Week 2 Tony Lomax - TypeScript Week 3 Evgeny Pletnev - Your first month as a Junior Dev Week 4 Antonio Yankey - Transitioning Bootcamp to the Workplace, remote Week 5 Anni Rowland Campbell - Intro to Web Science Week 6 Dragomir Ceban - Cloud Introduction, remote Week 7 - NO SPEAKER Week 8 - Georgia Shaw - Experiences in coding Week 9 - Oli Jones - Working with a large codebase Week 10 - Joe Friel - Project Managment Week 11 - Vatsal Kanoria - Functional Programmming and Haskell ## Feedback - Don't have two of the same or similar talks one after the other - Less presentations, more interactivity - Better if speakers come in to the space in person - Talks where people intro us to new/different languages are the best - Less talks about what to expect in the workplace..or bookend them so you have them at the start and the end - Relevant speakers to the coming weeks topic ## Suggestions for next term - do them all in person - Week 4 have someone give an intro to Figma ### Keep - TypeScript (Tony) - Cloud computing (Ayub) - Functional/Haskell (Vatsal?) - Large code bases (Oli J) - Project mgmt (Joe F, Week 6) - Working in a company (Week 11, Evgeny) - Workplace discrimination (Georgia)? - ### Add back - React Native, Jo - Freelancing, ### Introduce - Generative AI (Bes or Izaak) - Python - figma intro in Week 4 - GraphQL (Miah?), perhaps - Open AI API (FAC27)?