# Favorite Ethereum Links 1. https://cryptofees.info/ * Shows how many fees Ethereum generates based. * Notice how many dapps have more revenue than other chains! 2. https://coingecko.com * Marketcap & Coin Price Reviewing 3. Defi exploration apps: * https://defipulse.com/ * https://defillama.com/ * See samples of sites below 4. https://ratiogang.com/ * Shows the ETH/BTC ratio of market caps * Ethereum will "flip" Bitcoin at the "flippening", roughly 0.155 5. https://ethmerge.com/ * Explains the eth merge from proof-of-work to proof-of-stake. Former "eth2" merge but has been renamed. 6. https://btconethereum.com/ * See how many BTC have been tokenized on Ethereum * I think the USD site is broken now: https://usdonethereum.com/ 7. https://l2beat.com/ * See how much money is locked into Ethereum L2s * See the pros & cons for each L2 technology 8. https://ethtps.info * For EVM-related chains, see the transactions-per-second (TPS) of the chains. * This covers sidechains, L2s, and some other L1s. # Favorite Ethereum Articles 1. https://thedailygwei.substack.com/p/this-is-eip-1559-the-daily-gwei-300 * EIP-1559 is the feature of Ethereum where some gas used in each transaction is burned. * This will make Ethereum deflationary over time. * More info about EIP1559: https://twitter.com/Pentosh1/status/1418303063752953861 2. https://thedefiant.substack.com/p/ether-is-the-best-model-for-money * One of the best articles talking about ethereum's ether * Discusses ether being a "triple point asset" * Capital Asset - Productive assets that enable cash flow * Consumable/Transferable Asset - Used as gas for transcation costs * Store of Value Asset - Hard to produce, scarce, desirable 3. https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/my0h9s/opinion_rollups_are_4th_gen_blockchains/ * Explains the three layers of blockchain: * Data * Execution * Consensus * Proof of Stake is merely a change to the consensus layer. 4. https://www.gemini.com/cryptopedia/blockchain-trilemma-decentralization-scalability-definition * Information on the blockchain trilemma * Security * Decentralization * Scalability * Other base L1 chains sacrifice one of these dimensions to be "better" than Ethereum. Typically on the Decentralized dimension * Also see: https://vitalik.ca/general/2021/04/07/sharding.html 5. https://twitter.com/LordTylerWard/status/1307798005274349568 * Good "hopium" about the valuation of ethereum going up 6. https://www.notonlyowner.com/learn/what-happens-when-you-send-one-dai * What happens when you send one dai # Newsletters I recommend 1. https://thedefiant.substack.com/ * ~Daily articles about mainly Ethereum but other crypto chains as well. This network also has YouTube videos. 2. https://weekinethereum.substack.com/ * Very technical Ethereum newletter but I always learn something! 3. https://www.coingecko.com/ * By signing up for an account you get a daily newsletter with a couple newsworthy tid-bits in it. Nothing deep. 4. https://ournetwork.substack.com/ * Not specific to Ethereum but weekly (on Friday) newsletter on different crypto networks 5. https://inside.com/cryptocurrency * Daily newsletter with news. Not the most accurate or deep but I learn something typically. 6. https://yieldfarmer.substack.com/ * Weekly newsletter with lots of degenerate (degen) opportunities but with a good finger on the pulse of what's new/hot/etc. * I learned about Ribbon via this newsletter # Daily news sites 1. http://www.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/about/sticky * Daily thread of one of highest signal/noise ratios on the web about Ethereum and crypto in general. # Great Technical Blogs 1. https://vitalik.ca/ * Blog of [Vitalik Buterin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vitalik_Buterin), founder of Ethereum * Voice of reason in the cryptoworld * Has done more good for the world in 10 years than many men do in lifetimes * Hopefully wins Nobel Prize someday 2. https://tokenomicsexplained.com/ * Blog by [/u/LogrisTheBard](https://www.reddit.com/user/LogrisTheBard) * Explains many financial models and P/E of tokens * Explains some game theory of governance * Very respected user of /r/ethfinance 3. https://polynya.medium.com/ * Blog by [/u/Liberosist](https://www.reddit.com/user/Liberosist) and [polynya](https://twitter.com/epolynya) * (Anonymous blogger who uses they/them pronouns) * Explains roll-ups and blockchain layers * Very technical writing that explains _why_ the model of Ethereum will scale and if Ethereum is wrong _why_ they will change to support that model # Individual DeFi Crypto dApps I've used (Yield Generating) ### Impermax * https://arbitrum.impermax.finance/ * Arbitrum single-sided LP liquidity * I've been able to deposit ETH and get somewhere between 4-20% APR * (2021/12/05) I still recommend this. ### Ribbon Finance * https://app.ribbon.finance/ * Using out-of-the-money options to collect premiums for yield * I've been able to deposit ETH and get somewhere between 7-20% APR * (2021/12/05) I still recommend this. ### Tokemak * https://www.tokemak.xyz/dashboard * Another single-sided liqudity provider * I've been able to deposit ETH and get about 7% APR * (2021/12/05) I still recommend this. ### Badger DAO * https://app.badger.com/ * I was airdropped BADGER and DIGG tokens. * I did single-sided staking and still have them staked but they are probably gas locked at this point. * (2021/12/05) I do not recommend this. ### Stake DAO * https://stakedao.org/ * Knock-off of a yearn-style site. * I was airdropped SDT and so I am single-sided staking at roughly 25% APR. * (2021/12/05) I do not recommend this. # Individual Noteworthy DeFi Crypto dApps ### Yearn Finance * https://yearn.fi/ * Single sided token yield generator * Think of this as savings account on steroids. * You can see the different strategies used on each token via the site above. ### Alchemix * https://alchemix.fi/ * Self-paying loans. * Deposit dai or eth and get back alDai or alEth which can be converted back to dai/eth or any other token * Alchemix then takes your deposits and generates yield via yearn and pays back your loan * Your loan cannot be liquidated. ### Defi swap * https://defillama.com/protocols/dexes * Uniswap * https://app.uniswap.org/ * The OG. Received a grant from Ethereum Foundation to start up and has been copied hundreds of times across chains * Focuses on non-like tokens but is very capital efficient in Uniswap V3 * Sushiswap * https://sushi.com/ * Fork of Uniswap that did a "Vampire attack" to drain liquidity. Actually distributes some trading revenue back to token holders. * Curve * https://curve.fi/ * Speciality swap for similar tokens (e.g. dai<->usdt<->usdc) or (wbtc<->sbtc<-renbtc) with very little spread # Ethereum vs Bitcoin Metrics Comparing transactions and other metrics: https://coinmetrics.io/charts/#assets=btc,eth_left=FeeMeanUSD_zoom=1413084609729.7295,1600732800000 * Meaningful metrics that BTC has over ETH: * Total value transferred - due to UTXO vs account model * Address usage - due to UTXO vs account model * Price per coin - there are roughly ~6 times as many ETH as BTC (~118.0M ETH vs ~18.8M) * Market cap - Most meaningful one UTXO vs Account * https://hackernoon.com/bitcoin-utxo-vs-ethereums-account-based-blockchain-transactions-explained-simply-164x37f5 * https://jcliff.medium.com/intro-to-blockchain-utxo-vs-account-based-89b9a01cd4f5 # Ethereum gas information ### Favorite gas price trackers https://etherchain.org/tools/gasnow https://etherscan.io/gastracker https://ethgasstation.info/ https://ethgas.watch/ ### Info about what gas is https://www.blocknative.com/blog/eip-1559-fees https://notes.ethereum.org/@vbuterin/eip-1559-faq (Super technical from Vitalik) https://hackernoon.com/what-the-heck-is-eip-1559-1fm33uz ### Why is it called EIP-1559? Ethereum has had gas / fee market since inception. What people found though was that 2 fold: * everyone was overpaying due to the fee market * miners had ultimate control over prices paid and could also mine free transactions leading TLDR: [EIP-1559](https://github.com/ethereum/EIPs/blob/master/EIPS/eip-1559.md) fixes this by making the network fee self-aware of a "BASE FEE" and burning that base fee. All transactions & miners are required to spend that base fee. This captures value on the ETH token. Pre-merge Ethereum will be deflationary (burn more eth than eth created per block) when gas is 135 gwei. Post-merge Ethereum will be deflationary around 15 gwei, until eth price & demand level out. #### Deflationary? This is where the "ultrasound" meme comes from. E.g. if Bitcoin is "sound money" because it's predictable and fixed cap, but always going up, Ethereum is "ultrasound" because it is no longer only inflationary but also deflationary. See long article & video: https://newsletter.banklesshq.com/p/ultra-sound-money- Watch the eth burning here: https://ultrasound.money/ https://etherchain.org/burn https://ethburned.info/ https://carbono.com/deflationary-blocks/ EIP-1559 went live Aug 5, 2021. Ethereum's first deflationary day: Sept 3, 2021: https://u.today/ethereum-recently-had-its-first-deflationary-day-heres-what-it-means Ethereum's first deflationary week: ~Oct 31, 2021: https://twitter.com/evan_van_ness/status/1454890175805394946 # Unorganized links https://ethleaderboard.xyz/ https://nftcharts.io/ https://consensys.net/blog/news/the-state-of-the-merge-an-update-on-ethereums-merge-to-proof-of-stake-in-2022/ ![Pre vs Post Merge Block layout](https://cdn-staging.consensys.net/uploads/2021/12/14200006/Screen-Shot-2021-12-14-at-2.59.56-PM.png) 2022 Prediction Thread: https://twitter.com/adamscochran/status/1476652328736342023 Unrolled Part 1: https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1476652328736342023 Unrolled Part 2: https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1476651883871674371 Post about liquidity options for DAOs: https://www.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/ruulob/daily_general_discussion_january_3_2022/hr54k6l https://twitter.com/austingriffith/status/1478760479275175940 L2 cheatsheet. Bridges. Onboarding. Chains. https://mirror.xyz/ethmaxitard.eth/iyCAlOexgQKOvoSAAk4utYGEdnESOKb5HstM2_LaqL4 20+ ways NFTs are going to be used in the coming years https://twitter.com/DCLBlogger/status/1304420025449631744 why interacting with a pow fork when eth switched to pos may be dangerous https://www.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/wi7icu/comment/ijbza54/ https://www.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/wgiabm/the_risks_of_interacting_with_prospective_pow/