<h1> How Common Are Seizures During Alcohol Withdrawal </h1> Sometimes drinking once in a blue moon can relax your mind. You can give yourself treats at parties and get together occasionally. But do you know what happens when it becomes your regular habit? You may see that it starts taking a toll on your overall health, and you may suffer professionally in a relationship. Noticing the damage to yourself, one day, you may have to take the brave step to give up alcoholism. Do you know that many people wish to stop the addiction but cannot take action due to the fear of withdrawal symptoms and seizures arising from withdrawals? <h2>Why do alcohol withdrawal seizures occur?</h2> Not everyone gets <a href="https://journeyhillside.com/what-causes-alcohol-withdrawal-seizures/ ">alcohol withdrawal seizures </a>. It solely depends upon the frequency of your liquor intake. If you are a binge drinker, you can get seizures, but only 10% of people get them. Alcohol affects the brain receptors and makes the entire nervous system slow. When you drink in large amounts, the brain's normal functioning collapses, leading to seizures. Seizures may also occur in those who do not binge drink but have certain medical conditions. If you also presume that people at an older age get seizures, then change your thought. Even young people who drink abruptly above the threshold are more likely to get seizures. <h2>Risk factors for alcohol withdrawal seizures</h2> Although alcohol withdrawal seizures are the rarest, there are certain risk factors to know who is more prone to them. <h3>Undergoing the withdrawal process again and again</h3> Sobriety is a lifelong process, and there are high chances of relapse even after a full recovery. You will have a situation where you relapse, have an alcohol craving, and start abusing alcohol in large quantities. As a result, you must undergo detoxification every time you relapse. The more you go through the withdrawal process, the higher chances you get seizures. You have to take special care when you have had seizures in the past. If you got the seizures during the previous alcohol withdrawals, there is a high possibility that you will again get seizures. <h3>Abusing multiple drugs</h3> Multiple drugs are available these days that relax the mind and body; consequently, you may quickly develop an addiction to those drugs. But unfortunately, you may not know that mixing two drugs can be lethal for you, and in many cases, it can take away your life. So, don't blindly mix two or more drugs. If you take different drug combinations, you may get seizures quickly. <h3>Presence of different health issues</h3> If you have epilepsy or diabetes, the road to sobriety may not be easy for you. If you have epilepsy, then there are high chances that you will get seizures even if you are not drinking heavily. Even a mediocre drink can make your life more challenging. If you have diabetes, then think before binge drinking. A large amount of alcohol can lower the blood sugar level quickly. The dangerously low sugar can lead to seizures which require immediate medical attention. <h2>Conclusion</h2> [Alcohol withdrawal seizures](https://journeyhillside.com/what-causes-alcohol-withdrawal-seizures/ ) are not expected. Rarely, you may get episodes during alcohol withdrawals. Sometimes, you may get mild symptoms that may resolve with time without any medical interventions. But that doesn't mean that you take alcohol withdrawals for granted. The withdrawal process needs to be done under the strict supervision of medical professionals as there is a sudden onset of unpleasant symptoms.