# Campaign Mode Clipping **How do you give feedback?** You can discuss your thoughts on the [**L4DNation Discord**](https://discord.gg/SUb5aXUK6g), or if you would prefer you could contact Failzz (failzz#2940), Jacob (jcb#9679), or Tsuey (G-Force#7777) directly. You can also comment on this HackMD list. If you are unsure what to give feedback on you can simply state whether you would prefer more player freedom in Campaign mode. However, I would strongly suggest going through the list of proposed changes before forming an opinion. --- **How do I view the new clips?** Please run the game with `-dev` in your launch options, and use the `script ShowUpdate()` command in console to view the new clips, and `script HideUpdate()` to hide them. Tutorial on how to use the commands: {%youtube eKrOtGaLWAs %} --- **Why are we deciding to do this?** We tried to ensure that the clipping we added was not too restrictive during development, however we have been talking with players since TLS released about the clipping changes for Campaign mode. Based on the feedback we have received we feel that some of the changes are too restrictive for a casual gamemode. We want to look into potentially less restrictive ways of fixing these issues. Our main goal is to ensure all players are able to have fun playing L4D2! --- **What will stay fixed?** We will still be blocking off anything that could be seen as game breaking, or could be used to potentially ruin other players' experiences. We will only be removing clips that we deemed unnecessary. This includes redundant clips, clips that were only meant for versus mode, and clips we feel are too restrictive. However, we will be looking into alternative ways of fixing or deterring players from doing certain skips that does not involve blocking them completely. --- **Shouldn't skips be fixed though?** Contrary to what many people believe this is subjective. Not all developers fix skips and tricks that players figure out. This depends on how much freedom the player is intended to have, and in casual games it is generally fine to give the player more freedom to explore. In competitive PvP games these things are generally fixed though, which is why Versus mode is being handled differently. --- **What about griefers and rushers?** These are much bigger issues than just skips that players can do. Fixing skips with clipping is one way to approach this, but we want to look into alternative methods that are not as restrictive. Try to keep in mind that not all players who rush or use skips are griefers, and some of these people only play Singleplayer or Friends Only games. --- **What does Valve think about this?** We asked Kerry (Valve employee) about his thoughts on the rollercoaster skip on Dark Carnival. Here is a direct quote: > You're right, in non-competitive modes it's usually best to err on the side of letting people just have fun. I don't know for sure about the coaster - my guess is the LD intended for the survivors to play the coaster in full, but when the skip was discovered it wasn't considered to be an issue worth changing. If you're performing the skip, you're probably a pretty experienced player who has already played the map the "correct" way numerous times anyway. --- To keep yourself up to date on the latest changes being made check [**Tsuey's Github.**](https://github.com/Tsuey/L4D2-Community-Update) --- Below is the list of clips that we are proposing to make Versus exclusive. Commentary blockers will be changed in the future, but can be ignored for now. Primary focus is on the new clipping introduced in TLS update. - [ ] Blank checkboxes indicate the clip has not been changed. - [x] Marked checkboxes indicate the clip has been changed on the current release version of the game. - [ ] ~~clip_name_here~~ Crossed out names indicate we do not plan to change this clip at the current time (subject to change). You can ignore these for now. --- ## Dead Center - **Map 1:** - **Commentary blockers:** - [ ] Replace with versus only clip. [**Image**](https://i.imgur.com/TMHwGhl.jpg) - [ ] Needs to be redone and made to be versus only. [**Image**](https://imgur.com/a/qCxEK88) - [ ] Replace with versus only clip. [**Image**](https://i.imgur.com/9elsiZc.jpg) - **Map 2:** - [ ] ~~_booster_bridgestairsa~~ - [ ] ~~_booster_bridgestairsb~~ - [x] _booster_mallroof - **Map 3:** - **Commentary blockers:** - [ ] This blocker seems useless?? [**Image**](https://i.imgur.com/c9oyveN.jpg) - **Map 4:** - **Commentary blockers:** - [ ] NAV FIX. Unnecessary blocker. [**Image**](https://i.imgur.com/2E1yWe6.jpg) - [ ] _booster_cedaplastic - [ ] _booster_storefrontright - [ ] _booster_storefrontleft - [ ] _nav_ladyshoes - [ ] _booster_pillarclip ## Dark Carnival: - **Map 1:** - [ ] _booster_motelsign - [ ] _clipextend_umbrella1 - [ ] _clipextend_umbrella2 - [ ] _clipextend_umbrella3 - [ ] _clipextend_poolwalla - [ ] _clipextend_poolwallb - **Map 2:** - **Commentary blockers:** - [ ] _forklift_roof - Add clip to prevent players going OOB. [**Image**](https://imgur.com/2lJuxwB) - [ ] _nav_exitsign - [x] _booster_uppertracka - [x] _booster_uppertrackb - [x] _clipextend_carouselboost - [ ] ~~_cliprework_beanbinninga~~ - **Map 3:** - [x] _nav_extinguisher - [x] _chargerassist_container - [x] _shortcut_finally_done - [x] _cliprework_scaffnuke_skipa - [x] _cliprework_scaffnuke_skipb - [x] _cliprework_scaffnuke_skipc - [x] _cliprework_scaffnuke_skipd - [x] _shortcut_supportdropa - [x] _shortcut_supportdropb - [x] _booster_eventskip1 - [x] _booster_eventskip2 - [x] _shortcut_supports - [x] _shortcut_commonhopg - [x] _cliprework_roofa - [x] _cliprework_roofb - [x] _cliprework_sign - [ ] _cliprework_fourvents - [ ] _cliprework_shrubgap - [ ] _shortcut_commonhopa - [ ] _shortcut_commonhopb - [ ] _shortcut_commonhopc - [ ] _shortcut_commonhope - [ ] _shortcut_commonhopf - **Map 4:** - **Commentary blockers:** - [ ] Replace with a versus only clip. [**Image**](https://i.imgur.com/1Vauyfc.jpg) - [ ] _booster_barnbeam1 - [ ] _booster_barnbeam2 - [ ] _booster_barnbeam3 - [ ] _booster_barnbeam4 - [ ] _booster_barnbeam5 - [ ] _booster_barnbeam6 - [ ] _booster_barnbeam7 - [ ] _booster_barnbeam8 - [ ] _nav_eventfenceback - [ ] _booster_awning - **Map 5:** - [ ] _nav_duediligence - [x] _commentary_replace_01 - [ ] _cliprework_concertroofio - [ ] _booster_lightleft - [ ] _booster_lightright - [ ] _cliprework_concerposter ## Swamp Fever - **Map 1:** - [ ] _chargerassist_trainwheel - [x] _cliprework_jonesroof - [ ] _chargerassist_commonhop1 - [ ] _chargerassist_commonhop2 - [ ] _commonhop_coolingtank - [ ] _chargerassist_fenceladdy - **Map 2:** - **Commentary blockers:** - [ ] Remove entirely. [**Image**](https://imgur.com/a/R4W2R4G) - [ ] Replace with versus only infected clip. [**Image**](https://i.imgur.com/Ajjl3fA.jpg) - **Map 3:** - **Commentary blockers:** - [ ] Replace with versus only clip. [**Image**](https://i.imgur.com/QxGKEfQ.jpg) - **Map 4:** - **Commentary blockers:** - [ ] Replace with versus only clip [**Image**](https://i.imgur.com/oLsskjO.jpg) - [ ] _booster_scaffoldpins - [ ] _point_of_no_return - [ ] _commonhop_mansionroof - [ ] _booster_mansionroofa - [ ] _booster_mansionroofb - [ ] _booster_mansionroofc ## Hard Rain - **Map 1/4/5:** - **Commentary blockers:** - [ ] NAV FIX. Remove entirely. [**Image**](https://i.imgur.com/F3zFbx1.jpg) - [ ] _booster_ginnytop - [ ] _booster_ginnyjon - [ ] _woodwindow - [ ] _booster_gasextend - [ ] _point_of_no_return - [ ] _booster_burgertankpole - **Map 2/3:** - **Commentary blockers:** - [ ] Replace with versus only clip. [**Image**](https://i.imgur.com/LLQPt1t.jpg) - [ ] NAV FIX. Replace with versus only clip. [**Image**](https://i.imgur.com/z7ecrCA.jpg) - [ ] NAV FIX. Remove entirely. [**Image**](https://i.imgur.com/yZik5X1.jpg) - [ ] _commonhop_ducatelroof - [ ] _vent_roofa - [ ] _vent_roofb - Replace with 2 new clips. [**Image**](https://imgur.com/qnmgXnq) - [ ] _nav_rubblewalla - [ ] _nav_rubblewallb - [ ] _nav_silo_witch1 - [ ] _nav_silo_witch2 - [ ] _nav_silo_witch3 - [ ] _nav_silo_witch4 - [ ] _nav_silo_witch5 - [ ] _nav_silo_witch6 - [ ] ~~_canefield_conewoof_m2only~~ - [ ] ~~_canefield_coneroof_m2only~~ - [ ] _instakill_elevatora - [ ] _instakill_elevatorb - [ ] _instakill_elevatorc - Trigger fix needed. ## The Parish: - **Map 1:** - **Commentary blockers:** - [ ] _ledgehang_startfenceleft - [ ] _ledgehang_startfenceright - [ ] _nav_bienlamps - [ ] _nav_jukebox - [ ] _nav_outhouse - [ ] _cliprework_roofandwindows - [ ] _signhop_awning - **Map 2:** - **Commentary blockers:** - [ ] Replace with versus only clips. [**Image**](https://i.imgur.com/gmu4XvF.jpg) - [ ] ~~_cliprework_parkarchway~~ - [ ] _cliprework_anomalous - [ ] ~~_booster_escapegap~~ - [ ] _booster_watchtower_extend - [ ] _booster_busdepot_extend - [ ] _nav_electricalbox - **Map 3:** - **Commentary blockers:** - [ ] Replace with versus only clips. [**Image**](https://i.imgur.com/M0Ct4Ge.jpg) - [ ] NAV FIX. Remove entirely. [**Image**](https://imgur.com/a/sfKCf8o) - [ ] _commonhop_overpass - [ ] _cliprework_perchroof - [ ] _nav_brokenhome_highcorner - [ ] _commonhop_rooftop - NAV FIX. - [ ] _nav_opencrypt - [ ] _sewer_holea - [ ] _sewer_holeb - [ ] _sewer_holec - [ ] _sewer_holed - **Map 4:** - **Commentary blockers:** - [ ] _commonhop_fountain - **Map 5:** - [x] _bunnyhop_girder - [x] _solidify_girderright - [x] _solidify_girderleft - [x] _solidify_stuckwarp1 - [x] _solidify_stuckwarp2 - [x] _solidify_stuckwarp3 - [x] _solidify_stuckwarp4 - [x] _solidify_alt_girderright - [x] _solidify_alt_girderleft - [x] _solidify_alt_stuckwarp1 - [x] _solidify_alt_stuckwarp2 - [x] _solidify_alt_stuckwarp3 - [x] _solidify_alt_stuckwarp4 - [ ] _booster_sign - [ ] _booster_acunit - [ ] _booster_rollupdoor - [ ] _bunnyhop_fence - Alternative fix? Ladder/Prop? ## The Passing - **Map 1:** - **Commentary blockers:** - [ ] Remove entirely. [**Image**](https://i.imgur.com/NymRXIa.jpg) - [ ] Replace with versus only clip. [**Image**](https://i.imgur.com/cETw6ZU.jpg) - [ ] Replace with versus only clips. [**Image**](https://imgur.com/a/28uEDLQ) - [ ] _commonhop_awning - [ ] _cliprework_emptylargerooms - Clip only the right room, and remove props from left room. - [x] _fence_onea - [x] _fence_oneb - [x] _fence_two - [ ] _booster_clipextend_mid - [ ] _cliprework_endfence - [ ] _commonhop_windows - [ ] _cliprework_endwindows2 - [ ] _cliprework_endwindows3 - [ ] _commonhop_busb - Redundant. - **Map 2:** - [ ] _cliphang_rooftop - [ ] _booster_awninglights - [ ] _booster_bluestripes - [ ] _booster_balcony2 - [ ] _booster_dualwindows - [ ] ~~_booster_balcony6~~ - [ ] _booster_balcony7 - **Map 3:** - [ ] _booster_signalboxes - [ ] _booster_tent - [ ] _booster_streetlamp - [ ] _booster_itwasatriumph - [ ] _booster_bridgeb - Redundant. - [ ] _booster_fencefinish - [ ] _booster_lighta - [ ] _booster_light_dual - [ ] _booster_for_lease - [ ] _clip_booster_elecwiresd - [ ] ~~_clip_booster_windows~~ - [ ] _booster_lightb - [ ] _booster_signalboxes - [ ] _booster_elecwiresb - [ ] _booster_lightc - [ ] _booster_generator_side ## The Sacrifice - **Map 1:** - [ ] _clipextend_arena_fence1 - [ ] _cliprework_ventshafts - [ ] _commonhop_endwindows - **Map 2:** - **Commentary blockers:** - [ ] Replace with versus only clip. [**Image**](https://i.imgur.com/D04AEHQ.jpg) - [ ] _booster_yawningman - [ ] _booster_littleroof - [ ] _nav_windowrecess - [ ] _booster_cementlips - [ ] _booster_fenceledge - **Map 3:** - [ ] _booster_tent - [ ] _booster_streetlamp - [ ] _booster_spaaaaaace - [ ] _booster_bridge_TMP2 - Redundant. - [ ] _booster_elecwiresbad - [ ] _booster_skylight_c7only - [ ] _booster_windows - [ ] _booster_generator_side - [ ] _booster_fireescape - [ ] _solidify_girdershorter - Redundant. ## No Mercy - **Map 1:** - [ ] _cliprework_rooftop05 - [ ] _cliprework_rooftop02 - [ ] _cliprework_rooftop03 - [ ] _commonhop_electricalbox - [ ] _cliprework_subwayupper - [ ] _cliprework_subwayledge - [ ] _truckjump_window - [ ] _booster_windows - **Map 2:** - **Commentary blockers:** - [ ] Remove entirely. [**Image**](https://i.imgur.com/ZXc12Ar.jpg) - [ ] Replace with versus only clip. [**Image**](https://i.imgur.com/KaFu7pV.jpg) - [ ] Replace with versus only clip. [**Image**](https://i.imgur.com/XRe2gtb.jpg) - [ ] Replace with versus only clip. [**Image**](https://i.imgur.com/OriCGgE.jpg) - [x] _subwaymount_in - [x] _subwaymount_out - [ ] _nav_tankjukepipes - [ ] _booster_pipe - **Map 3:** - [x] _commonhop_trimescape - [x] _window_ricky - [ ] _filecabinet_hole - **Map 4:** - [ ] _nav_elevatorbutton ## Crash Course - **Map 1:** - [x] _allmodes_griefrooma - [x] _allmodes_griefroomb - [ ] _booster_trafficlighta - [ ] _booster_trafficlightb - [ ] _booster_trafficlightc - [ ] _booster_trafficlightd - [ ] _booster_enginecar - [ ] _booster_brokenframe - [ ] _booster_acunit - [ ] _booster_rentsign - [ ] _cliprework_noladders - [ ] _commonhop_window - **Map 2:** - [ ] _nav_jump_semitrailer - [ ] _nav_jump_cargowindow - [ ] _point_of_no_return - [ ] _booster_rollupdoor - [ ] _booster_rollupdoors - [ ] _booster_boxtop ## Death Toll - **Map 2:** - [ ] _nav_cisetern_highpipe1 - [ ] _nav_cisetern_highpipe2 - [ ] _nav_cisetern_highpipe3 - [ ] _nav_cistern_angpipe1 - [ ] _nav_cistern_angpipe2 - [ ] _nav_cistern_angpipe3 - [ ] _nav_cistern_angpipe4 - [ ] _nav_cistern_angpipe5 - [ ] _commonhop_cisterntunnela - [ ] _commonhop_cisterntunnelb - [ ] _chargerassist_footlocker - [ ] _chargerassist_eventbutton - [x] _commonhop_pipe - [x] _cliprework_commonhop - [x] _bunnyhop_endwindow - [ ] _ledgehang_endsaferoof - [ ] _nav_electricalbox - **Map 3:** - [ ] ~~_cliprework_watchtower~~ - [x] _cliprework_smokertrolling - [ ] _cliprework_churchwindows - [ ] _chargerassist_brokenwall - **Map 4:** - [x] _cliprework_eventskip1 - [x] _cliprework_eventskip2 - [x] _cliprework_eventskip3 - [x] _cliprework_eventskip4 - [ ] _cliprework_awning - [ ] _cliprework_balcony - [ ] _cliprework_windows - [ ] _cliprework_electricalbox - **Map 5:** - **Commentary blockers:** ## Dead Air - **Map 1:** - [x] _commonhop_greenhouse - [x] _cliprework_endpassage - [ ] _ladderqol_electricalbox - [ ] _oddhang_electricalbox - **Map 2:** - [x] _finalstreet_trighurta - [x] _finalstreet_trighurtb - [x] _finalstreet_trighurtc - **Map 3:** - [x] _bunnyhop_windows - [x] _booster_windows - [ ] ~~_nav_constructwin~~ - **Map 4:** - [ ] ~~_conveyorvent_upper~~ - [ ] ~~_conveyorvent_lower~~ - **Map 5:** - [ ] _nav_firering_cheese ## Blood Harvest - **Map 1:** - [x] _nav_quarrybeams - **Map 2:** - [ ] _nav_eventlight1 - [ ] _nav_eventlight2 - **Map 3:** - [ ] _nav_bridgecollapsea - [ ] _nav_bridgecollapseb - [ ] _bridge_dynamic_clip - **Map 4:** - [x] _shortcut_warehouse - [x] _commonhop_traintruss - [ ] _cliprework_pullcharge - Redundant. - **Map 5:** - [ ] ~~_booster_barnroof~~ - [ ] ~~_cooponly_idle_warp~~ - [ ] _point_of_no_return - [ ] _booster_haybarn - [ ] _clip_anomaly - [ ] _clip_anomaly_ugh ## Cold Stream - **Map 3:** - [x] _shortcut_tanker - [x] _watercushion_trigonce - [x] _watercushion_trighurt - **Map 4:** - [ ] _cliprework_endbooster