###### tags: `個經` `110-1` # 個經CH01 - Analyzing Economic Problems ## Three key Analytial tools ### Constrained optimization > Do more with less Find the objective function --- $happy = 2*play time - studytime$ $2*play - study$ -> **Objective function** subject to : $playtime + studytime \le 24hours$ -> **Constraint** --- ### Equilibrium: Analysis Equilibrium: The state or condition that will continue indefinitely as long as exogenous factors remain unchanged. 供給和需求拉扯下得到的結果 ### Comparative statics > How a change in exogenous variable will affect endogenous. 因為薪資或外在因素使需求、供給整條移動 ## Positive and Normative Analysis ### Positive Analysis - 客觀的分析 Explain a fact: What has happened? What is happening? ### Normative Analysis - 主觀的分析 Judge a fact: What should be done? > Usually contain: should, needs better... [CH02](/70AU7pEXTjq_9N7zY6CtHw)