How to Follow ============= Simply click on the "Follow" button. ![]( =200x) You can follow from an individual user's or team's profile. ![]( =300x) You can also follow from view mode, or from the author's profile card. What Happens When You Follow? ============================= - You will receive notifications when a user or team publishes a new post. - You will also receive notifications when there are new comments on an post by a user or team you're following. Where Will I Receive Notifications? =================================== All notifications will appear in the "Notification Center," under the "Network" category. ![]( When someone follows you, check out their profile and consider following them back! Let's make HackMD a great place to share knowledge together. How to unfollow? ================ Click "Following" and then click "Unfollow". ![]( =300x) How do I (or my team) manage my privacy settings about who can see my followers and who is following me? =================================================== ![]( 1. Go to worksapce Settings → Network. 2. Manage these two visibilities in the Privacy section: - **HackMD users**: other signed-in HackMD users will be able to see who you are following. - **Anyone**: anyone can see who you are following, whether they are signed-in or not. - **Only me**: only you can see who you follow. :::info Teams do not have "Who can see who I follow" setting because they cannot follow users. ::: How do I manage who I follow and who follows me? ------------------------------------------------ From the workspace Settings → Network, click on "Open following list" or "Open followers list". :::info Teams do not have "Open following list" button because they cannot follow users. ::: How can the Follow feature do for me? ==================================== - **Stay connected with fans or members of your communities**: invite people who are interested in your work to follow you on HackMD. Your followers will receive notifications when you publish new posts. - **Follow the teams you are responsible for**: Receive notifications when someone comments on notes published by your team, so you don't miss any comments.