--- tags: PGY1, pps, anes --- # Regional Anesthesia ## Spinal/Epidural Anesthesia :::danger **Contraindications:** Allergy to LA, :arrow_up: ICP ::: ## Neuraxial anatomy - Spinal cord extends from skull base -> L2 - Dural sac extends from skull base -> S2 **Midline approach** - skin :arrow_right: subQ :arrow_right: supraspinous ligament :arrow_right: ligamentum flavum :arrow_right: *epidural space* :warning: dura mater :warning: subdural space :warning: arachnoid mater :warning: intrathecal space ![](https://i.imgur.com/LXXaDut.jpg) :::info T4 = Nipples T10 = Umbilicus T7-8 = Inferior edge of scapula L4-5 = Iliac crest ::: ## Dermatomes **Thoracic Dermatomes** ![](https://i.imgur.com/LXXaDut.jpg) **Lower Extremity** ![](https://i.imgur.com/5gHjs1B.jpg)