# Fatiando Community Calls 2021
📱 **Join the video call:** https://jitsi.softwareunderground.org/FatiandoATerraMeetings
📜 **Meeting notes:** https://hackmd.io/@fatiando/community-calls-2021
🗄️ **Archive:** https://github.com/fatiando/meeting-notes
📅 **Shared calendar:** http://calendar.fatiando.org
> **IMPORTANT**: Everyone is required to follow our
> [Code of Conduct](https://github.com/fatiando/contributing/blob/master/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md)
> when participating in the Fatiando community. Please review it carefully.
Community calls are **open to everyone**!
Join us if you're interested in the project,
want to find out more,
or just want to chat with fellow coding geoscientists.
**Everyone is encouraged to edit the notes below.**
## 2021-07-XX
**Time:** 19:00 (UTC)
**Participants** (please add your name)
**Quick updates**
* Leo gave a talk at GFZ on 22 June. Slides are here: https://github.com/leouieda/2021-06-22-gfz
* Pooch is used in xarray now :tada: (HT Agustina Pesce)
* Release: [Pooch v1.4.0](https://www.fatiando.org/pooch/latest/changes.html#version-1-4-0) using the new `sphinx-book-theme` and a redesigned front page (HT Dieter Werthmüller)
* Pooch can download from figshare and Zenodo DOIs ([#241](https://github.com/fatiando/pooch/pull/241))
**Longer discussion**
* Merge Slack channels into #general and #random
* Move to the Software Underground slack
## 2021-05-13
**Time:** 16:00 (UTC)
**Youtube recording:** https://youtu.be/0kElZQwMPSM
**Participants** (please add your name)
* Leo Uieda
* Santi Soler
* Agustina Pesce
**Quick updates**
* Activities since the last meeting:
* Harmonica tutorial at Transform2021: https://github.com/fatiando/transform21
* EGU21 talk on Harmonica and Boule: https://github.com/fatiando/egu2021/
* Upcoming talk about Fatiando to the Geophysical Society of Houston: https://github.com/fatiando/2021-gsh (thanks Andrea for inviting)
* Releases:
* Verde v1.6: https://www.fatiando.org/verde/latest/changes.html#version-1-6-1
* Harmonica v0.2: https://www.fatiando.org/harmonica/latest/changes.html#version-0-2-1
**Longer discussion**
* What to do with RockHound?
* We like the name so maybe we can keep it alive
* We can't really test functions since the downloads take a long time
* Most data don't have licenses so we can't repackage them to make loading easier
* Not easy to discover as a Python package
* Something like DataUnderground is much better
* It's really used much and hence not developed much
* Growth would be unsustainable with the current approach
* Would be better to invest time in DataUnderground instead (like making a Python API for it)
* Encourage use of licenses for data
* But this is a separate library, probably under Swung
* Options: 1) archive it 2) use it as the source of Fatiando sample data (for docs, examples, tutorials)
* Rockhound can be a way to help open datasets without licenses
* Need to talk to data owners
* Could make a rule that we can only include open data
* If we can get CRUST1 to adopt CC licenses, we could then include it
* How do we decide what is within scope beyond the license?
* Would people want to do this?
* Only add something that is used with one of our projects or tutorials
* But then do we need a package for that?
* Having the package allows us to change URLs and issue deprecation warnings if needed.
* If adding something to rockhound, also add an example to some other project
* Decision:
* Keep it
* Remove all that's on there
* Move our sample datasets to it
* Use this chance to clean up and revisit our data
* Move existing functions to separate scripts in other repos (they are still useful)
* Andrea expressed interest in [Moulder](https://github.com/fatiando/moulder), the 2D modelling code from the old `fatiando` package. Is anyone interested in trying to get this working on notebooks?
* There is probably nothing like this out there
* Needs to be updated to current UI packages
* Need the talwani code in Harmonica as a backend
* Advantage of notebooks:
* Can be run in a hub/binder
* Can be published as part of the notebook
* Decision:
* Nothing, really.
* The repo is there if anyone wants to give this a go.
* xrft can now be used to implement frequency domain processing in Harmonica
* A lot of demand for FFT based processing from users
* They are a popular part of the old `fatiando`
* Some of the filters we had there were much more sophisticated than other existing code
* Open issues for each filter that we want to implement
* Most functions would take few inputs
* Input space or frequency domain grids?
* Go with space domain for now
* If we find a use case for frequency domain, we can make separate functions and call them from the space domain ones
* Padding?
* Apply inside or outside the function?
* Inside is easier for users
* Can always do 0 padding if you want to do it yourself
* Start with no padding and then add the feature in future PRs/releases
* Decision:
* Create the issues for each filters that we want
* Start with ones we already had in `fatiando`
* Implement each filter without padding
* After we have them, then we start thinking about padding
* Should we record the meetings?
* Can be problematic if people are (rightfully) concerned about harassment
* Who's watching 1h of video?
* Never more than 40 views / video
* People can read the notes
* We can be better at taking notes
* Instead of recording:
* Yearly or twice yearly public meetings
* Just updates, no discussion
* Small demos of new features
* Informal and can invite people to non-recorded meetings
* No schedule for these, just do one when we accumulate releases
* Invite new contributors to show off or help with the notebook
* Fatiando Community Showcase! :tada:
* Decision:
* We won't record anymore (this is the last one)
* We will keep more complete notes for people who couldn't attend
* We may try Gather Town next time to see if it's a bit more engaging (not another Zoom call)
**Open pull requests that need attention**
* Pooch:
* Default logging behaviour: https://github.com/fatiando/pooch/pull/232
* Verde:
* Predict onto an existing xarray grid: https://github.com/fatiando/verde/pull/285
* Harmonica:
* Spherical cap and atmospheric corrections: https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/168
* Boule:
* Check if normal gravity is calculated inside: https://github.com/fatiando/boule/pull/83
* Unify ellipsoid classes: https://github.com/fatiando/boule/pull/77