# #I2We20
## We need to grow from `I` to `We` in 2020
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## :bulb: Idea
I came up with this idea when I realized:
> The globally **failing *economic*, *political* and *social institutions*** induce bottom-up collaborations, because fixing our problems from above **does not provide lasting solutions** to our needs anymore.
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## :deciduous_tree: Permaculture
The *"science of nature"* reveals the patterns for any kind of sustainable system development.
> It is time to apply *nature's ethics* (**people care**, **earth care** and **fair-share**) to have effective IT solutions available to every **independent collaborative community** on the planet.
## :globe_with_meridians: What is unresolved
… is the **efficient allocation of resources**, or intra-community resource management, as communities lack technology to *collect*, *process*, and *share* their available resources, as well as the resources in need.
## :hammer_and_wrench:<br> *Community Network Resource Mapping*<br>(*CoNeReM*)
*Community Network Resource Mapping* software provides a big picture of the **supply**, **support**, and **aid** capacity and needs of a community, to support effective and efficient **collaboration**.
This project provides an **effective solution** to the lack of resources mostly **in emergency cases**.
### Benefits
1. **Open access to resources** available in the community.
2. **Deploying resources** as **efficiently** and effectively as possible, **reducing waste** and **increasing utilization**.
3. Providing a big picture of the **capacity** to **prevent unnecessary actions** and **support collaboration**.
4. Increasing **social cohesion** by providing planned resource deployment.
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## :heavy_check_mark: Features
It is a **bottom-up resource mapping solution** done in an *independent* and *collaborative* way, with *anonymous data collection* and *secure information management*, which are key roles today! We are developing a **highly customizable open-source toolkit** for this.
It is a unique solution because of the use of *agile Sociocybernetic methods*, like highly customizable polls and data processing algorithms.
## :handshake: Call to Action
Join the *CoNeReM* app to map out your **community needs** and **available resources**. These can be any **supply**, **support**, and **aid** needed to support effective **collaboration**, especially relevant in [*cases of emergency*](https://www.ecosia.org/search?q=global%20pandemic).
## :loudspeaker: It is our undisguised intention to
1. spread the *bottom-up approach* of problem-solving,
2. provide an open-source toolkit to communities, and
3. have more data [collected](https://forms.gle/Ma92PzQWP2asmfNu6) to uncover real needs and induce real solutions.
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*[resource]: a source of supply, support, or aid, especially one that can be readily drawn upon when needed.
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