's a special time to celebrate our incredible community and show gratitude for everyone that make Fedora what it is.
* Link: https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/fedora-appreciation-week-2023/