# How to run Laravel on AWS The issue we encountered was that we would like to do `git fetch` on EC2, which Bonny-Live is hosted, by using terminal. But it didn't work. Because of that the config of git in the **BonnyFront** project directed to the old repository [BonnyAdmin](https://github.com/BONNY888/BonnyAdmin), it should be directed to [BonnyFront](https://github.com/BONNY888/BonnyFront). The path of the config on the EC2 server is as follows, `/var/www/html/BonnyFront` ## How I resolve the issue I changed the file folder name from >BonnyFront > to the >BonnyFront_20190902 > Then I gloned the progam from the [BonnyFront](https://github.com/BONNY888/BonnyFront). Therefore, there's a **new** >BonnyFront > ### Others need to be set up First, it needs to copy the .env from the original file folder `cp /var/www/html/Bonny_20190902/.env .` Then run `composer install` However, there's no **composer** on the server. You need to install **composer** following the steps. `cd ~` `sudo curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | sudo php` `sudo mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer` `sudo ln -s /usr/local/bin/composer /usr/bin/composer` then you can run `sudo composer install` This is referenced to https://gist.github.com/asugai/6694502 The rest of steps are `https://gist.github.com/asugai/6694502` `chmod 755 -R BonnyFront` `chmod -R 777 storage/` Now, the Bonny-Live come to alive.