# Preparing Personium Environment Refer to [Personium Engineer Skill Set](https://hackmd.io/@dixonsiu/Personium-Engineer-Skill-Set) for what skills are needed to deliver Personium as a persondal data store (PDS) solution. ## Overview Normally it will take unexperienced personnel 13 days to **build and configure, and fine tune** a Personium Unit. The following is a rough estimations of man-day. 1. Install, configure & debug Personium Unit (3-tier) on AWS/Azure – (10 man-days) 2. Install necessary apps and scripts for demo – (3 man-days) ## Prerequisites Perform the followings before constrcting the Personium Unit. 1. Read through the following materials carefully. - [Getting started](https://personium.io/docs/en/getting-started/README/) - [For development or small PoC](https://personium.io/docs/en/getting-started/setup-unit/) - [For production](https://personium.io/docs/en/server-operator/README/) 1. Get a Domain name (FQDN) and DNS service. Configure the DNS record according to the [Personium specific requirements](https://github.com/personium/ansible/blob/develop/DNS_Setup_for_per-cell_url.md). 1. Get a proper SSL Certificate (or follow the building procedures to get a Let's Encrypt) 1. Prepare a AWS or Azure server or datacenter server MUST be globally accessible.