# title: How to import from/export to Arweave
tags: tutorial
# How to import from/export to Arweave
Export to Arweave makes your contents permanently accessible to everyone.
Arweave utilizes blockchain technologies and provides permanent storage at a reasonable price.
You may like to export the note to Arweave when you would like the notes to be immutable and be hosted on a different network accessible to everyone.
:bulb: Consider exporting to Arweave when publishing sensitive, controversial, or anything not intended for anyone, including yourself, to change.
You can also import notes that you have exported from HackMD to Arweave.
:exclamation: HackMD only supports export to and import from Arweave from a desktop due to the complicated steps.
## Install ArConnect
ArConnect is a browser extension and supports common browsers. Please [download ArConnect](https://www.arconnect.io/) from its offical website.
After installation, let's load the wallet we got from the previous step.
### Load wallet in ArConnect
1. After installation, open the ArConnect extension kit from the browser. If you have never used ArConnect before, please click `Get me started` and complete the process. You will get the seedphrase, please remember it.

2. If you have already registered, please click `I have a wallet` to enter the set password, and then enter the seedphrase to encrypt your wallet. After entering, press ``Next ->``.
3. Log into your Arweave wallet through the extension.

4. After loading the wallet file, ArConnect would be like the screenshot:

Now you are ready to export to or import from Arweave.
# Export to Arweave
1. From Menu, select export to Arweave:

2. You will see this message if you haven't logged into, or haven't loaded an Arweave wallet in ArConnect. Please do so before proceed.

3. Click `Export to Arweave`

4. Done.

#### Notes
- HackMD has transferred the content of the note to Arweave network once the export is successful. However, it will take some more time, depending on the transaction amount at the moment, before the content is technically "on chain," for it must go through validation and other processes.
- If you'd like to inspect the content on the Arweave network, you will have to get the transaction hash, which can be copied from the export modal or on the share page.
# Import to Arweave
1. From Menu, select import from Arweave:

2. Paste the has and click `Import`.

#### :bulb: Where can I get the transaction hash?
1. At the export success modal, click the hash. This link takes you to a page at Viewblock.io, where you can inspect the detail of this transaction:

#### Note: it may take longer than 10 minutes before the data is available at Viewblock.io.
2. From the bottom of the share page.
3. From ArConnect. Every transaction handled by ArConnect are listed in the `Transactions` tab:
